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Casual Viewing

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Everything posted by Casual Viewing

  1. I want to thank each and every one of you intrepid Glee viewers who reviewed this episode and have saved me the tedium and pain of watching it myself. I will be giving this one a miss since it sounds like a mess.
  2. I don't understand why the writers are wasting so much time on a storyline for Becky. Why even bring her back? It seems like just another way RIB can wedge in another PSA. In any case I resented/ hated all her scenes. Did Naya get a butt implant? She really needs to lay off the plastic surgery. I much prefer how she used to look. I liked the singing in this episode, esp. Mason & Jane, (I shut my eyes during the Klaine scenes);Tina & Quinn (not long enough). Also I was glad Chris got to sing more than he usually is allowed to. I liked the scene between Brit and Kurt. Hated the Santana rant. It wasn't the least bit funny. At best it was long and boring, at worst it was mean, and disproportionate to what Kurt did. I didn't even feel like it was delivered with any real emotion; it was just one long rant. The music was the best part of the episode for me anyways.
  3. After reading comments here I decided to watch the episodes today. The episodes were way better than the season 5 finale (which I couldn't even get through it was so bad.) Homecoming was the better of the two episodes and enjoyable. I didn't fast fwd at all during it other than the commercials. Do I think RIB can sustain a degree of quality for the rest of the season? Probably not, so I won't get my hopes up, but I will tune in next week. Blaine is an ass and I cannot fathom why Kurt would want him back. His dating Karofsky? I find that to be some kind of twisted revenge (even if it was done subconsciously). Then he accuses Kurt of recruiting talent behind his back. There is nothing that the writers can do that will convince me Klaine will ever be a healthy relationship. I liked the noobs, and their voices. Favorite songs for me were all in the second episode: "Mustang Sally," Problem," and "Home." It's the first time since the "A Katy or a Gaga" episode that I will buy some Glee music. Although I liked "Let It Go" and it was technically well sung, it just came off as pleasant. As Jesse St. James would say, it lacked emotional depth. It is a problem I have noted before with Lea's interpretation of songs.
  4. When they brought Shelby back I wish the storylines had explored the Rachel/Shelby dynamics re: the awkwardness of their past and now being in the same school. Instead the writers ignored all of those potential stories, and Rachel and Shelby might as well have still been in separate schools for all the time they interacted.
  5. Part of me continues to hope for the return of what drew me to Glee, "that unique mix/comedy/music/drama/dance" as caracas1914 stated. The majority of me has given up and I'm just fascinated/horrified by what the writers have done to a show that had so much potential; so I continue to watch (intermittently) and read the forum daily. I wonder if I will go through Glee Forum withdrawal when the show ends?
  6. I get the feeling that aside from deciding on their Finchel endgame RIB had no idea on timelines or storyboard, not even a bare outline of how the series would progress, which is why the later competitions and Rachel's Broadway success all fell flat. They left themselves with no where to go but downhill. Bad continuity, bad character development, no storyboard, and fan pandering resulted in the total mess this show became. Season 6 seems to be where they literally stomp it to death.
  7. I so need a book or two about what really happened behind the scenes in Glee. There were so many rumours about factions and back stabbing, esp. in season 5. Whatever is going with the BTS promos etc., it strikes me as very weird that Chris is excluded. Whether intentional or not on Mia's part, she should be playing fair and unbiased in utilizing everyone, or maybe focusing more on the originals.
  8. Best things about the episode for me were: hearing a snippet of the song "Roll with the Punches" by The Harpoonist and the Axe Murderer", Eye candy: Bernard Curry And Hodges & Morgan at the pool table. I don't buy the idea that Mary was strong enough to do all that by herself (other than the running him down with the car bit.)
  9. I'm agreeing with just about everyone's thoughts in this thread. Maybe we need a thread about what Glee did right, but it likely would be a pretty short thread. :-) Glee: a great idea horribly executed. Just thought of a couple more wishes: I wish Grant Gustin had been given a better part. I wish Paltrow had not swallowed up so much screen time. On second thoughts, I wish she'd never appeared at all. I wish there had been more Jon Groff singing, including a song with Matt. They could have worked it in when Jesse was Mr. Shue's assistant.
  10. That was what I wanted to see too. Oh the lost opportunities all due to crappy writers who are bad at writing good comedy. Yup, that's all I want now too. But I'd rather they not show him or mention him if they are just going to screw it up. (Which, given their track record, they would.) I really, really wish the Warblers hadn't taken over Glee. That was , for me, when I started losing interest. When Blaine became more important than the original Glee club members, it really bugged me, and it just got progressively worse. Darren doesn't have the acting chops, nor the singing versatility to be a lead. I also loathed the Rachel/Finn engagement/wedding plot. That was a total mess. The Finn/Santana outing storyline and how they handled that? Total fail. It was about then that I stopped watching Glee regularily and when I did watch I ffwd'd thru most of it. In hindsight I should have quit watching Glee in season 1 when they had Jesse egg Rachel without ANY lead up to it. It would have made so much more sense if Jesse had admitted to Shelby that he liked Rachel, then Rachel plays the triple casting stunt, they break up and then Funk happens. The order the writers did it in really sucked. It came from nowhere. I should have realized then how bad the writers were in continuity or developing storylines and their ADD issues. Watching Glee after that "Is MY one big regret."
  11. I miss the days when radio wasn't so niche orientated, and you never knew what style of song would be played next. The music industry is smothering/dismissing many talented people because they don't fit the industry's stupid programming formats. Whatever happened to eclectic programming? People need to be exposed to diversity and talent. I wish pure talent, like these acapella groups have, would get more respect and breaks.
