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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. How many more episodes is Reagan going to be with the show? Can't. Stand. Her. And if there's a heat wave, why was Reagan wearing a flannel shirt tied around her waist? And ankle boots? I don't live in LA, but I have been through many hot weather stretches in my day. Even in my most vain fashionista days I don't think I ever added layers on days with 98 degree heat/90% humidity. Winston continues to be my favorite.
  2. Is it me or are the hair extensions starting to take over Melissa's whole body? Is she living out a Rapunzel fantasy? Her "hair" is too long, too heavy & too fake for her face/frame. Ashlee needs to back away from the extensions too. On another hair note- I loved Nia's short bob for the group dance! Very cute. Jill is beyond ridiculous. When Kalani couldn't do the duet, Jill was all over getting a back up so Ken-DULL could still get her time on stage. Then when poor Nia has no time to learn it to do it justice, Jill rants that it's Abby's fault for putting crap on stage. If Abby had pulled the duet, Jill would have had a(nother) shit fit. Unless her kid is crowned Queen Bee and all attention is on her, Jill is a miserable bitch. And since Ken-DULL isn't the most charismatic, or talented one on the team, her time as #1 focus is exteeeeeemly limited. Jill should give up the quest to make her daughter a star of the dance world. It ain't happening. She is a very pretty girl and I think she is very photogenic. Kendall could do well as a print model if she could learn to show some emotion in her face. Maybe Tyra from ANTM could teach her to "SMIZE!"
  3. Is it possible we got through an entire episode without the mention of the "M-word"? I felt something was missing so when Bocelli started to sing I just reworked it in my head as "I Have Moon-CHOW-OW-zehns". During the picnic in the park with Eileen & Erica I kept waiting for Yo to announce how long it had been since she; felt grass, wore sunglasses, sat outside, saw the sun, ate lunch yadda yadda. David has always been an ass. I think Yolanda got emotional at the dinner party because she knew the marriage was over at that point. The dinner scene was just another Bravo obligation to film and I think Yo realized it was probably one of the last "couple" events she'd be hosting with that self-centered prick. Eileen and Lisar at odds seems so manufactured. Zzzzz. When is Mohamed gonna finally pull the triggerr and marry Shiva? Hasn't she been a fiancé longer than Yo & David have been married?
  4. OMG!! The vocal fry was sooo OTT with this girl! If I were the family court judge I would have denied her custody just for talking like that. Me thinks Lynsey wanted to be a pretty-pretty princess bride so she intentionally got knocked up to force a wedding. I also think she sounds almost gleeful in her "evidence" video, prompting her little girl who is crying and scared on camera. What a psycho. She has too many issues to fix before she should be allowed to see that kid. Good for the young dad to be the voice of reason and offer stability in his daughter's life.
  5. I'm confused by the lack of consistency by the Sharks too. Besides "it's too early", the biggest complaint I have is the randomness of when they request/demand patents and/or science data to back up claims. Mark is usually the one to jump all ove people for being "snake oil salesmen" and pedaling quackery. Yet, last night, not a peep about evidence for the back brace or the People Popsicle Pod. Same last night for the patents. And then on other episodes, Mark, Daymon, Lori et al shriek at the pitch person for not securing patents. None of last night's products were remotely interesting to me. I think the reason some people may feel great after exiting the People Popcicle Pod is because their entire body is like, "thank God my body is not -120 degrees anymore!" I can get the same feeling for free after watching my daughter's riding lessons for 15 min at an unseated barn in 27 degree temps. When I get in my warm car, I immediately feel the happy endorphins zipping around in joy.
  6. I started watching today's show with Karen who thinks her brother is tracking her...I shut it off after 10 min. That woman is mentally ill and needs serious help. Sitting on Dr. Phil's stage is not the place to get professional services. The "doctor" shouldn't be smirking at a really ill person. And I didn't want to watch more of the show to see Robin's freaky face trying to show empathy or smirking along with him.
  7. Ummm...why are a gaggle of 8 year olds allowed to go swimming in a thunder & lightening storm? One kid was already struck(several times apparently). I don't get the Haley/Andy romance. ZERO chemistry between the two. I like both actors on this show, but I just don't see them together. Phil is still my favorite on this show. Ty Burrell is so good at physical comedy, he makes up for the shrewish nag role they make Claire fill week after week.
  8. Debbie is so annoying. I'd be campaigning to get my own ass voted off the island to get away from her constant nattering. STFU already. Was she working for the city of Flint before going on Survivor? Seems like her level of expertise was somehow involved. "hmmm, by glancing at this 8 oz glass I can tell it has only 33% lead. Drink up folks!" But I think she will sty for a bit longer unfortunately. Like Fauxbama said, she has no game play (aka "self awareness"), so she isn't a threat. And she is Agent Phillip level cuckoo for cocoa puffs, so she's a good goat to keep at your side.
