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  1. Everybody got a deal this week. I've never heard of Jamie, but so far I liked her. The trunks were kind of cool, but I found them somewhat pricey. Quilt guy was not doing the quilts full time. Don't the sharks hate when someone's not all in? Add me to the chorus of people who hate the seamless underwear stuff. The sock woman's personality kind of grated on me and then she was kind of aggressive when the sharks started going out. I found her socks very expensive, and nothing special. I don't get that deal at all.
  2. I don't understand this Bro self-tanner. Wouldn't all people like a self-tanner that doesn't rub off, and all of the other advantages they talked about? Not that I would ever want a self-tanner.
  3. I was watching thinking WTF?? How could I have possibly forgotten about this in the books? I came here to restore my sanity, so thanks. Not impressed with this turn of events at all, we'll have to see how it goes. I wonder if we will see Fergus, Marsali, et al. in the next Season? There's major things in the books that involves them.
  4. I was also actually expecting it to be that much based on what's in her calendar and the prices of others I've seen. The craziest one I've seen is the Swarovski which is $1,000. Maybe it's because of where I live, but the snow shoveling business would get zero traction here. People have contracts with snow contractors who come with their tractor snow blowing trucks and blow out your driveway for the season. They come when 1 inch of snow has fallen, and they typically make multiple passes per snowfall. My double wide driveway costs $350 for the entire winter, so $75 per visit seems insanely expensive to me.
  5. I've never read the books or seen the movie and I'm just now starting to watch this series. It's very well done so far. The one thing that gets me is when Boreal comes into our world to spy on Will and his mom, he comes through that tiny building on the little island in the street. I have a hard time believing that nobody ever sits int that nice shady area and that nobody has discovered that the building leads to Lyra's world.
  6. Kevin told her to jack up the price, so I guess she did. I suspect that she'll do well with Lori and Mark.
  7. All the crashing during the landing simulation at the airport was amusing. The Via train station is literally next to the airport and there is no way to easily get from one to the other (I know, crazy!) It's a 5 minute car/taxi ride (unless there's traffic) I had to laugh when the racers were all saying "To the airport - quickly!" They must have been surprised how close it was and that they needed an actual taxi to get there.
  8. I've been trying to figure out who Taylor reminds me of, and I finally figured it out. She looks like a young Tracey Ullman. We haven't had a non-elim yet. I thought that Julia and Olivia might be saved, but it was not to be.
  9. This is the only time I have ever heard a Britney Spears song and liked it. Great episode.
  10. Remember Dave and Irina? Everybody hated them so very much. Clearly they haven't learned their lesson about the villains.
  11. They've actually changed the protocol on this and women are not supposed to do self-exams any more, but they are supposed to be examined by a doctor once a year, and have regular mammograms once they reach a certain age. The reason for not doing the self-exams anymore is because women were finding lumps that were mostly just cysts that would disappear and it was causing unnecessary testing and stress.
  12. Location: BC Teams encountered a U-Turn Vote during this leg
  13. My mother was a staunch Catholic who converted to Orthodox when she married my father. My husband and I were uninterested in religion and we married in a reception hall by a Unitarian minister. We went that route because we didn't want to go to the courthouse and we were ok with what the Unitarians stood for. After child #1 was born, my mother asked about a baptism. I said no. She said "you're going to let you're kids grow up to be heathens?" Sigh....... I called the Unitarians and asked if they did any sort of thing for babies. They do "naming ceremonies" So we did naming ceremonies and everybody was happy. But had we not? I would not have put it past my mother to do a secret baptism.
  14. Maybe it was because there were so many other games that you could go play instead? That's what I love about TAR Canada - always finding new way to shake up the race and make it more challenging!
  15. My husband and I watched the entire series over the last 6 months. The show was mostly enjoyable, and I agree that the last season contained a lot of WTF? That whole LokSat thing made no sense at all. Beckett leaving Castle to investigate it on her own was stupid and there were several episodes during their "separated" arc where it was very publicly clear that they were still together. They were even dating - Natasha and some doctor. And then when they magically get back together, Ryan, Espo, and Lanie say nothing and just accept it? So weird! And then once Caleb Brown caught on to them, why not just kill them out in the street or wherever? Why the whole elaborate plan with the burner phone. That just made no sense at all. And then the clearly tacked on ending. Overall it was a really good show, too bad that it ended so poorly.
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