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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I'm familiar with Kate & Brandi so I was prepared for their horribly altered plastic faces. But I hadn't seen Leeza Gibbons for a while...Holy Cow! She looked like she'd melt if she got too close to one of those ovens! Why oh why do these "celebs" fill their cheeks with so much plastic? As a result it seems their eyes get smaller and squished up into narrow slits. I guess cheek filler/implants have become the new ass fat injected lips? Geraldo really is insufferable. I hope there is an uprising from Ian & Kevin to overthrown that blowhard. What a tool! He puts HIS face on the stupid poster twice? What was with Ivanka's comment on how articulate the women's team is? She sounded so surprised/impressed by their ability to string multi syllabic sentences together. Although, she obviously hasn't spent too much time conversing with Brandi yet. Dumb as a box of rocks that one. The only big words she knows are 4-letters long. As for the business they were at, is Pie Face a big thing in NYC? I never heard of it, but I'm in New England. Are their pies the same size as they were making last night? Teeny little personal pie is kinda cool, but I see it fading out faster than the cupcake trend. And the pear- blueberry combo is very good & not such a new concept...my mom has made a "pearberry" cobbler since the 80's. I've also made a blueberry pear coffee cake.
  2. Kromm, I've learned how to use the mute button and the close captioning option on my remote thanks to Michelle's voice. Listening to her speak, even if it's only a word or two, makes me feel very shabby. I just can't with her. I'm not sure if it's the tone, the pitch, the accent or the nasally reverb of her voice but my ears will rejoice when she gets auf'd.
  3. As for next season, as long as the contestants wear this kind of collar, I'm in.
  4. PepperMonkey - I have a theory that the designers aren't oohing and ahhing because they are enamored with AM or her pregnancy. I think most of them gasp audibly because of one of the following reasons; 1) OMG! How many babies are in there?!? 2) Yikes, who did she piss off so badly in Hair & Makeup to deserve another shitty styling? 3) When that baby explodes out of her, will I be safe from errant amniotic fluid sitting here in the back row? 4) She knows it's not 1984 anymore, right?
  5. Watching Helen is exhausting. Her whole Wednesday/ Morticia Adams style, the pointed talons, the passive aggressive TH's...I feel like I took too many Ambien and can barely keep my head up when she's on screen. Her "Dress" was beyond hideous. Too short, too flowy, too shiny. It did not flatter that poor woman at all. She did have nice legs so thank goodness for that. Speaking of unflattering - Sam's model looked all kinds of wrong in that get up. The crop top from the front was kinda OK, but as a judge said, the extended "train" in the back was disproportionate. The skirt...I can't even. Too tight, the length was wrong and the fit was poor for that woman's shape. The Sam "styled" her with those hideous gladiator booties and further exaggerated the "cankles". She made an attractive woman unattractive and isn't that the antithesis of what good design is supposed to do? Sonjie's dress did look an awful lot like her gold number last week. That color was gorgeous though. It looked "Tiffany Blue" to me and that's my favorite color. The cut out isn't my style, but it probably could have worked on a woman with less boobage than that. Her bust looked stuffed into that top and made the peek-a-boo hole bunch in a weird way. Michelle can fall off a cliff any day now. She is a brat. WHAH! Sam isn't helping meeee!!! I'm soo sick! I can't see straight!" No, you just had a melt down because you didn't get your way. All the men's clothes (except Justin's) looked like they came from any mall store...in 1989. I saw nothing "new". Members Only indeed. I was expecting one of these hacks to send "parachute" pants down the runway.
  6. Can not stand Robin. Why is she hawking perfume and make up on a psychology-based show? Not that I want to see her immobile face at all, but I can see Dr. Phil dragging her on stage to give a female p.o.v when discussing things like couples communication or parenting. Those topics are in her wheelhouse. I'm not saying she needs to be "June Cleaver" and stay in an old fashioned housewife role. She may be business savvy and know more than Phil. However, there is a real disconnect when the show moves from wiping the tears of an addicts' parents to "Hey Y'all, my new perfume smells great!" If she wants to be a life-style expert or beauty consultant, then Phil & Co. should cough up some cash and set her up with her own show.
