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Everything posted by bravelittletoaster

  1. I actually appreciate a good fruitcake, much-maligned though they may be, so in the zombie apocalypse I'd be all MOAR FRUITCAKE FOR ME.
  2. I kind of got that when our introduction to her was doing Ollie's "salmon ladder" [as someone called it upthread] right off the bat. I think from that moment on I was more or less in love, so I guess that worked for me.
  3. Every cast of characters needs a Han Solo.
  4. The most important thing I've heard coming from this episode is that the recap says Santana and Brittany have spent the last several months vacationing on Lesbos. That in canon is really all I need.
  5. I'm hearing good things. If it's on my TiVo I may watch most of it and just FF any scenes with one of the Blam constituents.
  6. Think of all the jars of maraschino cherries that must still be out there in the zombie apocalypse...I bet two years in no one has even touched the green ones yet.
  7. I am completely unspoiled, so this is just spec on my part, but do you think they'll use Felicity in crossover episodes for the Flash spinoff? She had a nice rapport with Barry and they seemed to be laying the groundwork.
  8. He would have been my choice for Finnick in the Hunger Games. Eta: love your lambchop avatar, Rogaine!
  9. Lawd, that promo for next week... The 90s called. They want their very special episode back.
  10. Yeah, I know. I work in the music industry, and most working musicians are middle class at best. I still wouldn't anticipate that as a sustainable career choice for Darren Criss. I think his songs are weak and his voice is weak. But I don't know that he has any intention of pursuing that anyways.
  11. Yeah they make itty bitty aluminum bats for tee ball that should work well actually. Or you could go with a fungo bat.
  12. They probably could have scalded it in boiling water before they used it to take care of any surface germs, but God that's nasty.
  13. Ew. How is it possible that that's made that scene even grosser for me? I hadn't even thought about what that actually was. But blech.
  14. I like the way you think. I also like the way it reminds me of Zombieland.
  15. Yeah, but when I say I think he's a mediocre actor I'm comparing him to the known world of actors, not Chris Colfer.
  16. I know a lot of people dislike Beth, but she's never really bothered me, and the fact that the two most bandied about options for her right now are either a: rape/breeding stock or b: dinner makes me sad for her. Maybe I'll tell myself she's pulled a Buffy until I find out otherwise.
  17. I know we know very little about the Terminus people, but it doesn't seem to me based on what little info we have that going out and kidnapping people is their M.O. Their whole set up is much more spider/fly where they draw people in to them. I'm not ruling out Beth ending up at Terminus anyways. It's possible whoever took her will end up there themselves, but Terminus's rather elaborate "come to us" trap doesn't seem to gel with her disappearance.
  18. yikes. I don't know why critiques of Darren always end up dragging Chris Colfer in as collateral damage. I don't have a horse in either race, nor have I ever needed to stand Criss next to anyone else to find his acting wanting. I think Jenna's a terrible actor, too, but the two have nothing to do with each other. It just makes it that much more painful when they're the only two people in a scene.
  19. Yeah, I thought Dianne was pretty justified in her response to that grief as performance art piece by Intern 2 or whatever.
  20. I've often laughed at Blaine, that much is true.
  21. You shouldn't feel guilty, you should feel lucky. I'd like this show so much more if the lead character did it for me. As it is I'm pretty proud of my shallow self for sticking around for so long without any personal eye candy.
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