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Everything posted by bravelittletoaster

  1. Holy shit, that's a blast from the past. I forgot I used to hang out in those forums. LOL, the tv options for ladies who love ladies have improved drastically in the last decade. :)
  2. But Peach, I want to believe. I want to believe we can get out of Georgia.
  3. I'm sure all y'all skeptical people are quite possibly right about Eugene, but I've been so bored pretty much ever since the CDC blew up that I still just want them to go to DC to see what's what. Being cooped up in that farm house and then prison for too long clearly has made me fool-hardy.
  4. Wow, I did not know that. So do people commonly eat kudzu? Or is it like dandelion, which is also edible but most people don't realize that / don't bother / don't appreciate it? [My grandma used to take me out harvesting dandelion leaves with her on her farm, and she'd prepare them with bacon and onion in a skillet. I wouldn't touch it as a child, but as an adult I think it's probably something I'd like but still haven't tried.]
  5. You've probably already been told this, but that one does get progressively better as the jokes finally pay off at the end. But I agree it took an almost unprecedented amount of patience to get their as a viewer. That's a season that put a lot of faith in the power of binge watching, for better or worse. Jenji has said that binge watching changed a bit of how they wrote season 2 of Orange as opposed to season 1, but I suspect nothing that chancy.
  6. Just to prove I'm not some sort of peaceful loving hippie, I've also given a lot of thought to the fact that zombies seem to be attracted to fire and couldn't we somehow use that to cull their numbers? I'd be all in favor of zombie culling practices when I wasn't busy gardening and enjoying free love in the living people commune. Heh. lol, I love that you've come up with a practical application for kudzu ETA: Forever amused that I was the one to bring this up and have already been kicked off the committee. I can't even really argue. Heh. But I do spend half my time watching this show thinking, "No, no, that's not how I would do it."
  7. oh, no, seriously? I'm unspoiled so I don't know what's afoot, but I hope that's not the case. I tear through a lot of tv I'm lukewarm on because I watch something every day on Hulu at the gym, but my investment in Arrow has gone up about 300% since they brought her on board, so I hope she sticks around. ETA: Full disclosure: I like hot blondes with rockin' bodies. I'm really complicated and deep that way.
  8. I like almost all the other characters, but I kind of liked the exact dosage I was getting, so I'm afraid they're going to lose me if they tinker with the recipe too much. But we'll see. As obsessed as I was with season 1, it's probably safe to say they have some leeway where I'm concerned.
  9. But an island would be easily defensible from zombies. I guess I was maybe being a bit naive in thinking the living could simply reach rapprochement. I get that man's the most dangerous animal blah blah blah, but lbr man also likes companionship and sex. I feel like as long as one were living in a fairly fertile area and a stable climate peace agreements could be made to everyone's betterment. I'm not very kumbaya irl, so it is kind of amusing if you knew me that I'm the one who's all "can't we all just get along?" but I just feel like in a zombie apocalypse all things being equal, I'd rather spend my time fucking than fighting and surely I could find some like minded individuals who were decent gardeners and fence builders. Heh. But Bongo Fury's totally valid points about fresh water and hurricanes also reminded me I hadn't put a ton of thought into it.
  10. I don't think there was any. One of the articles I read about the Kings' strategy on this was that they were able to keep Charles' contract status out of the trades to preserve the secret.
  11. I still won't be watching it because I can't abide the screentime for Blaine and my girls are AWOL, but I must say I like the idea of this plotline. And also am enjoying the fallout online. :)
  12. Ok, I'm generally super shy about starting topics, but something I've always wanted to discuss in re: this show is how YOU would go about surviving the zombie apocalypse. Anyone else interested in discussing? Because just talking about how the show's been spinning its wheels in Georgia forever in the media thread called to mind my own strategy, which would be to find a moat basically--get my group of trusted living people to an island on a river or even one of the islands off the east coast. It's easily defensible against intruders and basically impossible for zombies to reach. Also I'm very far from being a Pollyana about human nature or the human condition, but this show's even bleaker than I am on that front. I think anyone interested in long term survival would be bent on community building and, frankly, building good breeding stock, or else what's the point? So as group-averse as this show is in its world view, I would really want to try to build some sort of sustainable community on either an island or some sort of otherwise defensible position. Zombies are a hell of a lot easier to thwart than Viking, Vandal or Visigoth hordes, so if communities in Europe were able to build walled cities to keep them out, I'm not sure why that wouldn't work "now."