  7. I know Giggy has a skin condition & alopecia so that's why he wears the silly outfits outdoors. But is alopecia different in animals than in humans? Why does that poor dog have to wear clothing that impedes his ability to just walk? I have a friend who has this issue and if he's going outside, he wears protective covering like hats, sunscreen etc. But when he's inside, he removes his hat and I've even seen him walk around his home shirtless. Anyway, on to more snark-worthy topics - Yolanda and the stupid picnic basket. The 1999 William Sonoma catalog called and wants its trend back. Seriously? Every scene she has with her "king" comes off more and more ingenuous and desperate. Yes, keeping romance alive in a marriage is important. It's great to surprise a spouse with a romantic dinner/lunch on occasion. But Yo seems to do these things a lot. Plus, if I told my husband I was too busy to meet for lunch & he showed up in my office with a picnic basket (or more realistically, a take out bag from the sushi place down the block), I'd be annoyed. If I say "I don't have time today" I mean it. Don't show up in my place of business and burst in on a meeting! I wouldn't want my co-workers or clients to feel out of place. I certainly don't want my boss seeing this either. If my spouse knew I skipped lunch or had a busy day, having something already prepared when I get home would be an awesome way to show me some love and attention! Maybe Yo is just "popping in" to make sure King David isn't shopping for a new subservient attendant? I think David's music is meh at best. He is talented I suppose & quite prolific, but it's not my taste. His personality would make me stabby if I had to spend too much time listening to all his name dropping and "me-me-me" blather.
  8. Patsy is an ego maniac so of course he was pissed that Dawn rejected him for Dennis. The idea of being passed over is what set him off, not that Dawn was the love of his life. He may be gay or ambiguous or afraid to come out, but ultimately I think he's too lazy to get into a real relationship. He accepted the first offering of sex from the first person who showed interest. He went with it because I'm sure Dawn, in all her insecurities, made their intimacy all about HIM and fulfilling HIS needs. Without Dawn, he'll have to put a little energy into finding a new partner. I hope this show is renewed. If the hospice story line ends what will become of Maeby?? Please find her a new job in the hospital! She's weirdly creepy but calming. And I hope Miss Birdy is back too! I have always loved that actress since her "Dick Van Dyke Show" days and even on "The Nanny".
  9. Omaha Steaks are not worth the money. As Drogo said, Walmart, local butcher or even a good grocery store has better beef. We received a gift of OS filets and burgers and some side dishes from a client. I know they spent a good chunk of change on it, but the box the items came in would have had more flavor than anything inside it. We still get their catalogs for some reason, but they go right into the recycle bin.
  10. I enjoyed this one too. Luke, Alex and Lily are bringing it this year. Manny is getting "stuck in a rut" of character like Cam & Mitch. Same old story lines. One teeny thing bugged me when they were toasting to Haley's 21st, Claire said "Here's to your 1st drink!" It wasn't said sarcastically or "your first LEGAL drink"...wasn't Haley expelled from college on Day 2 for underage drinking? Does Claire seriously think Haley never drank between the ages of 15-20?
