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Everything posted by EVS

  1. Lol, that pretty much sums up my feelings too. I suspect my MIL and your mother would hate each other but it sounds like they deserve each other.
  2. I wish you were my mother in-law. Mine hates my guts. She is a Duggar leg-humper and basically a female Derick so the feeling is mutual. Needless to say, we are not spending Thanksgiving with her. We are spending it with close friends who are more like family than any of my husband’s family will ever be. Thank you for letting me vent. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
  3. That’s great, Arwen. I hope you continue to get better every day.
  4. @Loves2Dance, @ChiCricket, I hope you both feel better soon.
  5. Because then people like me would feel the need to point out how many of the other seven deadly sins Derrick and the Duggars were committing. At the very least, they regularly commit greed, pride and sloth. In their minds, I suspect they think issues such as abortion and homosexuality do affect a large number of people. I think they have become more outspoken about transgender issues because they see them being more widely discussed and accepted and so they feel the need to speak up and present their “Christian” viewpoint which is against any sort of acceptance. Personally, I wish Derrick would “pounce” on the sins of child molestation and sexual assault since they affected his own wife, but that would never happen since their brand of Christianity doesn’t seem to hold men accountable for “lust” sins.
  6. Interesting. I don’t watch the show but this makes me wonder. Could the meltdowns have been caused by pregnancy hormones?
  7. We could call it “Where’s Wacko?”.
  8. I agree. Complement him but not overshadow him since the focus still needs to be on him.
  9. I hope things went ok for Arwen at the doctor today.
  10. My pet peeve is should of, would of, could of. Eta: I am praying that Tony C turns his restaurant into a gay strip club.
  11. I was trying to remember where she lives. Thank you!
  12. Same here. I have been thinking about her and hoping for good news all day.
  13. I know what you are going through. My youngest is a college freshman going to school 3 hours away. My oldest is 21. He didn’t go away for college but is planning to move across the country with his girlfriend in the next 6-12 months. I’m happy for both of my boys and proud of the people they have become, but it is still hard watching them leave the nest. (The college visits and moving my son into his dorm were both exciting and traumatic for me and his dad, lol. )
  14. FWIW, I did notice that the Daily Mail is the only site reporting this.
  15. I agree. I’m hoping one of the posters here who is more familiar with the law can enlighten us.
  16. Good questions. It sounds to me like that is what the judge is saying. It doesn’t seem fair to the plaintiff though, since it was an internet crime. I have no idea how those work, but it doesn’t seem right to me.
  17. @Arwen Evenstar, I just wanted to add my support and my prayers that you continue to improve every day.
  18. At least Michelle’s black tights and clunky black shoes are hidden. (I’m assuming she wore them.) eta: Michelle doesn’t look terrible in that picture, IMO.
  19. I put this in Josh and Anna’s thread: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5047687/Josh-Duggar-wins-legal-battle-stolen-photo-lawsuit.html
  20. I’m not sure if this belongs here or in the media thread, but the judge apparently sided with Josh in the lawsuit brought by the man whose photos Josh used online. The judge said the guy shouldn’t have filed in California. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5047687/Josh-Duggar-wins-legal-battle-stolen-photo-lawsuit.html
  21. After the initial burst of stories, it kind of disappeared so it was easy to miss. :) The link from fifty8th was interesting because it looks like Scientology managed to squash the case for a while with their usual tactics, but thanks to all the publicity from cases like Weinstein and Spacey, the Masterson case is back in the news again.
  22. The story became public back in March, I think, but there hasn’t been any updates in quite a while until now. I think the biggest difference is that several of Spacey’s victims are actors or in the entertainment industry and are speaking out publicly so there is a greater backlash. I hope, thanks to people like Tony Ortega, that Netflix now feels pressure to takes action against Masterson as well.
  23. Lol, I kind of hope we do have the same in-law because it makes me sad to think that there are multiple gullible people out there who are not related to the Duggars, yet buy into their bs.
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