  9. Why does anyone try to change LVP's anti-apology behavior? She will never admit to wrong doing beyond "I'm sorry you feel that way". If that isn't enough of an apology for you or you can't accept that's all you will ever get, you need get over it and don't look back. It's a character flaw and if it's a deal breaker for you to continue being "friends", then move on. And don't renegotiate your contract where you will be forced to interact with someone you deem unworthy. But, if everyone on TV behaved as rational emotionally mature adults, then we'd never have any "reality" shows. Yolanda has become a ridiculous caricature at this point. Is she trying to fill every role on her own private soap opera? Doting wife and mother! Glamorous model! Gracious host! Poor immigrant struggling with language barrier! Doomed by disease! Victim of bullying! It's exhausting. And while she was teaching her children never to whisper at a table of women, apparently she neglected to teach them not to throw out threats (empty or malicious) at the same table. I hope Yo's Lyme brain clears up long enough for her to find the key to her "vault" then lock herself in it. Kathryn seems dumb. I don't like Erica. And as much as I want to see the big trip to Dubai, I don't know if I can deal with Kim & Brandi returning.
  10. I will never understand the rationale behind the Wig decision. It looks awful and so obviously fake. It doesn't fit properly. Unless JM has lost her own hair as a result of a sickness, there's no excuse that makes sense to me. If JM is the raging egomaniac who Has refused to film with certain actors, then it would stand to argue (IMO) JM would also be hyper vain, and concerned over her appearance. That matted Brillo pad she's perched on her head is doing her no favors in the attractiveness column. Add me to the few here who dislike Lucca. She never made a good impression and I don't think she's added anything to the storyline. I hope the law firm somehow goes up in flames as a result of whatever investigation is happening with Alicia. None of those lawyers deserve a happily ever after when this show is finally declared dead. Eli, Marissa and Mags Bennet deserve spin-offs.
  11. I hope the adoptive mom keeps the restraining order in place. The "birth family" are all nuts and not fit to be in the little girl's life. Such a bunch of victims. Maybe they were hoping to get a Lifetime Movie deal for their story? I suggest Kelly Osborne to play the truant teen mom. As for Robin...she is such a joke. Has she been taking acting lessons? Maybe she's watching old news reels of how teenager girls behaved at a Monkees concert or a mall appearance by Bobby Sherman? The shaking and the OMG-ing....wow. I guess I am slightly impressed that her Botoxed injected face was able to show signs of any emotion.
  12. Not sure if I'll make it through this season, especially after seeing the Juniors out-sew and out-class this crop of "stars". If I do keep watching, at least I won't have anxiety attacks waiting to see what ridiculous pregnant blue whale maternity outfit Alyssa was subjected to. Or for her water to break and flood the runway. Ken was a big ass baby in his season and apparently per upcoming episodes, he is still disagreeable. He reminds of Kanye West (appearance and holier than thou attitude), so any scenes with Ken set my teeth on edge. None of the designs were wow moments IMO. But whenever I do like something or PR, the judges rip it apart, so what do I know about fashion?
  13. The second case with the red head plaintiff...I don't even know what her case was about because I was too distracted by her face. Specifically, the alignment of her eyes in relation to to her other features. Her right eye socket was remarkably off center compared to her left side. And she kept cocking her head slightly as if to bring JJ into one line of focus. My friend (who is much more spirited than I) commented that she could've been a model...for Picasso. It was almost as off beat as yesterday's plaintiff with the very pronounced brow ridge and deep set eyes. I'm wondering if both of these poor souls were in horrible accidents that required cranio-facial reconstructive surgery.
  14. It's obvious from the lack of kids on the stage that there were no other Teen Groups or Mini Teams competing. The older girls' routine was pretty, but the little girls' were a mess. Can't blame them for the sloppiness; they are only given a few days to learn and most of them probably don't have a lot of competition experience. However, that little Peyton was late in every move and the girl who lead them on and off stage was swinging that club like a crazy person! Like any dance team, timing and staying in sync is so important in group dances. That's why my guess is those little ones were the only ones in that category. I see the tradition of troweling on the makeup continues with all the new moms. Yeesh. They all look so awful. I'm sure if they turned it down by a factor of 10, most of them are attractive in a more natural state. If anything, that much makeup, hair product and extensions accentuate whatever flaws they think they are covering.