  11. Jennifer is such a miserable person! She has been so negative throughout the season. Maybe she can blame "editing" but she doesn't seem to have any pleasant moments when she isn't bitching about something/someone. Bryant is a weirdo. What's with his "street" persona, with his gangsta rap dialogue that comes from nowhere? Does he have a split personality? He comes across as a poser/loser who was never in the cool kids club in his younger days & wants to be so badly now. He tries too hard to be the "Cool guy". Um, Bryant? You are not that guy. LaTasha for the win I guess. She's been the most consistent and mature
  12. I was so sure Michelle would win with that hideous thing only because the "prize" was for Alyssa to wear it. And since Alyssa or the stylists who "assist" her have absolutely no taste or sense of what is appropriate for her body type, I figured that lace baby poop offering would be praised as the right dress to unflatter Alyssa. Because they focused so much on Michelle I had to turn on close-captioning to avoid hearing that nasal irritating voice. If she wins this thing she should put some of the prize money toward a voice coach. And a hairdresser who owns scissors vs. a weed whacker. I thought Sam's was ridiculous, but then I saw Zanna's suit. Do you think the worker bee's at her magazine just toss weird shit in her closet and tell her "it's THE latest trend, by the MOST edgy YOUNG designer!!!" Dmitri's would have been nicer as a dress vs. jumpsuit. The velvet did look like quicksilver going down the runway. I do not get the love of jumpuits on PR. Other than a New Year's Eve party in 2012, I have never seen someone in real life pull off that look. Fabio's dress itself wasn't horrible but it didn't wow either. I think the purple gloves, the head necklace and the make up made it look like the model was auditioning for a part in a Prince video. I love Justin but his dress was drab, and whoever said it added weight to his model was right. It was another ill-fitting dress of the night. Has Helen only done blood red dresses? I'm sick of that color. Her clothes make her model seem so disproportionate. For a few weeks the girl had her shoulders removed with Helen's slope-y sloppy sleeves. Now this week the model looked as if the corset middy top was slipping down her body. It needed to be lifted up about 3 inches because it elongated her torso, and not in a good way. Gunnar had a great attitude and his dress wasn't the worst IMO, but I didn't see him as a top 5 either.
  13. Every time I see "LCK" my brain reads it as "Louie C.K." even though I know what you all mean. I love chowder but I absolutely abhor Jasper White. There are so many other restaurants and chefs in Boston (and other locales) that have superior chowder IMO. I'm kinda pissed the non-New Englander viewership is being given the impression that Jasper is the King of all of Chowderdom. So glad Doug is doing well. He was so sweet with that little fan-girl! Loving Gregory still despite his obsession with coconut milk. I've never had jack fruit, but now I really want to try it! I knew it was going to be Adam going home since he got the big childhood flashback TH this week. It was going to be him or George since they spent more time on them, but I figured it'd be Adam as soon as the judges called his shrimp "squeaky". Not the accolades you want to hear for your seafood dishes. Glad Katie out lasted some of the other chefs (NotReese Whitherspoon, A-hole Aaron to name the 2). But she was circling the drain. Please , Top Chef Kitchen Gods, do not let either one of them win a spot back in the competition! I still like Mei and I think she has real skills, but she has the most bitchy "resting bitch face" I've ever seen!
  14. What's with Phil & San Padre Island? He's got to be getting referral $$. I had always heard it was a big Spring Break destination for kids in the South & that it's very pretty, great beaches etc. But with Phil shipping off all these sad sacks there, I wonder if the locals are pissed off that he's giving the place a bad rep. I'd be happier dealing with drunk college kids peeing in my yard over seeing Dr. Phil's various "victims" taking up residence. I mean, the college kids go away after 5-7 days. Phil's bus o' boozers are there for 28 or more.
  15. As much as I enjoyed Damon Wayans Jr on "Happy Endings", I just can't warm up to his Coach character. Not the actor's fault, but I don't like Coach or his meh storylines. Can he move out of the loft and be replaced with Billy Eichner (the airport ticket desk guy)? Pleeeeeassse??
  16. I only watched the Runway so I had no idea who's was who's til their names popped up. I made an instant "thumbs up/down" judgement in my head before the name showed. I HATED Helen's and Michelle's immediately. What's with Helen's obsession with sloping or non-existent shoulders? Her coat and last week's "lonely hearts" dress make her model look like she's missing her scapula bones. I didn't think Jay's or Benjamen's were so bad. I agree with others that Justin needed to close up the butt area just a tad more. I love an exaggerated "kick pleat" in the back of a dress or coat because it allows more movement, but I do not want my entire ass hanging out, especially in cold, raw, winter weather. Did not get Dmitri's. At. All.
