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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. Well he is a horrible, despicable, self-absorbed excuse for a human being. Apparently Aria didn't bother to call or text him either? "Hey, saw you on the news, glad Nichole is alive [said through gritted teeth], call me when you get a chance." Alternatively, she was too busy putting out another hit on Nichole to bother contacting him. "Damn Colombian revolutionaries failed me." Pigtunia: "You should hire locally!" Aria: "I'm way ahead of you -- hello, Moose, Rocko? I need you to fix another problem for me. Same rates as usual?"
  2. The AD / Jenna tag - What the hell was AD wearing? It looked an awful lot like the garb worn by that hallucination of Shower Harvey that Emily saw when she was recovering from getting her eggs harvested, including surgical clothes and the blue rubber gloves. Definitely a female-frame under the scrubs - Mona? Sara? Sara's twin? Bethany? Charlotte? Aria's dissociative personality?
  3. I keep expecting that we'll get some scenes from our world, even if it's just Yo-Yo and the Redshirts sitting on the Zephyr playing canasta. One thing I found weird was that May specifically turned on her body camera before she went into the collapsing building- so doesn't Hydra have a record of her not shooting Mace and all the others, and letting everyone escape? I know Fitz and Ophelia were on a speaker-phone, but surely someone was watching her video feed. Maybe they're too scared to rat out May. I'm having a hard time remembering - were there LMD survivors of the bomb that LMD-May used to blow up the base right after Simmons / Daisy / Yo-Yo / Redshirts escaped? I'm also confused / intrigued by Project [Something I can't remember], which Madam Hydra says will allow them to attack the Other World in a "destroy them before they destroy us" thing. That can't be what her intention is - the Framework is a distributed program running on the web. If she intends to destroy our world, or even just kill off humanity because we're a threat to the Framework, eventually the system will shut down due to lack of power and maintenance on the hardware.
  4. Her turning point was seeing kids in that Quarantine building. I'm guessing that has something to do with the little girl she saved in Bahrain and all that psychobabble stuff. I can't look at Fitz Sr. and not see the horrible overacting that the actor did as the Earl of Surrey in Tudors S4. Fitz's "one regret" is definitely a cautionary tale. "My one regret is that my father wasn't in my life growning up" Aida: "Okay, now he is." Framework: "Did we mention that he was physically and psychologically abusive and would turn you into a soulless mirror of himself?" I'm enjoying Jemma's struggle with reality vs not-really-reality-but-looks-goddamn-like-it. Once they get out she might be an advocate for leaving the program running. It reminds me of a novel I read a few years ago (The Hydrogen Sonata) which had a lengthy discussion on the morality of creating simulations that so closely mirrored real individuals, and how that was basically creating life. Is it moral to turn off a simulation when the simulated characters have basically achieved sentience? Tough question. Tripp died because the terragen crystals were mixed with the Diviner metal. The Diviner killed any non-Inhuman who touched it.
  5. I was thinking more along the lines of Sunnyvale collapsing into the Hellmouth, but that works too. Maybe when they get to the final move of the board game it'll turn out to contain a hydrogen bomb that will level the city.
  6. Pretty "meh" episode. I guess the police investigation of why the girls were in the death trap house, how Noel Khan got decapitated, the fact that Mary Drake was also there and that Jenna was waving a gun around at them was all covered in the "One Week Later" bit? Lazy ass writing. Holden: "And they say high school romances don't last." [Aria flinches] [I blurt laugh] I'm looking forward to Electricboogaloo's direct quote of Spencer's summary of the last half season. "... I was shot by Jenna Marshal, probably..." lol I called it -- Mary raped (by deception) Peter and he's Spencer's father. AD's Dare from "Truth or Dare" isn't really that bad of a dare. Spence should probably visit Toby anyway, even if their last conversation ended with that weird kiss. How did Mrs Hastings not see the ginormous elaborate game box sitting in the middle of the barn? Did AD equip it with some sort of cloaking device?
  7. Bonding and friendship is fine, but this is the CW and you know they're making Keelin a love interest. It bothers me, because as far as I remember, Freya is straight. I seem to remember her having a date, with a man, that Klaus (rather humorously) interrupted, to her annoyance. Suddenly she's now going to be a lesbian? Supergirl handled it really well with Alex coming out, but I really don't think it'll work on this show since there's so much else going on that they won't devote adequate time to let it develop naturally and it's going to be Suddenly Sexuality.
  8. LOL, I kept thinking the same thing. On Charmed, The Hallow was a being (manifested as a swarm of insects basically) that consumed magic. It was so powerful and dangerous that Evil and Good teamed up to contain it. I wondered if we're dealing with something similar (but better written). And Josh's new boyfriend! Preferably both of them dancing at a burlesque show.
  9. Wow that was really good, though I kept wanting to slap Daisy every time she had an outburst. "May! Fitz!" They're not going to recognize you, and you should know that by now. Or trying to intervene when that guy was getting beaten up. I guess it's so realistic that it's hard to keep focused on it not being reality. I loved the callback to S1 "It's a magical place!" I wonder if the fact that Coulson has already undergone a memory wipe-and-recover event is why he was able to break out. I hope not, because that bodes ill for everyone else. I kept getting caught up in this too, and had to remind myself that, outside of the <10 people Aida plugged in +Daisy + Simmons, none of them are real, so any illogical or counterintuitive behavior can be dismissed as a flaw in the programming. How could 7 billion people be okay with HYDRA? They're programmed to be. Si. [the extend of my Spanish]. Was it just the excessive eye makeup, or did they digitally enhance her eyes? They looked enormous, like anime-big.
