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Everything posted by glowlights

  1. I watched the Gamble's-makeup-artist-also-does-strippers scene TWICE and could not undersand what Gina was saying. I caught the part about the stripper rumors (allegedly) originated with Gamble's makeup artist, but what was she mumbling about "fantasy"? Something else about "in my world". I don't know. And then Gamble's garbled speech didn't help me suss out her replies. Anyone? (Help?) So it's against Jackie's beliefs to use her psychic abilities for financial gain at the races. Does she have a similar aversion to taking other people's money for psychic readings?
  2. No one remembers Jennifer. That is her story. :)
  3. I got Whitney, too. And now must reevaluate my entire life....
  4. This is completely fucking awesome. Is the campaign manager as humorless in real life as she's portrayed on the show? Is Kathryn on benzos or does she just sound like that naturally? (please stay safe from any storm activity, cooksdelight, and godpseed)
  5. Great recaps as usual but the last one made me laugh extra. I hope against hope that someone from TPTB reads here and sees peach caling out the show's b.s. (while the rest of us revel in it). Why on earth could Faith not be sent to live with her sociopath grandpa and drunk ex-stripper grandma? At least they haven't punched anyone lately and as a matter of fact grandma did America a public service by running over Cricket.
  6. Thanks guys for clearing up the orchids/Japan thing! peach, you get extra double appreciation points for having to sit through multiple Summer scenes, and yeah since when does she not love fancy clothes and baubles?!?!?!? Nick should have been ARRESTED for punching someone in public with witnesses. Ridiculous. You can take the stripper out of the trash, but you can't take the trash out of the stripper's son. Ugh.
  7. Thanks!! I am ridiculously excited to experience a Stalking Shep Tour vicariously through the internet. (is your dog okay? just boarding at the vet and not sick i hope?) Safe travels.
  8. And didn't one of them say at the party in Sydney that Melbourne gives Sydney a run for its money in terms of being fashion forward? Based on what these women wear, I say BWAHAHAHAHA. Fifty grand for an eyelid lift and chin lipo? Nah. I was really looking forward to some house porn, but Lydia's place was a disappointment, imo. Only redeemed by her little quip "I'm always ready" and then glance toward the camera. Her ditziness has to be an act. Performance art, yes!
  9. Hillbilly Femme Fatale? You guys I love this show SO MUCH. Behind on the eps but just saw the one where Cameran and Shep visit a dog shelter. Hearing a cast member say she doesn't care about breeds and would gladly take one who is in most need of adoption made my heart sing!!! This show has just the right mix of sweet, funny, ridiculous and wtf. Will ya'll post photos from the Stalking Shep Tour?
  10. And he pronounces Ibiza as "eye pizza". Bless his little social climbing heart. :) I don't know how to embed photos here, but Whitney appears to be a cross between Mark Harmon and former porn actor Mike Horner.
  11. Orchids and Japan???? (are we supposed to know the significance, or is it another MYSTERY?) Hope this week is going better for you, peach.
  12. But see that's what upset me, I think. It honestly bugged me all night. Fat shaming and deriding overweight people is socially acceptable, unfortunately, and the four eps I saw last night featured lots and lots and lots of scenes and shots where the patients were eating crap, engaging in really unhealthy and destructive behaviors, acting out, being non-compliant... as you say, "maximum outrage". And yet it seems pretty goddamn gross to show all that without mentioning the counselling they may have received, nutritional guidance, what treatment came before the decision to seek surgery, what is being done to educate the enablers, etc. I don't need to see an hour of someone losing five pounds, but there was plenty of opportunity to slip in some facts and balance about the "journey". All I saw was some people in desperate need of way more than a surgical procedure, and I include the enablers in that. It made me sad that I didn't see more helping and support for the root issues, not the weight (which was a symptom, imo). For example, a couple of the people went home after surgery and the caregivers were still cooking crap. Well, did the caregivers not have any more guidance than the couple of words we see Dr. Now offer up? I suspect a lot of this show is meant to make the patients and their families look bad for entertainment purposes because fat shaming is acceptable, but to me it was the professionals (or lack thereof) who got the side-eye because I sure wasn't hearing much from them. What about Pauline's son, who has endured years of emotional abuse? What help was he getting? *sigh* I've seen better care on Hoarders and Intervention, and that's not saying much. Probably a good thing that I didn't see the Penny ep. :( TY to those who shared info about this procedure and pre-care, insurance, etc. To any here who are living with a weight issue or eating disorder, or who have undergone surgery, you have my very best thoughts and wishes for good health, and may you receive any and all support you need.
