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Everything posted by AlleC17

  1. I too am liking Nick a lot! I am hoping that Thunderstorm goes a long way...very talented young man, and he is from my state and island!
  2. I actually hated all the dresses except Nancy's. Sergio's was okay, but it did not fit his model well. I too would prefer a looser style if pregnant, but would still want it to fit correctly. I would not have minded if the runway had opened up and they all fell in...a mass oouffing. I wouldn't mind Sergio if he never spoke, but as soon as nonsensical garbage spews forth I hate him again. Victoria I hate without her doing anything. And it is the SAME Freaking Look...gah! So sick of her. Really missed Delvin, even though his garments were steadily getting worse as the season progressed.
  3. I have had horses since 2003, so not an expert, but not a novice. The plaintiff paid board of $650 (down from the initial $750) and should have gotten something back because that horse was not well cared for. If the plaintiff is to be believed, and I think she was credible on her payments, she was LATE by a week for a partial payment and then paid the remaining amount a week later, so she was not behind at all. No way would a horse lose that much weight in such a short time. Also the cuts were recent but not TOO recent, so the defendants blathering about being injured on the trailer were most likely false. JJ was an idiot. You don't have to understand horses. Plaintiff paid for a service that was not provided and should have gotten some money back. Not the Plaintiff was also a bit of a jerk for not researching where she leaves her horse more thoroughly. I love where I have my horse now, as it is mostly do it yourself, so you are in total control. JJ missed the mark here, imo
  4. Yes, she did, and that annoyed me too, but at least she backed off. Even Papa Mike had nothing to say on behalf of the defendant and her fake tears. lol That couple was so entitled, and they learned nothing if you listened to their hallterview. You know if you actually paid your rent, you could have really used that address for your kids school forms because you wouldn't have been evicted! Gah!
  5. I really hate dog (or any animal) cases. Yesterday's had a pit bull attack a chihuahua after the pit's owner let her 6 year old hold the leash while she (the mom) 'trained' it. Or something. She had all sort of fake crying histrionics, and stated the dog was euthanized the same week her father passed away. Maybe I am really cold, but I think her dad and her dog were probably at home watching TV or something. When the plaintiff said that in the hallterview, I started laughing. Control your dog, and if s/he geets out of your control, take some damn responsibility! Geez.
  6. I loved and lol'd at that too! Best part of the episode.
  7. And the accountant was still expensive at that free rate, LOL OMG, I thought for sure these two must be wannabe actors playing a joke. I really laughed at this episode a lot!
  8. Oh, I have little sympathy with the Plaintiffs, really, but the constant interruptions and belittling and badgering of JJ was just really irritating me. Didn't care much for the smirky defendant either. JJ even wanted to make fun of the 19 year old son who moved back in with Mom, yet in other cases doesn't think 19 years olds should be held responsible for anything, because they are children. At least this one (may have) actually had a job. She is just so inconsistent. Please share with us WHY all the badgering so we are (or at least me, lol) can be entertained. Plus this case was just so boring. Why was it 2 episodes? I just deleted it partway through the start of day 2. Maybe I was just not in the proper mood, but JJ was just way to annoying to watch.
  9. I hope she is hard on him. The plaintiff kept her cool really well I thought. JJ definitely took a huge dislike: can't tell if she read something in the paperwork that we haven't seen that caused it, or if she is just being a bitch. Its hard to tell. I was thisclose to just not watching and may not bother with part 2 since JJ was just getting on my nerves. Why does this boring case get two parts?
  10. They were asking her who she thought her main competition was and she mentioned some names, then someone asked what about Sergio. lol While there was a lot of ugly outfits imo, there was not one outfit that I totally loved. I liked Nancy's jacket, but loathed that pant, I liked the front of Dayoung's jacket, but not the back, liked the fit of Victoria's but hated the outfit itself etc. Sergio should have been booted. I will really miss Shavi and I hope Delvin steps up his game.
  11. Most likely. I think the house itself was like only 50 sf bigger than the others. So much nicewr for his dog though...he should have ponied up the extra dollars. lol
  12. Totally agree! The ad should have mentioned the discrepancy so anyone reading would not have to 'push the button' to get the CarFax. If you KNOW its 86,000, don't say its 34,000 in you damn ad.
  13. Par for the course given how often the litigants sign contracts without bothering to read them lol
  14. I disagree about the DwtS comment: they have had tons of people I have never, ever heard of, from sports stars to You Tubers to Z list celebrities. I do agree that the big reveal isn't so interesting when you have no clue who this person is.
  15. Is Feely Dan the only one who hasn't apologized? He is the one that started the entire mess, was completely in the wrong, but I haven't seen/heard that he apologized which is all kinds of messed up.
  16. I live in Hawaii, and traffic got tied up very fast during our false alarm incident. I was at Whole Foods. While everyone was pretty calm, there were a lot of super scared, sobbing people. But it was caused by human error, not some glitch caused by temperatures? That was a lame explanation. I did laugh when Nolan referenced the Hawaii incident. Sooo many plot holes in this episode, but I still enjoy the show.
  17. People have been playing...and winning...Survivor for years without having being mentored by Boston Rob or Sandra. Why are they here? Why do their egos need more stroking? I FF through their introduction at the start. Blech. The actual show was interesting, and I liked the teamwork from both sides in the first IC. Like that Ronnie got the boot.
  18. I do not get how Madison is 'inspirational'. She is a solid dancer, but really nothing that special. I was sad to see Sumi cut, and hope she takes classes in other styles and tries again next year. Hoping there is a boy that stands out because this group isn't doing much for me so far.
  19. Thank you for sharing this: it made me smile! I am really hoping they win, and they certainly have a great shot at it as they are strong racers.
  20. A lot of people (me included) hated Flo for lots of reasons. She was worse than Rachel ever dreamed of being, however, Rachel cannot get off my screen soon enough now. Love that someone has called them Team Duckface, hehe. Hope Rachel does not break the record. Go Colin and Christie!
  21. I am sooooo glad I deleted this one. I thought I had heard that the horse (or one horse) had died and so I erased this unwatched.
  22. Me too! When he and Christie had a hard time getting a cab, I thought uh-oh watch out! But aside from using the good old 'its an emergency' in getting a cab, they were fine. Then the basket happened, but they handled that really well, and got first. I am rooting for them, but I confess, I have been rooting for them ever since I knew they would be in this season.
  23. I don't know that he wasn't a puppy mill type either. Breeding dogs just because you can without consideration for their well being is despicable. Again, I do not know that that is the case here, but my knee jerk reaction was to delete the episode. I work with cat rescue, not as much as others, and what I see and hear daily turns my stomach. The dog had 9 puppies that needed to be bottle fed while momma recovered from her surgery. I hope they all went to good homes, but who knows. It made me sad, more for the dogs than the people though.
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