  12. I had no chance to watch this until today and I haven' t read anyone's ideas about this yet. As someone who has never read or seen any Flash prior to this series, these are my thoughts on the man in the yellow suit. I don't believe Wells is the Reverse Flash. I do believe he is somehow involved in RF's creation, just as he has been involved with Barry's Flash. Wells strikes me as someone analytical, and scientifically detached, who likes playing god. RF doesn't appear to be like that at all. His involvement with The Flash's life seems more personal/emotional than what I get from Wells. My gut instinct is still that Eddie is RF or a direct relative of RF. Never thought I'd get hooked on this type of show, but I definitely am! Another great episode this past week with lots of emotional depth and fine acting. Also I loved how Ronnie not only is alive, but a good guy who came to the rescue. Can't wait to see more of him. OK, now I shall read everyone else's thoughts.
  13. Nice twist at the end. It caught me by surprise when the murderer was revealed, but who and why also made sense. The final 10 minutes were especially well acted.
  14. I really enjoyed Lucas this episode! The dialogue was sharp and fun throughout the show, and for me, it is the various characters and their interactions that I enjoy the most. As far as the music genres, well I like only some classical and some types of jazz, so I didn't have a vested interest in the musical "war"between Abe and Henry. But it was fun to watch.
  15. Well, that's the way I wished it had been written but since RIB were so set on their endgames that was never going to happen. I still think had Rachel and Finn married they would have ended up like the final verse in "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights."--which could actually be a comedic farce, or dark comedy and fun to watch. The problem however, is that RIB appear to believe that Finchel, Klaine, et al are healthy relationships.
  16. The way RIB also made Finn unable to let Rachel go and got all territorial as soon as another guy was interested in her (but the rest of the time he kind of tuned her/her dreams out) is also so wrong for a relationship. I think you are right about the old school, conservative view Murphy holds. Finn could have taught anywhere, Rachel's career was more location specific, why couldn't Finn be the one to compromise for the time being? Couples do it call the time. I just did not understand that relationship at all the way it was written.
  17. I totally agree they would have made Rachel and Jesse toxic. These are the same writers who had Jesse saying he liked Rachel and didn't want to hurt her in one episode and then the next thing we know he's egging her. No logical explanation, no build-up, just a complete 180 degree turn because they were too lazy to write it properly. The writers can't write good relationships because they can't develop characters or even maintain a character's personality from one episode to the next. I am forever grateful that Groff wasn't a regular on the show, and as it currently stands I wouldn't want Jesse with the Rachel who has been on my screen for the past few seasons. It really makes me wonder what kind of relationships the writers have in their real lives because they are so dreadful at writing relationships. Is there any ship on Glee that hasn't been demolished beyond repair? Are there any shippers who can say they are happy with the state of their Glee ship? ETA, I guess the Wemma ship is still afloat and tolerable but again that is due to lack of screen time more than good writing.
  18. What is it with these writers and their pro teenage marriage storylines? It would make far more sense if they'd jumped ahead 5 years or so. We could have an extended "here's what you missed on Glee" montage of flashbacks as to the highlights/low points of the individual glee club members lives during those five years leading up to where they are now as adults who have lived a little. I normally don't ship anyone (my St.Berry ship being the sole exception of any TV show ever) but Glee sure managed to rapidly turn me into an anti-shipper re: Klaine and Finchel. I hated having their toxic relationships shoved down our throats as supposedly healthy, romantic, endgames. I guess with Finn's death they're now really pushing the Brittana and Klaine endgames. Blech!
  19. I enjoyed the episode "The Breakup" in Season4 but for most of the season I only watched the NY scenes. Actually I basically checked out of Glee in season 3 with the episode "I kissed a girl " and only came back to watch Groff's brief appearances in the season. I doubt I will ever watch seasons 3 thru 5 in their entirety as I'm 1) not that much of a masochist and 2) if I didn' t see it I can pretend it didn't happen and therefore it isn't canon. :-)I'll probably only be able to watch season 6 if I can convince myself that it is taking place in an alternate universe Glee.
  20. I keep wistfully hoping the department suffers cutbacks and Fin has to be let go with no replacement. She's the only one of the cast I don't like. On another note,Greg needs a new hair stylist ASAP.
  21. It's because Glee is such a train wreck, that we find it hard to look away. Just when we think the writers couldn't possibly ruin it further, they find another way to do so. It's amazing actually. We must have some masochistic tendencies. :-)
  22. After the first season I never felt the writers had any kind of set storyboard or game plan. It was as if they just threw stuff together either on a whim or because their attention was caught by some new novalty or fandom suggestion. They started and abandoned so many plots or else rushed through them that it gave me mental whiplash. Character continuity is a foreign concept to them. I cannot understand why anyone would continue to hire these show runners/writers. Personally, I'm now blacklisting any program that has Ryan Murphy's name attached to it. He has no clue on following through on his concepts, and I hate his portrayal of "healthy" relationships, and his disdain for women.
  23. I really feel sorry for the actors on Glee. The writers have failed them big time. No actor can salvage the shitfest they've been given over the last few seasons. No character continuity, no plot continuity or any plot lately at all for that matter. They are just puppets with mean, sadistic puppeteers yanking them around. I sure hope they get a decent wage for what they've had to endure and I hope someone writes a tell all book soon.
  24. I kept waiting for him to be revealed as one of the bad guys. Didn't like the actor when he appeared in Smash, and don't like him in this show either.
  25. Not much time to watch TV the past 2 weeks but this show is one of the first on my PVR that I watch as soon as I do have a bit of time. I like all the main characters, and just find it really enjoyable. I think Ioan Gruffudd brings a quirky charm to his character. In fact I haven't liked a character this much since I first saw Simon Baker's Patrick Jane. It would be a real shame if it got cancelled.
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