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Everything posted by aemom

  1. I was also a bit disappointed in the reunion. I was expecting more. It was too subdued for me. The sex was passionate, but their conversations weren't and should have been. When Jamie was speaking to Fergus, I got the impression that when he said "I hadn't thought of that" or something to that effect, that he wasn't referring to the fact that he was married to Laoghaire, but the fact that because he was already married to Claire, that his marriage to Laoghaire might be invalid - and that's why he wanted to speak to Ned.
  2. The pitches were either really good, or really bad. Seriously, how long does it take to change a pillow case? Put your phone down for 1 minute and that's all the time you need. $80 for a pillow case?
  3. That camp was beyond weird. Maybe I'm just dense, but on top of everything else, the male leader was gay? However, it gave Skip and Jack the opportunity to have that lovely scene. The stuff with Grace and Karen and the employee was rather distasteful, especially in light of the recent news, but I did like the scenes of just the two of them together.
  4. I thought that It was hilarious and ridiculous when Carol was trying to get the balloon down. Then they sent her into Tina Fey's office in Portia's outfit to try and prompt harassment.
  5. When autistic people are in a routine, they tend to function well. All of this is very new for Shaun, and as a result, he is going to "lose it" a little quicker than usual when things happen outside of what he's used to or expecting. He will also be slower to pick up on things for the same reason. In my opinion, if they do the show well, as Shaun gets used to the new city, new apartment, new job, new colleagues, and new neighbors, then he should be able to dial back the outbursts.
  6. That's surprising. Also surprising considering that Ash said that he's been there 7 months, which doesn't fit with the timeline that we know, unless as another poster suggested, he's lying. I still think there's something off with Ash, so I'm curious to see how this all plays out.
  7. Could that be simply because she was in the Previouslies? I don't know what the SAG rules are for credit in shows.
  8. It appears that the Canadian network is continuing to air the show on Fridays which makes me happy since I already have 2 other things to tape on Sundays at that time. I loved all the various comments about why Lori was dressed that way. I did not have a clue who the Gronk brothers were and I have no idea why the sharks had to play a stupid water drinking game which had zero to do with the product. They annoyed the crap out of me and I'm glad I'm not the only one. Surprised that the sharks fell over each other to get a deal. I thought the Sole Mender had some potential, but it seemed a bit pricey to me at $40 USD + shipping. The hummus sounds interesting but I'll be damned if I can remember the brand name. I would definitely try it from the grocery store. I was surprised that the lock guy chose Kevin, but I think that Kevin can indeed make this guy a lot of money. I think it's a great idea, especially with the backup keys. You can share the lock for a day at a spa or gym with your friend by giving them the key. For all the times my kids forgot their combination for their lock over the summer, this would help.
  9. I just can't shake the feeling that Ash is shady. He just seemed like such a plant at first. The subsequent scene of him having the fight with the woman Klingon would tend to dispel that feeling, but I'm still bothered by him. I can't quite put a finger on why.
  10. As for the language allowed on Canadian TV, if memory serves, it would not be okay on any of the "free" channels (CTV, CBC, and Global) except possibly late at night. However, I remember taping Season 1 of Dexter on CTV at midnight years ago, and the language was dubbed over. Any other Canadian channel is considered cable, and they can get away with swearing and nudity at any time. I might not be 100% right, but that's been my viewing experience.
  11. I'm still trying to wrap my head around a 2nd Stamets and whether or not he actually exists in the same phase of space or what. Can the crew actually see him? I guess we'll find out. This was the first episode that I really found interesting. I would really like to learn more about some of the bridge crew that we see each week. Stamets and the doctor are cute together.
  12. Episode 3: I liked the safety guy and those vests wouldn't be a bad idea to throw over a Halloween costume. Vodka guy clearly had a crappy product judging from their reaction. Sauce lady seemed disappointed, but took the feedback in stride. I was surprised how excited everybody was about the grabber. I thought that the active wear was nuts. The prices were crazy and I didn't look at those items and think they were worth that cost. I can't imagine spending that kind of money on workout wear, but clearly some people do. No gong show again this week :-(
  13. Have we seen the Tammy character before? The way they were talking, they seemed to have a past history, which if they did, then I completely missed the explanation. Especially when he said "hi Tammy, it's Tom," during one of their Skype calls. I'm still trying to figure out how FLOTUS' parents are Russian when she doesn't have a trace of an accent and their last name is Booker!
  14. I just watched the case with the twerker, the pitbull named Havoc, and the idiot apartment broker. The twerker. Clearly I have found the way to make more money. I have all my teeth, no roots in my hair, and after 8 years of zumba, I can shake my bon bon with the best of them. If she can get 14K followers, I should be able to do much better. All kidding aside, I am speechless that Toothless Twerker can make a living doing this. But considering the class of litigants we usually see on this show, I guess not. The plaintiff was disgusting. After MM confronted him about his inappropriate texts to her, his response is "what does that have to do with the business?" Google Harvey Weinstein you disgusting pig. Dog case: Defendant admits guilt and says that he would have paid, but plaintiff starting driving by his house and left voice mails. He gets off easy only having to pay the statutory max. The defendant broker was a squirmy lying weasel and I was glad when MM threw the book at him.
  15. I saw an interview with Mayim. They do it to make her look heavier and dowdy.
  16. Ty Burrell does physical comedy so well. I laughed because I do the same thing with my underwear, but I don't have a superstition about it. Boy, I really noticed Julie's face this week. I wish this need for all women to look 25 forever would just stop.