  17. Forgot to mention this earlier, but why are all these Survivors having multiple orgasms when Probst announces the food rewards? Jon's eye rolling "O" face is a) ridiculous & b) completely out of place since he just ate 2 days ago! In fact, they all have eaten more in 30 days than the entire casts of Seasons 1-5 put together. I don't want these idiots to starve, but what happened to hunting and gathering? Fishing? These people are so frickin' lazy (as a whole)! They'd rather lay around and wait til Probst walks on set with Pizza Hut boxes vs. scoping out the jungle for fruit, nuts etc. There must be food available out there! The howler monkeys have to be eating something, right? Or do they just loll about in the trees too until craft services rolls up in the Korean Taco truck? And as for the laziness factor - Jon & Jaclyn sleeping all day is infuriating. It can't be lack of protein because they've had more food than some of the others. They act as if they are on a Club Med vaca. Gather wood, get water, do yoga, swim a mile...do something to warrant your complete energy depletion. When is the expiration date on HII? Wish they'd eliminate the multiple HII's. I have never liked that HII's are replaced if used. I'd like to see one on each tribe at the start with a few clues. After merge, have ONE additional HII and any unused, old tribe ones found are null & void from there. If the post merge HII found, gotta use it before Final 5. No more after that. And for God sake...make them a little tougher to find OK? Enough of "look for wackiest & most obvious tree/rock pile/cave and voila!" And everyone can have a GoPro camera at this point. Strap one on each contestant and have them record themselves looking for the stupid HII instead of the film crew dropping "cold. warm...Warmer! Hot!! RED HOT!!!!" hints with their camera angles.
  18. Like others who hated screeching twinnies on AR, I am befuddled that I am rooting for Natalie in this game. She's the only one I like. Keith is a distant 2nd. The rest could fall off a cliff. Natalie, Baylor and Keith need to get rid of Jon or Jaclyn next round. It's so stupid to keep them together. And STOP sending Jon to Exile. It looks like Missy may be out next week so Nat & Baylor won't need to worry about hurting Missy's feelings by sending her weird son/boyfriend out of the game. They need to go full guns blazing for J or J. Wes needs a haircut STAT.
  19. Very minor point in the overall episode, but can what Brandi & Kyle were doing really be considered "hiking"? Looked to me like they were walking uphill on a paved road. If someone asked me to go hiking I'd be picturing walking through paths of forested mountains or rocky desert trails versus a walk from the parking lot to the picnic table. But then again - hyperbole is Brandi's middle name, so I guess I'm just glad she didn't say she was "on an expedition". My daughter is 8 and also gets sad when I tell her "no". She is not a brat and we shop at Target, but other than that & the limits of our credit cards, I don't see Kyle/Mauricio spoiling their kid any more than I do when shopping for a special occasion.
  20. Brooke is one of those people who think bad things "just happen" to them & that they have no influence on the consequences that befall on them. Brooke, you're so tired of coming in last? You can't believe it always comes down to bad luck with cabs? Here's a thought...stop running across the entire friggin' city screaming "Taxi!!!". Try using your own damn eyeballs and scoping out the area before & after the tasks. No other team seems to have as hard a time as you finding transportation. In fact, many of them appear to practically run into a gaggle of taxis as soon as they finish a RB. Oh, and STFU and stop mimicking other people. You're rude and disrespectful. Your BF may be a little dopey, but at least he tries. He's a little bit charming and self-deprecating so he is likeable. You are not. As for the eyelash thing...it's bugged me for years that some of the female ( & a few males) contestants are soooo made up every leg. Where do they find time to plaster on all that shimmery eye shadow? Or gel their hair into perfect spikes? Are they carrying all their beauty supplies in their backpacks? Misty must be lugging around a mini Sephora in her go-bag. I'm somewhat vain about my appearance in public, but if I'm racing around the world and sleeping on sidewalks, my first priority would not be troweling on foundation, self-tanner and getting a Brazilian blow-out before I hop on an over crowded train in Bangladesh.
