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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Is she still doing those ridiculous splits? She’s going to break a hip one day if she keeps it up.
  2. Ok .. it’s May and the fights start in my house over the air conditioning. For two days now, I’ve had a hot face. The temp in my house was 80. I like air .. husband always cold. I switched to air and put it on 73. Five minutes pass and like clockwork, he comes running out and complains he’s cold. I told him to sleep outside in the garden. I also screamed if he mentions the air one more time I’m calling the divorce lawyer. Same crap every year. Now he’s sitting with a big blanket on. This is a 6 foot guy who jumped out of planes, but is afraid of a little air on his face.
  3. Let me get this straight. They are bringing in Heather to specifically straighten out Leah? This should be interesting to watch. Any bets?
  4. Surely you have someone to help you? No delivery? Grandchildren? It’s hard when you have medical issues. Thank goodness we all have the t.v. and these threads to keep us fairly sane. Even if you get at least one vax, it would be a big help. I wish all the best for you. Things will get better. 😀
  5. Me too. CVS is our second home. Everyday, I get the text “your prescription is ready”, haha. Sucks to be old. I even got my two Moderna shots there. My husband knows all the pharmacists by name.
  6. Everyone is in stores buying because there’s no place else to go. We still don’t go to restaurants, or the kids, etc. it’s an out for us like we went somewhere. Meanwhile, our freezer is full. How much do two people need? Now, we are on the ice cream kick with sugar cones. Yikes.
  7. Kyle looks afraid of her. For a few bucks, she shouldn’t have said Garcelle didn’t pay up for the Charity thing. That was insulting.
  8. If she’s a dancer, I’m a dancer. A bunch of men holding her up while she does a split is not a dancer.
  9. Hmmm .. alcohol seven days a week is expensive. Can Slurinda afford it? She must be drinking by candlelight with a fur coat on in her townhouse all winter. Maybe she didn’t pay her phone bill too.
  10. These landscapers do the minimum. Me or my husband have to stand by the door to make sure they blow the whole patio. If we don’t stand there, they leave the leaves behind our swing every time. You have to stand there like a cop and direct whoever is doing the job. Very annoying. The bad part is .. you don’t know when they are coming exactly.
  11. Move. I’ve had to move because of barking dogs in the driveway next to ours. I know it’s a hassle, plus you don’t know what you will get too. It always something, and I can’t stand noise. People are not considerate either. Whether you live in a house or an apartment, it’s the same.
  12. Maybe she made Boof do the deed and that’s why he left? Just sayin. She was home most of the day after the show. She couldn’t put out food or clean the litter box in all that time?
  13. Maybe Martha’s Michael will be Jess’s next victim. He doesn’t look that stupid tho.
  14. Ha. Does anyone think a ring on a man’s finger will stop a woman from getting together with him? No way. I worked in a big company. Probably half the married men were cheating with a wedding ring on. I love Bill and Jennifer. Looks like they really appreciate each other.
  15. Yes, and how about talking about Bj’s and vaginas. New lows and unnecessary. That’s all Sonja’s doings too,besides Leah’s.
  16. So, she tires of someone or something and just eliminates them into thin air? This woman will be a lonely old lady some day. I could understand Big Kev right now. She must be hard to be around. Everything has to be her way or the highway. Plus, how will she go on dates and functions with sneakers on all the time. At her age, I was still wearing spikes when dressed up. What really got me the other day when she was talking of her Mother around Mothers Day. She didn’t shed a tear. My Mother died years ago, and I still cry when talking about her.
  17. Erika’s house inside looks so dark and gloomy. I never see any light or windows. A rich man’s house. It doesn’t have a woman’s touch.
  18. Erika did Broadway because they ran out of people, so she should cut the shit.
  19. Did Erika’s antidepressants go to her brain? She looked like she was back at dancing school with that pink overdone tutu she wore to the bbq. WTF? Was that called dancing when a bunch of guys held her up over their heads? I think not.
  20. The clothes, shoes, bags, jewelry .. I just can’t. They all are so pretentious. Especially Erika. We should feel sorry for her? Not sorry. BTW, her book that she’s always talking about is like it was written by an eight year old.
  21. Say want they want about Bethenny, but she brought the laughter. Her thinking heads were gold. Leah did a 180 this season. What happened to her? All of a sudden she’s the voice of reason? Watching LuAnn about her drinking? She has a lot to say for a newbie. I want my old gang back.
  22. Yep. It seems like we are being schooled by Leah and Ebony. I don’t want to be schooled anymore. I want fun and laughter like we are used to. That’s why these housewives were # 1. Not this season.
  23. Where’s “Boof”? Wasn’t he bringing her takeout every night? What happened to him?
  24. Jess was beautiful without the trout mouth I’m thinking. She ruined her face. I watch this show, but I still can’t fully understand what the guys are saying. Very weird situations too. Funny tho.
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