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Everything posted by PrincessEnnui

  1. Oh Mad Man, I've watched so few episodes, I am almost embarrassed to post this. I can not stand Peggy either. Dumb as a box of hair. Judgmental and snide. Ugh. I hate Megan too. Horrible creature! [/M'aiq the Liar]
  2. *waves at Sandman* I remember reading your posts over on TWoP. I also remember we had similar tastes in shows. Hope you are (or were) able to find gainful employment. I am going through similar circumstances.
  3. Did they jump? I thought the plan called for them to be lowered, like the bait. How quickly I forget the details. :)
  4. On tonight's episode, Armin seems to regain his senses and manages to deliver himself, Mikasa and Connie to HQ. Along with them, the titan that fights other titans. From there, Armin further proves his worth by coming up with a plan to back the supplies. Meanwhile, the rampaging titan is revealed to be Eren! Reiner coming up with the weak spot joke is line of the night for me. That Connie and Sasha believed him, only for Jean to rebut him... Also, Moe Titan, the titan Sasha was supposed to kill, returns! And is killed. Poor Sasha, at least Connie messed up with her. Speaking of, the scene where they enact Armin's second plan is in the opening! I really enjoy the ladies on this show. They're all capable, some less so than others, but still...
  5. Some months ago, I was taking the bus home from work and this guy's phone rang. All of a sudden, "It Wasn't Me" was blasting as his ringtone and everyone laughed. Gotta agree with Aradia, the Muses were awesome. I have Zero to Hero and Gospel Truth on my MP3 player. I am not ashamed. :)
  6. C'mon, funandfit, share your joy and embarrassment! I got started on a youtube playlist for this topic. I am not finished with it yet. But I think its cool how diverse unique it is. I am not even half way through the responses yet. I'll post the playlist later.
  7. Probably. I am no expert and its been a long time since any foreign language class that wasn't Japanese. :)
  8. That commercial got my attention too. But because it was in Spanish! My first thought was xenos must hate this commercial. Then I noticed the woman. XD I wonder if its on Sociological Images yet. They are running it into the ground.
  9. I'd like to listen to this list. We should make one with all these songs on it on Youtube. :)
  10. You would say...the resemblance is... uncanny, no? YYYEEEEEAAAAHHHH! [/lame pun]
  11. Olivia Benson from Law and Order: SVU is the dumbest detective I've ever seen. I can't even put how much I hate her into writing. She's the biggest hypocrite! I can't stand the fawning of males on her and I can't stand her attitude for the mentally ill. She will railroad someone because of thought crimes and legal loopholes, but people who enact well thought out, malicious revenge plots a A-Okay depending on her judgement of their reason. There's a reason I call it Special Vigilantes Units. Not even Mariska Hargitay turn on Power Rangers Turbo can make me like anything about this character.
  12. Well, the father did come back and visit. I noticed upon re-watch that when he left in the first episode he had the key. When Eren, Mikasa and Armin are refugees, Eren has the key and the nightmare.
  13. True, my perception of time is a bit skewed, but look how quickly the trainees were prepped and ready and then deployed. At least three dozen trainees beat three experienced people to the battlefield.
  14. Not really. I think in this episode or the last, one of the characters said a veteran squad was wiped out completely. Also, there was at least one case of a leader straight up abandoning his duties (the supply squadron). I'd like to know where the old general guy was during all this. Last time we saw him, he was headed off to that battlefield. There's a lot going on in this society and military then we know about. I actually think that Mikasa motivation is well defined. She's clinging to Eren who saved her twice. Once when he killed her kidnappers and once when he accepted her as sister. She's literally trying to figure out what to do after losing her family twice, especially given that she was now weaponless and low on fuel. Just know that Eren has been challenging her motivation since like episode 2. :)
  15. Hey! Queen can not be a guilty pleasure! I don't want to know someone who doesn't like a Queen song. I've got 3 of their songs on mp3 player even though it violates my radio rule (song can't be heard on regular radio frequently). XD
  16. I don't think Wolverine is as popular as the writers think he is. How many other fictional characters have we seen draw damn near X-Pac heat from the audience and still suck up screentime? One of my coworkers really liked Wolverine and I... Well, let's just say I didn't. :)
  17. I am really pissed that Toonami decided to restart the series, when the anime was going to open up a bit. I kinda do miss the infamous filler arcs and such. Hey, some of them are good! The Menma(sp?) was a good one. Also, the one that ended up being a scavenger hunt for undetonated explosives. *sigh* I can think of more fan fics I like than moments on the show I enjoyed. Naruto is the poster child for "what could have been."
  18. On tonight's AoT Mikasa gives a rousing speech to the remaining members of the 104th Training Corps. It's all bravado though and she's really just looking for a way out. Much like Armin and the cowardly, thousand yard stare guy. Things really look bad when Mikasa runs out of gas and finds herself between two titans! Then one strikes...the titan! Dun! Dun! Dun! I have to say Sasha is my favorite character. She was the only one trying to get people to try. The others had a better read on the situation, but she still tried. For anyone curious, the vocal song after Mikasa rallied the troops was DOA. Yeah. The other song when Mikasa realized she still wanted to fight was Counter Attack Mankind. And the one that topped off the show was Vogel Im Kafig. The ending of Vogel Im Kafig is the track that played when the Smiling Titan ate Eren and Mikasa's mother. This anime has a bad ass soundtrack!
  19. Poltergeist's theme for Carol Anne. The story is horrifying enough, but virtually every time you hear the theme for Carol Anne, you feel scared out of your wits. At the same time, there's nothing more you want to do more than protect her and you can't. It plays either right before or after something creepy happens too. But the best moments are during Caroline's chat with the TV people and when she wakes up in her mother's arm near the end. Damn movie is genius.
  20. Holy crap. I just realized I liked all these responses about Princesses vs. Queens and I just now remembered my screenname. In my defense, my name is a play on Prince Ennui from The World Ends With You. Does anyone else hate those stupid Mayonnaise/Miracle Whip commercials? I hardly think adding condiments to a sandwich is mold breaking or inspirational FFS.
  21. I've got to disagree regarding Bleach. The later seasons seem to introduce filler arcs in the middle of pivotal fights and then cut back to what was originally going to happen. It was distracting. Having said that, I'd rather watch Ten Ten job to Ten Ten than Chiyo, Sakura and Sasori go all DBZ on us. :) I do like Sasori, but this fight is painful.
  22. I've never seen Movie!Jean this way. I share the same distaste and to me she comes across as snotty and entitled. Especially when in the second movie she tells Logan that girls like the bad guy, but bring the good guy home. She just seems so bitchy. I also seem to remember Cartoon!Jean having problems with simple uses of her power. Then again, I've always hated the wench and the triangle.
  23. No kidding. I saw an Animaniacs episode a couple of years ago on The Hub and saw Saddam Hussein. It took a couple of minutes before I thought, "We invaded again and hung the guy." I saw the topic title and realized watching Freakazoid wouldn't be the same. :(
  24. C'mon, I know you've got something on your MP3 player your ashamed of. Ennui won't judge. I have Wrecking Ball (Miley Cyrus), My Way and Take A Look Around (Limp Bizkit) and a full 1/3 of the music on my MP3 player is in Japanese (with German, Russian and plenty of Latin throw in for good measure). I also got select songs from Pokemon and Power Rangers. These songs aren't bad, particularly the foreign ones, they (Miley, Limp) just have crap "artists" behind them. XD I am so embarrassed someone will find it and know its me. Yes, I realize the irony.
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