  21. If the Snowflake Academy were real, that Parent's Night would have been the death knell for its future. Well, one of a thousand death knells....the whole premise has been so far-fetched from the jump. But the public display of Max's uncontrolled behavior and his parent's/administrator's non-reaction to it spoke volumes of how the school is run. The other students are purely there (and being charged to attend) so Max can have his bubble world and his stupid parents can pretend that they are the most spactacular-ist parents who ever birthed a snowflake. Adam telling the other parents that they are absentee was laughable and so unprofessional. How do the writers create such an unrealistic pair of parents/teachers? If they truly want Adam & Kristina to seen as the best-est EVAH, then they should have had Max stay home-schooled. The need for Max's "socialization w/ other kids" argument doesn't wash. They don't have the kid attending therapy. They don't offer him an aide to work w/ him with an objective, non-parental p.o.v. They don't really care about really helping Max. Zeek and Amber just crashing into Drew's dorm or commanding him to take them hither & yon is the ultimate in Braverman selfishness. Firstly, random, non students can't just waltz into dorms any time they want. There's a thing called security. And woe betide the university that doesn't have such a system in place because LAWSUIT. And why is Drew constantly in his damn room all the time anyway? Why worry about a major or making money when you're never in class? As for Zeek's behavior, he's always been a selfish pain in the ass. But if my grandfather tried to guilt trip me into driving him around when & where he demanded just because he gave me a car, I'd bury the keys in the next Big Boy burger he ordered and hoped he choke on them. A gift shouldn't come with strings attached. As for Ruby and her teen disappointment...too bad she wasn't born to Adam & Kristina. The school would have been coerced & cajoled, bullied and Braverman-ed into doing several command performances starring RUBY...in all the roles...because She's. Just. That. Talented. I've know for several seasons the Braverman's don't operate in any realm of reality, but I still get so aggravated every week at the nonsense. And I still hate Mr. Cyr & Jason Ritter.
  22. I'm a big fan of the small, native blueberries in MA & ME. I think the bigger ones are tasteless. Most of the stores & farm stands near me carry the bigger variety brought up from NJ before the local little ones are in season. I stock up on a few pints and freeze 'em. I liked the visit to Plimouth Plantation. I've always wanted to go there in the Fall, but never made it. The chef's food all looked pretty good and I'd like to try some of those recipes. I wonder if I need to have a hearth and Paul Bunyan-sized spoon to make them come out as good? Adam still bugs me week after week. I wish someone would tell him it's OK NOT to speak every now and then. It's OK to let there be silence on occasion. We don't need to hear his cliches and "go team" Successories empowerment poster style nonsense in every scene (my old boss had his office covered in those but he was worse than a Michael Scott type of manager, so my scorn for those posters runs deep) I'm not sad to see Stacy go. She wasn't as strong as some of the others.competitors. I did have Katie marked as one of the chaff to be winnowed out, but she's really impressing the judges (not me personally- her food doesn't look bad, just not inspired or all that yummy IMHO)
  23. I did feel bad for Jenna at her mom's grave site. It must have been very difficult for her to experience that. However, "Dr." Jen's presence made it all about her...again. Also, did Jenna not pack anything a little more respectful to wear? Tank top and booty shorts? Really? Haaate the "schmoopy pie" BS between JP & Nikki. Why bother to show that editors? We all know the real story! Was the unwanted mystery guest at Treach's house one of his previous baby mamma's? A past girlfriend or business partner? Treach obviously didn't hear Cecily correctly. I think she meant "oh there you go...as soon as there is a problem, you run out the door". I never heard her say "you get out the door". I don't think they belong together in the end, but there were other issues beside what he thought Cecily said. She doesn't trust him and he has anger issues. Hopefully they both get help so they can be better parents, but it doesn't mean they need to end up together as a couple.
  24. Not only did he just leave his wife behind (dead) 2 weeks ago, but in between poor Wife #1 and Wife #2 there was another woman! What did anyone see in this guy to begin with? He's OK looking but he doesn't seem to be a real go-getter or charismatic guy. He's a moocher living off Wife #2's success. He doesn't contribute anything to the marriage except filling up the walk-in closet with hideous golf apparel.
  25. I haven't been a "little champion" of this season, but that's how to wrap up a show finale in a pretty package. All the main characters get what they want and most loose ends tied up. No cliff hangers, happy endings and CUT! I do hope Myrtle gets a percentage or a royalty (TM Shark Tank) for her family recipe & know-how. Without her, Denise's 19th century Sephora wouldn't get off the ground.
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