  13. Oh yeah I forgot The Incredible Victor Newman is behind this. Gah. I need to pretend this is Passions and just go with the silliness. I'm glad to hear Doppeljack is randy and ready for action - maybe he's a surgically altered 20 year old. Or maybe it's Patti! I'm hoping the Kabin Killer is Ian Ward. (hi Ray! xoxoxoxo)
  14. Does Doppel Jack have a different hairdo or anything? Any different tics? Or is this just PB styled completely identically in each scene? Because... wow. peach, thank you for your year of service! I feel a bit guilty hoping that you will continue to watch this crap for our entertainment. You deserve hazard pay.
  15. I watched about four eps of this show yesterday and it was hard not to feel judgy... and stabby. The main thing that alarmed me (besides skin infections and inability to bathe oneself) was the doctor's advice and treatment. All I heard him say was things like "no fat" or "no carbs", and in a couple of instances only after they had failed to lose following surgery he referred them to therapy. First of all, where is the nutritional counselling? Fat and carbs are not the problem - I doubt any one of these people got to 600 pounds from drizzling a bit of walnut oil on their salad greens, or having steel cut oats for breakfast. It's the type of fat and carbs they consume, and of course the amount. Who is teaching them about getting maximum value and fuel from their calories? One woman was hospitalized and we saw her "diet" meal of a nice heaping portion of string beans along with what looked to me a fair portion of baked chicken and possibly a small starch serving on the side. It was not starvation mode and it had lots of fiber and lean protein, which helps one to feel full. So why is that not being taught for the patients to do at home? Or is it, and I just caught four eps that didn't really cover it? The people at home were eating complete shit, pardon my french. Second, why on earth would ALL these patients not receive therapy BEFORE surgery? Sorry if this sounds really judgmental but imo you don't eat yourself into a full blown disability and health crisis without having some major issues that need dealing with. Seems to me it would be far more beneficial to get every one of these people the mental health help and nutritional/fitness counselling they need before deciding on surgery, so they have someone on their side to help them through the process. Some of them might not even need surgery so much as intensive treatment, even in-patient. Of course, that's less money in the pocket of the surgeon. :/ I don't know. The whole thing just left me shaking my head because the patients didn't seem to be getting great care. Anyone else? Don't get me started on the enablers... And the really judgy voice inside my head wondered how these people could afford to eat so much. Fast food and junk food isn't cheap when you're buying mountains of it. Maybe they need financial counselling, too? Like some life skills classes? This clearly is not just about the size of their stomachs. IMO. (sorry for the wall of text, it bugged me all night)
  16. Something went weird... hope this doesn't double post... Anyway, I recall feeling pretty much the same about Winter's Tale. Felt really carried along by the writing in some parts, and in other parts.... "why am I reading this?" I guess for me that book will be one I appreciate, but didn't really enjoy. Very little of the plot has stayed with me. *sigh* On The Road is an interesting choice!