  17. I just watched the episode with the mom suing the red-headed girlfriend, the wedding photographer, and the hobby car. Wow, the girlfriend and boyfriend were total doormats and the mom was a piece of work only charging the girlfriend rent and even charging for babysitting. I mean if grandma was replacement for every-day all-day daycare then maybe, but if it was just babysitting here and there, then wow. MM was right - enjoy that money because you have probably effed up your relationship now! The wedding photographer - I thought MM's solution was perfect, but I agree with the others that the plaintiff just wanted a bonanza. The kid that bought the hobby car. What a naive, sad kid. I know something about all this stuff through osmosis with my husband and his car thing and I am willing to bet that the car wasn't in anywhere near the bad shape that the mechanic claimed that it was. I bet after he took over the title that he never junked it and was able to fix up the car to resell. And anything would be profit, since the dumb kid just blindly signed it over to him.
  18. I'll miss this show even though we hardly ever got to see it with short seasons and the huge delays in between. The acting was great and I have a whole new appreciation for Matt Le Blanc's talent. I don't know why, but I was really excited to see the Llama again, but sadly, no awesome faces. It was on the nose, but it was the perfect ending. Edited to add that the girl that Matt had the encounter with in the box, was still there and her box was filled with Nazis. I would not be surprised if some sort of version of that show pops up for real one day.
  19. I just watched the couch, teenage driver, and the security deposit. The couch guy was unreal. We've had a few doozies lately of litigants who were so sure that they were 100% right when they are actually 100% wrong. As for teenage boys driving, well I would like to give credit to the province of Quebec where I live. Some laws here are unbelievably stupid, but I think they've done a good job with how to get your license. When you are 16, you have to signup for a driving course. After the first 6 classes, 1 of which you have to attend with a parent, you take a written test. If you pass that, then you can get your learner's permit. You then have a series of theoretical and practical classes which must span a total of at least 14 months. There are other written exams along the way from the driving school. When you finish your lessons, you go for a written exam and a practical exam. So you are at least 17 and a half by the time you get your full blown license. This license is a conditional one for 2 years where you can only get 3 points as opposed to 10 and you must have 0 blood alcohol level as opposed to 0.08. And God help you if they catch you on your phone. My son who got his license 4 months ago told me that they really scare the kids about speeding and drinking and drugs. It seems to work, because when the kids of my friends go out, they have a designated driver or take cabs. Maybe if more places adopted stricter rules, the kids would be better taught and drive safer.
  20. I read the first 5 books (which was all there was at the time) 15 years ago when I was on maternity leave with #2. There was a lot going on in my life at the time and the books were a good escape for me especially during endless breastfeeding. I don't even remember the scene with the bones. I'm glad for this board because you always remind me of things I've forgotten or are unsure of. Assuming that they were allowed to book an actual US actress, I suspect that nudity might have been an issue. I recall that DAW never appeared topless on True Blood, and based on the upcoming Outlander story lines, I am guessing that the role of Brianna probably requires nudity from the actress. But I totally agree that DAW would have been great. I was also thrilled that we got a taste of the print shop reunion, but bummed that we have to wait 2 weeks.
  21. Starting to look that way. So far I only like Saru and Tilly. I am not warming up to Burnham yet. Enough with the Klingons already. BORING!
  22. Dare I say that Arlene and Manjit don't like each other at all. When Manjit suggested going in a deal together, I knew Arlene was going to say no. Manjit was also quite mean to the shirt lady. "I don't like your designs, I don't like X, I don't like Y, I'm out." There were nicer ways to say that she was out. Manjit is definitely the new Kevin.
  23. Caught up with the "Friends-with-no-benefits case", the housekeeper agency, and the dash cam accident. The first case was actually kind of boring, but at least they could speak reasonably well. I was trying to figure out who the plaintiff reminded me of, and an earlier poster (sorry I don't remember who) said William Shatner - that's it! And her hair was indeed like Uhura's. The woman looking for a housekeeper did look rather picky and I got the impression that she would look down on the staff that lived in her home. The dash cam case was hilarious. He just could not see that he was totally responsible for the accident. I'm always fascinated when we get these pig-headed, obstinate litigants.
  24. I don't know too much about QVC, but in my mind, I think that the products they sell are not very expensive. Those survival kits are $350 USD, do they typically have things that are that expensive on the show?
  25. I'm really behind, but at least I will have something to watch when the repeats kick in. I just watched the episode with the dog-bite-bonanza, the accident from the car backing out, and the My-Little-Pony haired plaintiff and boyfriend trying to get their security back. I cannot believe that how much the plaintiff was trying to blame on the dog bite. I haven't seen such a blatant rip-off attempt since the skin-tag woman sued because the threading lady took off her "beauty mark." He already got more than enough from the defendant's insurance. The defendant who backed out his car (who clearly went to the Donald Trump/George Hamilton tanning salon prior to his TV appearance), was so clueless as to what he'd done and the video just sealed the deal. $1200 is very reasonable for body work, he's lucky that he got off that easy. Sometimes you make a pre-judgement of someone by their appearance and then they surprise you, for better or for worse (the old don't judge a book by it's cover.) However the rainbow-haired plaintiff who looked like a 10 year-old really did appear to be as smart and mature as that. Clearly just signs everything in front of her without reading it first. She and the boyfriend cannot paint for beans. I truly shudder to think how she is raising her son since she barely seems capable of raising herself.
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