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Everything posted by PBnJay

  1. If Ressler is so much of an addict than he can't quit long enough to get a clear urine test, maybe he should go back to his auto-repair shop and forget about getting rehired as an FBI agent. While he said HE NEEDS THIS JOB! he seems to have supported himself the last two years. Although maybe once he gets a regular FBI paycheck he can buy some razors/shaving kit.
  2. PBnJay

    S01.E07: The Storm

    Am I remembering incorrectly but wasn't Mary Beth inside that cement structure when it collapsed, so how could she know a telephone pole fell. Never mind. I got a kick out of the two kids driving to the semi to find tools to free Mary Beth and Drug Kid. And they go into the trailer, where no truck driver EVER stores tools, tools and repair items are always in the cab. The trailer is for freight. (And smuggling, but that's another show.) Then the girl is all YEAY! a coat to keep warm when she's wearing a dress? Maybe look for some jeans or long johns. THEN the two decide to hang out there while Mary Beth and Drug Kid are dying a slow, crushing death while everyone waits for them to come back with the tools they promised to find/bring to help free MB and DK. I laughed at this Ice Age Killer Freezing Storm was happening and no one acted like they were the least bit cold. The southern California people I know are freezing when the temp drops to 60.
  3. I loved yesterday's game with the gutsy DDs and FJ bidding. I was rooting for Andrew (I love his hair) so was happy he won, although Dane put up the good fight. FJ was easy since there was a discussion about Indonesia here not that long ago, when the clue asked the same thing about population north of the equator. If that hadn't occurred, no way would FJ been so simple for me.
  4. I guess Brahe did it first, before Lee Marvin in Cat Ballou! Thanks for the explanation byebrandy. Another tidbit learned here!
  5. At least he will be worm free from taking that ivermectin.
  6. Was this just last year? (I'll show myself out.)
  7. These stories from everyone's grandparents are fascinating, thanks for posting them. The older generations have so much to share, I love hearing their stories. Life was so different when they were kids, I could listen to those stories all day long.
  8. Today, Nov. 8, marks one year since Alex passed away. I didn't know what to make of the clue last Tuesday about the Property Brothers when immediately after there was a commercial with the Property Brothers hawking American Family Insurance. Made me wonder how many clues/answers are paid promotions.
  9. I'm slipping backward, 3/5 this week. I got Eagle, Scream and Kepler. I said Stretch Armstrong instead of G.I. Joe, and couldn't come up with any Dutch-speaking country. Now I want to know what was up with Tycho Brahe's nose though. I think I'll bring apple cider, hot and cold, regular and high test, for this week's potluck. Bring a thermos for take out if you wish.
  10. I thought of the Brad Pitt movie "Seven," so a head in a box came to mind. It also could be one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Only Red would be able to put one in a brown paper bag.
  11. 4/5 with no * because I couldn't come up with Anna Karenina. I didn't even know there was one movie about her much less five. The Table for Four sounds like a good place to enjoy a fine meal though, plus I plan to sneak a couple of those vampire heart pies to take with me.
  12. 4/5. I couldn't think of Denmark to save my life. But I knew the correct song about prostitutes. I'm bringing this four-layer dessert to the Table For Four. Well, it really has five layers, six if you count the topping, but that just means it's for all of the tables to share.
  13. 4/5 with 1* and the memorial M*. As an avid reader as a child and adult, I wonder how people who post here are different from non-readers. Do those people even have an interest in Jeopardy? I'm bringing four pizzas to the Table For Four, each with four different toppings. Everyone is invited to share, but no more than four slices each, please!
  14. Blasphemy! (Although they do sound rather tasty, don't they.) I'm bringing these three-layer parfaits for everyone instead, and hope no one looks at me as the main course.
  15. 3/5. I had no idea about Monday's FJ and took a guess that I won't repeat here. Rereading Wednesday's clue, I should have been able to figure it out since Messidor was in the clue. But, no. Save me a seat at the popular table for three.
  16. I think I am in there. Great company though!
  17. I earned one M* for locusts, but I've already had lunch today so I'll pass on the locust potluck thank you very much. Looks delicious though, right?
  18. As long as Matt is reigning champion, it would be fun to add him to the contest. He's missed a couple FJs which might put some of our players ahead of him for the week. Talk about bragging rights!
  19. I surprised myself by liking Mayim as host, although I am a staunch Buzzy fan and am hoping he gets the permanent gig. Thanks to the poster here who pointed out Matt's total Friday was a palindrome. That went completely over my head, but then pretty much all of the clues he knows and answers he gives are also over my head. I like to see the other two players go big on DDs and pick the big money clues. Not that I want Matt to lose because I do not, but if I were going to get beaten by him I'd at least want to give it my best shot to win. All those players get a GFY from me.
  20. 4/5 for me this week. I missed Roger Rabbit too. I kept wondering what movie featured dip that was being poisoned and served to some painter/artist. I couldn't come up with even a good bad answer. @Grundoon59, I always enjoy reading your posts, they are so entertaining.
  21. Hoping to follow in the footsteps of Week's Best Champion @theartandsound this week. Congratulations on a great start to the contest!
  22. @opus, your avatar shows pretty well in the Light (Default) view that I use. You just need to scoot over to your left a bit to be perfect. Your new look is my favorite even if it is sad.
  23. 4/5. I guess I need to learn more about the 13 colonies, Rhode Island specifically. But it looks like this table will be having some very delicious food. I think I'll bring egg salad made from eggs laid by Rhode Island Red hens. I'm not expecting any asterisks while Matt is in charge of this game. But go ahead, surprise me!
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