  17. Holy ice mallets, y'all, is there room for one more on the hot mess express? Because THIS is the reality show I've been looking for! No nasty, trashy, vile behavior that makes me need a shower when the ep is done (see: Real Housewives of Everywhere), just good honest hilarity, a soupcon of skullduggery, a little real estate porn, a little clothes porn, cast members who I can believe would socialize with each other, not to mention who know how to behave in public like civilized human beings, and witty THs. The stuff that seems rigged for the show (e.g. campaign ads, second christening) is relatively harmless. Even the resident slimeball is mainly tolerable, and the sorta-sad situation with wee Kensie is not too depressing. Anyway, this ep brought the revelation from Cameran that Shep is very well-read, and I swooned, because could Shep get any better? He seemed so happy to share with the others about the cannonball that's lodged in the roof next door to Palmer house, like boozing and fashion shows are all fine and dandy but yay local heritage and history. And then I had an after-swoon because Cameran showed genuine appreciation for that trait, and it's like waking from an Andy Cohen nightmare to see that yes, Virginia, there is a reality show featuring people who have seen the inside of a library. Landon has a great figure and I have no idea whose boat she's living on. Her accent distracts me from any potential Landon story. What did she do in L.A. and why was she so over-qualified to work Cooper's show? Why would she move to Charleston if she wants a career in fashion? Who knows, my ears turn off when her mouth turns on. If Katrhyn really truly wanted to be Mrs. Thomas Ravenel she would have put on a proper frock and acted like a gracious hostess at Thomas's campaign open house. Not sure whether to call b.s. on their entire relationship sl, or just the campaign. Is she taking a few too many mother's little helpers, or has she always been a bit... sedated? Craig, meh. He's a bachelor in his mid-20s, so what if his room is messy and he likes to party. So what if he doesn't pass the bar this year. He'll figure it out. Patsy is clearly hamming it up for her son's show and I don't for a second believe any of this butler nonsense, but damned if it isn't fun to watch her indulge in a "dressing drink" and have her shoes delivered on a silver platter. I've been in her corner ever since she ditched the 100F christening and stayed inside to drink bespoke martinis. My kind of gal! Even if I have no idea why she smirks about someone not having a Huguenot name... (um, neither does she). Thomas's campaign manager is hilariously over-earnest and intense for this little sideshow. edited for line breaks, derp
  18. See, my first instinct was that you made up the part about Joe going off a balcony! Avery Clark: Boobs of Steel. (is Joe dead? do we know that yet? why can't Lily be dead?)
  19. Y&R has devolved to the point where I can no longer tell which parts of these recaps really happened, and which parts are peach's magnificent humor. Maybe there should be a weekly quiz...
  20. Okay this officially makes Sage a far superior person to Nikki, the billionaire who told her new-found cash-strapped son to fix his busted espresso maker with a wad of chewing gum. #teamsage So I am totally confused about Nick thinking Courtney got called away for work. I thought she left the high-paced (ha ha) world of GC undercover narcs and was demoted to uniformed street cop? Since when do regular street cops get called away from their weddings?
  21. Wait. Now Dylan is having random memory flashbacks? What in the actual fuck. I'm all for aliens if it means Victor is revealed to be a lizard person. It would explain so much.
  22. See, this is why I didn't want them to go anywhere near a prostate cancer SL, because any sort of realistic message about what patients (and their loved ones) go through during treatments gets mangled into... well, what we're seeing on this damn show. The healthy, chipper, rosy-cheeked cancer patient SLs are annoying, too, but this is terrible. They should stick to imaginary soap opera diseases. Speaking of which, I am confused as to why Sharon is "suddenly" remembering the woods and a bright light. Why is she having memory issues? I thought her meds are working and she's supposedly stable. Wtf.
  23. Yes, so long as it is a medication also prescribed to humans. Best thing about using a regular pharmacy is that they can do flavor compounding: http://www.walgreens.com/topic/pharmacy/pet-medication-compounding.jsp Sorry to hear about the mouse. Yikes! They're way cuter when they're outside.
  24. I'm not a realtor, but I just did a quick check of the current comps in Bridgehampton and it looks like she didn't do too bad? Probably better than Silex did: http://observer.com/2014/12/ex-real-housewives-stars-simon-van-kempen-and-alex-mccord-drop-bk-pad-for-2-67m/ Back on memory lane... one of my favorite moments with Housewives' families was when Kelly's daughter said, "Talk to the booty, cuz the hand's off duty."
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