  10. I'm changing my mind from last week. I don't want Snart back on this show now. They've made him unforgivable to me, and it'd be character assassination for the other characters to ever accept him back. I figured that was what the other Legion of Doomers were doing while the Legends were distracting Thawne. I guess it's Chekhov's gun for next week.
  11. Tom Felton in a tank top... I'll be in my bunk. Lusting aside, he really is a fantastic actor. The joy and relief when he was holding Caitlin's hand was palpable, and the panic when she coded. I did roll my eyes when he said "bring the oxygen" and Cicso shows up with a breathing bag, though that was the right tool. I'm also glad that when er heart stopped he did CPR instead of the usual "shock paddles" bullshi... oh, wait, of course they did. Killer Frost on Earth 2 -- didn't she help the team out at one point? I seem to remember her making an ice slope for them to climb up to reach the lair of [generic evil speedster number 734], and ice-tombing him to give them enough time to escape. Barry is going to run to the future! Yay, that won't have consequences, most likely being the genesis of Savatar. "I wouldn't exist if you hadn't run into the future, Flaaaaash!". I guess they've milked the "Barry runs into the past and fucks things up" cow dry, so here's something new. Or newish. Next year, in order to foil [Generic evil speedster number 736] Barry will have to run forward and slightly to the left!
  12. That's the part that was making my skin crawl. He's willing to change large chunks of his personality and behavior just to please a woman? Monel is Sandy from Grease but bland.. I liked the Alex / Maggie stuff. They seem to have an adult relationship, which is such a rarity on TV any more.. Uber driver. She gets constant 1 star ratings for threatening the lives of her passengers if they smoke or get mud in her car.
  13. Alternatively it's the Snowglobe ending of St Elsewhere. "But the process ends up being worth it"? How? If it turns out to be Emily's egg + unknown sperm donor, I see any way that the story line can wrap up that won't offend a good chunk of the audience.
  14. I hope you're right that the final stone will be introduced in Infinity War Part 1 (like, Thanos will already have it). I suppose it could come up in Ragnarok as long as it's not too plot-relevant -- the Grandmaster using it to control his gladiatorial arena, and the mid-credit teaser is Thanos swiping it from him. James Gunn has confirmed that it's not in GotG Vol 2, and it would be horribly jarring in Spiderman or Black Panther
  15. We know Ali had a fake ID -- she used it in the flashback where she first met Ezra (Season 4 finale, "A is for Answers"). We also know Noel Khan could get fake passports and airline tickets (same episode). Presumably they could get credit cards also. Mona could probably get any fake document you'd ever need because she's Mona.
  16. Another LotR misquote I noticed (though I think it might just be from the movie): "One does not simply walk into the middle of a battle field". I amn a Christian and I generally dislike SF/Fantasy stories involving the Spear of Destiny, mainly because it's poorly used and the legend of it is a bit insulting. Reducing Christ's blood to a simple magical plot device is off-putting to me. I'm enjoying this iteration of it so far though, mainly because I really like this show. And if they need to use this as a deus ex hasta to get Wentworth Miller back on the show permanently, I'm all in. My thoughts exactly. Alternatively, chuck the individual pieces that they had into the Sun and into Jupiter.
  17. mac123x

    S03.E17: Duet

    I wasn't really feeling most of the songs, until they got to Super Friends. That was a delight. I like songs in musicals that include dialog like "I'm not supposed to do that any more". I don't know nothin' from DC characters, but I assumed the Music Meister was actually a manifestation of Cupid.
  18. Teri Hatcher: something about how Mon-El will eventually run into that judgemental and unforgiving nature of Kryptonians Supergirl: Scoffs at the stereotyping [Fast forward] Supergirl is judgemental and unforgiving because Mon-El lied to her, a lie which she provoked with her racist comments about Daxomites and her judgemental snark about the royal family. Way to prove the Queen right, Cara. I honestly said, "wow, what a bitch" when she dumped Mon-El. And I don't really care for their blandy-mcbland relationship.
  19. Same here! I chalk it up to 1) they're willing to embrace the silliness and 2) it's truly an ensemble instead of a main character with a supporting cast.
  20. In French, with Death playing chess with a rhesus monkey wearing an Allison mask in the background. Because symbolism.
  21. I give the writers a lot of credit for using his goofy doofus persona as an effective plot point. It looked like he was just being a dork and cock-blocking Nate and Amaya unintentionally. Nope! He knew full well what he was doing. I don't watch Arrow so I didn't know what he was referring to with Amaya's granddaughter, but I figured it was a thing and not something just made up in this episode. I really like how the show continues to previous events and past characters. It's nice when they pay attention to their own continuity.
  22. Burn the death outfit, dye my hair and get it cut really short so it wouldn't have time to grow back, and maybe take a short vacation to Earth 2 until after the death date. I'm sure she could stay in Jesse's old room for a few days. Or Earth-whichever and hang out with Kara Danvers. The voice actor for Savitar sounded an awful lot like HR to me, but that makes even less sense than either Future!Barry or Wally. Maybe Future!Barry in the future sacrifices himself to get Wally out of the speed-force prison and thus goes insane and becomes Savitar. Temporal mechanics gives me a headache.
  23. One of Alison's letters to Board Shorts said that she wanted to show him the beach, despite it not being "his thing". Since Board Shorts = Ezza, presumably Ezra is not Beach Hottie. Besides, frolicking on the beach doesn't seem pretentious enough for Ezra. My guess is Beach Hottie = Wilden, but it hasn't been confirmed. I expect it won't be confirmed other than via an IMK tweet.
  24. This show is so silly and goofy and I love it. What's the term for that, guilty pleasure? I don't care - I just adore this show.
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