  15. yeesh, this gets worse every week. No mention of the dead officer the "dentist" snuffed out last week? The dentist/spy guy just wanders around the hospital and the town without anyone questioning his papers or local residents recognizing him? Complex gyno surgery performed without anesthetics, antiseptics or LIGHT by a doctor, an apprentice and a nurse who have probably never seen such an operation performed? And why were Sam's sleeves covered in blood but his chest and stomach area looked pretty clean? Speaking of blood, wouldn't Aurelia have bled quite a bit during this ordeal? How did she survive such blood loss? And I can't get past the very modern mannerisms, speech, eye rolls and sarcasm from Dr. (Ted) Foster. I don't think people in the 1860's spoke in the flippant "Chandler Bing" style this character uses sometimes.
  16. I wasn't saying Peyton is a washout for competitions or that she has no talent. She IS only 6 and I meant that the corrosive environment of Abby's studio, the witchy moms and Lifetime's scripted storylines are not healthy for the little girl (or any of them really). Peyton seemed to struggle more than some of the other minis ( again, she is only 6 and the youngest there). Why make a little kid feel uncomfortable or insecure about her abilities? Why let her witness her mom flipping out? I think she is a good little dancer and should probably keep dancing for fun and gain more confidence before moving into high stress competition teams. I mentioned modeling because I think Payton is a very pretty little girl with beautiful expressive eyes.
  17. That little Peyton is adorable & has a beautiful face. Perhaps her crazy mom should look into modeling or print work instead of dance. The poor thing just can't keep up with the competition level girls. She's constantly behind in rehearsals, and during the Bollywood number she was obviously focused on watching the girl next to her for her cues. It doesn't mean she's a failure...she'll be so much better off if she gets the hell out of Abby's/Lifetime's vortex of suck. The kid can still take dance classes for fun (what a novel idea!). Regarding Nia and her social media issue. I feel bad that she got some harsh criticism, but come on! She's 13 and has been on TV for several years. I'm sure she & her mom have heard or seen unkind things about themselves on the internet (and if not, I'm 100% sure Jill & Melissa would have gleetfully shown it to them). Holly seems like she's mostly good at parenting & she's an educator, so I'm shocked she wouldn't have had the conversation with Nia and the other girls about internet pitfalls. Nia & Kalani looked fabulous in their duet. Kalani is a beautiful girl and a good dancer. She has more charisma, technique and emotion than Ken-DULL will ever have on stage. Kendall & the "Maddie 2.0" girl's duet was terrible. 3rd place was a gift (unless there were only 3 teams in the competition). Aside from dumb choreography and cosh-tumes, Kendall's portrayal of her character was beyond boring. She is a pretty girl as well and I could see her modeling vs. professionally dancing if her beast of a Stage Mom-ster insists on keeping her kid on any kind of stage.
  18. I'm so over Yolanda telling the audience how "real" friends behave. She has too many rules to be a friend IMO. According to her: - Real Friends do no take Yo's name in vain- if you say her name or talk about her -good or bad - Yo must be present. - Real Friends must sit by her bedside, or call or drop in to visit at all hours of the day, even if Yo posts on social media that she is feeling weak, tired, ill, etc. - Real Friends will not question or opine on her medical conditions even if it is to show concern or offer suggestions - Real Friends will not roll eyes when Yo makes ridiculous pronouncements like "I haven't walked in 9 months" - Real Friends will not make comments like "I saw your post on Instagram & you looked great!" when a Real Friend should know Yo is now experiencing unbearable pain- 1 hour later. It's exhausting. And so is the whole Munchausen plot to nowhere. My Brownie troop of 13 9 yr olds could have resolved this in 10 minutes. "I heard you said something mean behind my back." "Actually, I didn't say it, but I did repeat the mean thing someone else said. I shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry." "Ok, cool. Want to glue some glitter on this poster with me?" THE END. And it's already been said across the seasons, but LVP so two-faced re. holding grudges and being miffed. When she is the "victim", she is standing up for herself, or being the bigger person. If someone else takes offense to shade thrown by LVP, that person is being ridiculous and petty, and just needs to get over it. Of all the houses we've seen on this show Kyle's is still my favorite. I don't like Faye Resnick one bit, but if she truly did handle the design and décor of Kyle's house, than I am begrudgingly impressed by her interior design skills.
  19. Asking because I know nothing about being a fashion designer...the judges told Maya she needed day looks; Samantha needed an evening piece. Is it b/c these kids are so young, so therefore they need to show they can make anything-from pjs to swimsuits? Aren't there some designers who only do sportswear or only gowns? It seems like the judges are giving these kids busy work to add to the drama. Why does Maya's "warrior" need an outfit for going to the grocery store? Why does Samantha's girl need to go from her day job ( SCUBA diving combat soldier is my guess from the looks shown) to a red carpet event? Not every person has the lifestyle of a Bond Girl.