  13. and that Blaine is not? Also about damn time.
  14. I think they're risking over-exposing their brand here, personally. At the same time I'm not averse to a different look at this universe featuring characters I'm more interested/invested in [hope springs eternal every time the show introduces someone new]. I'm not sure I could get into a prequel, for the simple reason that we know the ending already. I've always wanted more answers out of this show, but I'm not sure that's how I wanted them. I think it'd be kind of interesting to see how things are going in a completely different part of the country at the same time as these guys, though. I've always been a little disappointed we haven't gotten to explore more of the post-apocalyptic landscape in this universe and have been stuck in rural Georgia most of the time [not really on my top ten list of exciting landscapes to explore. Sorry.]
  15. He just doesn't exactly exude personality to me. And yeah, maybe being the central figure / straight man in a zombie apocalypse is kind of a thankless role, and maybe I'm unduly influenced by less 'naturalistic' but more favorable [to me] takes like Zombieland and Shawn of the Dead, but I just wish Rick weren't so fucking boring. I realize shit's gotten fairly real for him, but my snark bias makes me wish he were more of a smart ass. Anyhow, I think my deep ambivalence towards Rick is why I've always been deeply ambivalent towards this show in general. With the lighter focus on him this half season and the introduction of new faces to whom I seem to be responding a bit better, my interest in this show has correlated negatively with his screen time [ie, it's gone up.]
  16. Heh. I should let you be my inspiration and stop whining about not being able to savor it.
  17. Nice little chat this week that Archie did with NPR about her character and this week's "plot twist" [which they actually don't detail.] I didn't realize how different her real life accent was. http://www.npr.org/blogs/monkeysee/2014/03/29/295762312/sex-and-the-greater-good-wife-archie-panjabi-on-keeping-that-big-secret?utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=npr&utm_campaign=nprnews&utm_content=03292014
  18. Speaking of Lizzie and how crazy she was, in the first episode this 1/2 season where she appeared, when she was holding a crying Judith and walkers were in the area, did it remind anyone else of that episode of M*A*S*H where Hawkeye is traumatized by his memory of the Korean lady silencing the "chicken" that was making noise with the enemy in the vicinity? Or am I the only person pushing 40 here? Heh.
  19. I don't attribute Karen and David's deaths to Lizzie because frankly, they were the right call [they were dying anyways, they were just going to turn, the outcome could be seen from space, etc.] Cold unfeeling rationality is more Carol's thing these days. Lizzie's batshit craziness had a completely different character IMO.
  20. Ugh, I'm so glad you asked, because I feel personally inconvenienced by the fact that they've moved the release up to June. Heh. My wife and I do long distance and I'm going to see her next in July, so had they kept the July release date that would have been perfect for us. Something we could watch together. As it is, with the release coming June 6th, it's right before I'm heading to Europe a few days later. So I have to decide if I'm going to binge watch it to get it done before I leave, which is not my natural inclination [i'd rather savor it more] OR wait and just not get to participate in any conversation about the show for a few weeks. At which point I'll feel like I've missed the zeitgeist and I might as well wait and watch it with the Mrs., but then it'll be way after the conversation on the show. I'm probably going to watch the whole series between the 6th and when I leave [likely between the 11th and 13], but I'm just annoyed that I can't spread it out more over a couple of weeks. If they'd just waited until July I could have watched it with my wife and the rest of the world when it dropped. Jesus, do I sound like Piper or what? Anyhow, this is the first world problem I'm having with the release date.
  21. My wife has a British bobby baton that's been handed down through her family and lives in the corner of the bedroom by the door for home protection, and I have to say that would be mighty fine in a zombie apocalypse. More practical length than a baseball bat, as you wouldn't need as much room to swing it, but it'd pack similar wallop. But I'd also really relish the excuse to wear a sword, so I think I'd want the baton on one hip and a sword on the other for longer range action.
  22. That's a really good point. So many of the characters are SO ambitious, that it's a little nice to have Brittany bringing some dgaf to the proceedings.
  23. At least they don't have a "Hurley." Lost had to plant a lot of food stores around that island to make his complete lack of any weight loss whatsoever plausible [which it still wasn't.]
  24. I think that is a symptom that appears in some. I worked with someone who had fairly severe Aspergers and his gait was a bit different. I don't remember why, but you noticed that it was "off."
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