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Good Queen Jane

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Everything posted by Good Queen Jane

  1. 2/5. I’m a little disappointed that the only ones I got were also the ones all three contestants got. I like to think I’m better at the game than at least one of the players and I consider an asterisk as a badge of honor. Come on, TPTB, and end this strike! I need my J! and, even more, my FJ Contest fellow travelers. You all bring such joy to my life and such virtual goodies to my stomach!
  2. I think most of us think of this as the fun being the journey, not the destination. Please don't stress out, @Clanstarling. I really don't care about the results, but if you need a goal, just shoot for the date J! resumes. Considering the strikes, that should give you plenty of time.
  3. 3/5. In honor of ISS, I‘ll bring space ice cream. That always fascinated me when I was a kid.
  4. It is my understanding that the author never used the unadorned verb "said". Characters always "said loudly" or "said excitedly" or "said politely." Or they "exclaimed" or "shouted" or "whispered." The puns came later as part of the play on words created for the Tom Swifties, she said gamely.
  5. When I was in high school, Tom Swifties (not the Taylor Swift fans) were all the rage. These were things Tom supposedly said with a pun in the adverb describing how he said it. Examples: "I'm going to the Arctic, " Tom said icily. "Here's the mausoleum, " Tom said cryptically. I thought that this was what the category would be about, she said cluelessly.
  6. Helen George and Jack Ashton have split up.
  7. Not as disheartening as it STILL not having been passed in enough states an entire century later. Actually, it has passed in enough states, but the last several came after the deadline set by Congress.
  8. 1/5 no*. For Tuesday, I said those pieces by Bach that start with a B but couldn’t get to the full name in time. For Friday I said horses but then thought it couldn’t be right so changed to cows. So at least I was in the ballpark for the majority of FJ.
  9. Also nice to see Hawayak/Baker back for another year even though they won’t get the international scores they deserve. I hope they at least get one World medal before they retire. Any word on how Todd Sand is doing? His health will certainly have an impact on USPairs skating.
  10. 2/5, no*: Dr. Heimlich is from my city of Cincinnati so I’ll bring Cincinnati chili. There is no two-way chili, so I’ll bring three-way, four-way, and five-way chili to honor my betters.
  11. To my utter amazement, 4/5 with 1*: I must not have offended karma this week.
  12. You could say that Una was seeking asylum from Starfleet to protect her from the Federation. It's kind of like the US military accepting undocumented immigrants into military service. As long as they are part of the military, they can't be deported. That would also explain why Una was returned to her position on the Enterprise. As long as she is part of Starfleet, she is protected from prosecution.
  13. 2023 Kennedy Center Honorees announced: Billy Crystal, Renee Fleming, Barry Gibb, Queen Latifah, and Dionne Warwick.
  14. Where are they getting these contestants? They need to send talent scouts to recruit from this forum!
  15. 2/5 with 1*. And even though it was the wrong response, I will entertain the gathering by playing my phone’s ringtone, which is the Theme from Man from U.N.C.L. E. Illya forever!
  16. So Pelia is a different species than Guinan? How many long-lived alien species have been hiding on Earth and are they all coming out now? There was no suspense regarding Chapel and M'Benga's survival since we know that they live through the Kirk era. That's the problem with using TOS characters in this show. I really wish they had a different nurse character that Spock falls in love with rather than Chapel. There is no way I can believe this badass Chapel turns into wimpy Chapel as portrayed in TOS or that Spock would treat her the way he did. If Spock had loved and lost a different woman, it would go a long way in explaining why he cut himself off emotionally from Chapel.
  17. Just as the name "Ilya" is usually spelled with one "L" in English. But since it is a phonetic spelling from the Cyrillic alphabet, I always figured my Illya was spelling it the right way.
  18. If I ever had any doubts that I had found my people in this forum, all the Illya love shown here puts them to rest. Illya Kuryakin was my one true love. I think I ended up on an FBI watch list because of all the books and magazines about Russia I read. I even took Russian in college because of him. That being said, his name never even occurred to me. My other great teen age obsession was Spock and all things Star Trek and among the many obscure facts stuck in my head was the quote from Gene Roddenberry about adding a Russian character to show that we all got along in the future.
  19. Arrgh! Keep getting interrupted for weather reports!
  20. 1/5. Karma got me again for criticizing Wednesday’s contestants. Karma’s a bitch!
  21. I never was so glad to see a game of Jeopardy! end. That was excruciating.
  22. And OF COURSE it happened at the airport. What a cute twist to the typical romcom ending. I like the callbacks when Isaac took the free kick. First Jamie handing the ball to Dani and then Dani handing the ball to Isaac, who tried to give it to Colin, who refused to take it. Then Isaac seeing the greyhound mascot (look out, little doggie!) Finally Isaac kicking the ball through the net, with the power he used when he did the corner kick during the Dani/Isaac exchange in practice. Great scene!
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