  20. Lori- "What's a uni-boob?" Me- "Look in a mirror right now and you'll see." Every time she wears those cut out peek a boo dresses, she appears to have uni-boob. That bra looked like a great product to me. And screw you, Robert, Kevin, Mark and Damon for the sexist attitudes. They were in disbelief and amazed Sara had 4 kids, had a successful sales career and looked the way she did. Guess what? Since before any of you were born, women have been able to give birth multiple times & raise those kids, be successful in the workplace and manage to look put together. They also handle the day to day operation of running a household, maintain social calendars for themselves, their partners (if present) & the children. They oversee and participant in their kids' education and too many other tasks to list. Next time you see a woman in the Tank, please don't congratulate her for keeping her 48-24-34 figure despite birthin' babies. You should congratulate her for doing everything you do in the business world-usually for less money- plus a shit ton MORE than you all while managing not to kill one of you when you ogle her boobs. Battery pack backpack guys...I feel like I've seen other products with "wearable tech" on this show. Yet those two guys kept saying they were new and young and different. Sorry boys, but you'll need to take a trip in Mr. Peabody's WayBack Machine to be new, young and different in that arena. Thank goodness the Update was on a company we haven't seen 11 billionty times already. So tired of seeing the boot sock lady, the lobster cousins and the smooshed cupcake in a jar people.
  21. Is it me or is the IQ of these folks approaching single digits as each season goes on? That little pissant pipsqueak Frank actually said "She only won because I lost. That's not a winner!" Um, yeah it is you dumb shit. That's the very definition of "winning". There is a competition of some sort where 2 or more people contend to be judged the best of the group. Hence, that person "wins" and the others LOSE. One of the dumb bunny brunettes thought Buzz Aldrin was from "Toy Story"??? Didn't Gordon even preface his introduction with "the famous astronaut"? OK, she is a millennial & has been given a sub-standard, millennial level education (thanks, Common Core!), but shouldn't she at least know that Buzz Lightyear is not an astronaut? He is a Space Ranger for chrissake! I am shocked any of them could actually read the recipes on the jackets.
  22. I imagine him as the type of ex-husband who ends up on Dateline, sitting across from Keith Morrison. That custody thing had me curious as well. I don't think it was explained, but other than being dead, how badly messed up was that mother to lose custody to Mr. My Way or the Highway and Mrs. No Backbone?
  23. It took me a couple of days, but I figured out what this series reminds me of - and not in a good way. Anyone remember the mini series "North & South"? It was based on the John Jakes books and Patrick Swayze was in it. It was so OTT 80's soap opera acting. In fact Genie Francis from "General Hospital" was in it. She played a simpering Southern blonde sister who ends up marrying a Union soldier. That's who the simpering Southern blonde sister in "Mercy Street" reminded me of & triggered the "North & South" comparison.
  24. Wow, no one is watching this week! The only episode I caught was the "blended family". I was shocked Dr. Phil didn't offer psychiatric hospitalization for the wife. She was so needy and had next to no self-esteem. I think she had those issues prior to meeting Mr. GI Joe militant. She's one of those women who places value on being in a relationship and having a man "take care" of her. She jumps from relationship to relationship & when she thought her current marriage was on the rocks she ran right back to an old boyfriend! And what kind of mother lets a man she basically just met kick her children out of their own bedrooms and into the basement? If I heard correctly, he and his half of the Brady Bunch moved into HER house! Hubby had his own issues to deal with too. Narcissistic control freak. I don't think any woman would measure up to his standards. And why on Earth would either of them continue in the marriage? The dislike everything about each other and the other's children, yet "failure is not an option"??? That's like saying, "We bought these Titanic tickets and by God, we will stay on this ship to complete our cruise! Lifeboats be damned!" Divorce may be difficult, but I'd opt for a few months of stress over it vs. years of psyche damage to me or my kids.
  25. Do these moms style themselves for the show or is there a team of dressers, hair & make up people taking care of them before they are on camera? I'd guess they are left to their own devices and trowel on the products themselves. I just don't understand why some of these women comb their hair as if they are about to enter the Westminster Dog Show. Way too many over-poufed Pomeranians and Shih-Tzu looks lately. I get that they want to look glamorous for TV but they are sitting in a studio for hours, not on the runway during Fashion Week. They are sooo over dressed and made up, they look ridiculous. I'm too tired to look it up, but have Abby's financial troubles been resolved yet?
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