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KR Vermont

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Everything posted by KR Vermont

  1. Cora's non-reaction to finding Violet, Rosamund and Edith in discussion in the library seemed odd, considering how we've been beaten over the head this season with all her hurt looks and eye rolling at being kept out of the loop on so much of what's going on around her. And it seemed out of place that she snarked on someone's pearls to Robert when they were greeting people at their soiree. Despite inconsistent and unbelievable writing, I'm still watching...
  2. In my eyes, Anna's sparkle has been slowly fading through the seasons. I wouldn't mind if she's Greene's killer, it would be a twisted turn for the good Anna to have sunk to a dark side more similar to Mr. Bates, who I used to hate on so much and didn't get her attraction to him. (However, if that was the case, I'd rather have them just run off together like she'd once mentioned in passing. heh)
  3. I thought Mrs. Patmore might take a bit of the money to get Archie his own little war memorial marker, since there's no way the likes of a coward will besmirch the village ones. There was no indication that Daisy actually wrote the aforementioned letter of protest on Mrs. Patmore's behalf, but perhaps Archie will eventually find himself on a town memorial after all. Because, haven't you heard, the times are changing!
  4. When Bunting was walking (offscreen) behind Tom's car when he was firing it up to drive away, I visualized it accidentally being put in reverse and running her over. Alas, that is not how the scene played out.
  5. There was a whole lotta wtf in this episode. Mrs. Pattmore didn't want to hurt Carson's feelings?? After throwing him under the bus, to his face, in front of his Lordship last ep? Edith would infuriate me too, continuing to pop by to see Marigold after repeated and increasingly hostile requests to keep away...and hey, why not bring along Rosamund unannounced, too! And Mrs. Drewe still doesn't suspect anything's amiss? Bunting loves Tom?? Where did that come from? JF has so many underdeveloped storylines that it makes me think I've missed a few episodes along the way. I'm really not understanding why all the continued interest in the Bates' re. Greene's demise...oh, who cares, this insufferable investigation needs to meet its own quick end. I'm hating on Barrows. On the lighter side, Isobel's quip to Violet: "You're as infirm as Windsor Castle." I'm liking their banter.
  6. Britt must have been honest on her B'ette application, answering "heights" to the question: "What are you afraid of?" Organic apple cider vinegar does well to keep b.o. at bay as needed. Witch hazel does too. :)
  7. biopic = biographical + (moving) picture therefore, BI-o-pic is the way I've always pronounced it; I apparently didn't notice Dre's variation I don't think I've ever seen someone show up to go skiing in slacks (even as a prank), that cracked me up.
  8. Kromm, I'm still left wondering why the initial judges are putting through so many awful contestants. It kind of makes them look incompetent or undermines credibility at times, and now they're not as anonymous to the masses. I'd like an in-depth behind the scenes look at how this show comes together during these national audition rounds, I've long had an impression there's so much waste, no surprise it's an expensive show. Arena-size cattle calls seem so yesterday, how about culling out the dead weight via video submissions and selecting the good ones for in-person auditions instead. Eh, that might be straying into The Voice territory. Then again, taking the show on the road can help drum up support and excitement across the country. How often do the celeb judges wonder why some of the contestants are being presented for their professional scrutiny, or does being paid a lot make you not care and just go along with the game.
  9. Perhaps oddly, what I think about when they send truly questionable people through is, I hope it's not a financial hardship to get themselves out to Hollywood if it's likely they'll be turning right back around. Sure, there are people who surprisingly come alive during Hollywood week, we can't know who'll shine and who'll implode so I guess that's the thinking in letting so many through. It's a hella memorable experience for them all, no matter if they get released soon. But yeah, some really shouldn't be making the trek and may have their adorableness if not their singing voice to thank for being gifted a golden ticket.
  10. Just because you go into the FS as a virgin doesn't mean you'll necessarily come out it as one. ;) Joking aside, I don't know if Becca said she's waiting until marriage or just hasn't met a good guy or whatnot, that's cool, especially in contrast to the way Ashley I has been talking up her own virginity. As others have mentioned, there's more to it than intercourse and if I made it to F2 and knew the other woman is a virgin it still might not matter much, as there could be all sorts of intimacy going on ("fiancee type things" as Nick said) right before/after my FS time that still would be icky to watch unfold on the finale, regardless of forewarning...but it's a moot point for me, as I would have zero desire to be on this show. Free booze and a mansion full of gal pals holds no allure. :)
  11. I'm trying to get away from using "lol" nowadays, but I really did LOL at this. I wouldn't want to derail the thread to ask why you think he'd be "horrific" in bed, but I'm too curious for my own good at times. :) Wonder if the people who green-lighted him as TB remain confident in their lackluster choice. How many more weeks do Chris and the ladies have left to stir up some Bachelor-style excitement. As it stands now, there appears to be little in the budget for "excitement" beyond tractor rentals and pop-up tents.
  12. I was so disappointed that we didn't get to see more of the sisters and their interactions with the women, let alone hear anything about why they chose Jade! If Chris is so close to his sisters and values their opinions enough for them to come to the mansion and grill (hee) these 'ettes, then why not actually show more than a few snippets of it?! What, you didn't want to cut into any of Ashley I's screen time? &*$% that. Roses are not necessarily doled out in person in the order we see them given in the final edit of the rose ceremonies, and TB/ette is not always in full charge of who gets one and the order, anyway. So, I wouldn't read into it that Chris was being spiteful to Britt by giving her the last rose...who knows what is production manipulation or not, so I try to give benefit of the doubt to those who voluntarily(!) submit themselves to the whims of this silly show.
  13. I'm one of the ones who really REALLY wanted Arie or Nick or almost anyone other than Chris to be TB. I'm watching with the hope that he'll pleasantly surprise me, and though I haven't crossed a hater threshhold at this point, I want him to step it up already. Playing the likes of Red Rover on a desolate-looking lake/beach seems rather lame, but maybe it'd be more appealing if I was in my 20s and I really dug Chris. I could understand where Kelsey was coming from--I wouldn't have been woohooing over that and the overnight camping, especially coming back to the mansion to find I'd missed out on meeting his sisters (as well as potentially impressing them enough to be chosen for the one-on-one).
  14. Mackenzie is pretty in straighter hair and it was as if she had a wee different persona then, too. More with-it or something. Too bad Chris couldn't have called on the muck race runner up after he let Jillian go--it looked like they didn't even make it to the meal, just clean white dinner plates sitting there? Britt surely would've made for better company, and saved a beautiful San Francisco evening date. Britt questioning why he's giving Kaitlyn roses is silly--maybe he's giving her a rose because he likes her and is feeling a connection, the same reasons he gave you, Britt, a rose. Just a hunch. Chris was relatively eloquent about why he didn't appreciate his integrity and choices being questioned, when he was alone talking into the camera, but he couldn't string three coherent words together or look Britt in the eyes when sitting there in front of her, attempting to express that. I guess he couldn't remember his lines or see the cue cards.
  15. Jade answering the sister's question regarding career as, I model clothes online...is that what they call it now? And adding that she started her own organic cosmetics line, well played.
  16. Carly, regarding Ashley I: "her mouth is not a virgin" :D Snarky Carly and I might get along, heh.
  17. He sent the wrong Ashley home! Ashley S was a hoot in this ep, figuratively and literally, haha. Chris' facial expressions when she was talking one-on-one with him on the camping date were hilarious, only to be outdone by her send-off after getting booted at the rose ceremony. Ashley I got the fool's edit tonight and I now loathe her with the heat of a thousand suns and all that jazz. Her calling Kelsey "fake" was rich. pfft. She is soooo high school, I just can't--and I don't see that Chris could, either, the maturity gap is huge. I can't picture her fishing and camping and living in Iowa etc.
  18. I'm not saying you have to "dress up" as in being uncomfortable, just be presentable--with whatever you (or your friends/family) have in your closet, no need to spend money. Nothing wrong with jeans or sweatpants, depending. If I was presenting myself in front of celebrities, especially if I like them, and millions of people around the planet, I'd want to come across as having "the total package" as they often mention. Perform well, be personable, try not to look like a hobo...be memorable for positive reasons. :) ymmv
  19. I wrote same days ago that I deleted before submitting--probably veered off into get off my lawn territory, ha. I get having a "I want to remain true to myself" mindset in keeping your typical overall look at auditions (though if you make it far you're likely going to be made over to some extent anyway), but you have such a brief opportunity to make a star first impression from your appearance and demeanor (because, as much as you may not like it, that does matter and the judges have said it many a time too, it's not just about a great voice)...so why would you go through the expense and interminable wait of the process to get to that point and show up looking less-than. We won't all agree on what looks good or appropriate, but there are quite a few "WTF was that person thinking" moments on this show. Reminds me of business managers talking about so many people showing up for job interviews wearing clothes more appropriate for clubbing or lounging around at home. :/
  20. I'm not feeling a Tom-Rose coupling like some of you, she seems immature or inexperienced compared to where he's at in life. I've long thought the village doctor fancied Isobel, and now Lord Merton made a move... Baxter totally flipped to Barrow's side and gave Moseley the cold shoulder, and I don't know why. I couldn't see what Barrow's magazine ad said, it looked like "cheese" so it likewise made no sense to me. What is with Greene's death investigation after all this time, what a boring drag. I keep watching this show despite it not fleshing out characters and storylines, JF leaves it to viewers to fill in too much for themselves and along with quick scene changes it can get confusing.
  21. I wish Tom would state that HE isn't the one inviting Miss B(itch) to Downton, it's ladies sticking their noses into his non-existent love life trying to start something. How much does he truly fancy her, she's such an abrasive instigator that I can't see him being attracted to that dissing attitude. He can do so much better. I like Tom and he's getting pulled in different directions, but not as much as...Edith! and Moseley!! I hope Edith saying that all her writings lately deal with the changing times is foreshadowing that she's going to take Marigold and move to London or somewhere where she can get on with her life and stop all this moping and getting shat on by family--what's the allure for her to stay at Downton where she doesn't fit in?? She's shown she can get around the big city on her own and hold a gig as a writer, so why ramble around her small town pining away for her child (in between all this writing she's apparently continued doing all this time). Obviously this charade can't go on indefinitely, so just get on with it already and take the consequences. Has it crossed Robert's mind that Miss Bunting is inculcating the village 'serf' children to her views? Egads! What are Blake and Gillingham up to now? That triangle is sooo overdone, considering how much time has supposedly passed.
  22. I might give episode 2 a go if I have nothing better to do. Give Gravely a dose of Corsican folk remedy to take her smugness down a notch. Backstrom to Gravely: you read a lot of books, but how many murders have you solved? haha. He's a jerk, but I found her to be more annoying, so I'll see if my opinion changes if i continue to watch. Liked Valentine's quirky cool thing going on. Almond seemed tolerant/patient and wise, balances out Backstrom in a way.
  23. I'm not understanding the leap from being too scared to sing in your school's talent show because people might laugh at you, to auditioning your inexperienced self in front of celebrities on a show with global reach...wearing a nondescript oversize t-shirt and jeans...screeching lyrics...no chance of anyone laughing at you now, eh.
  24. I identify more with fun, chill women like Des and Jillian, they had good seasons. Ed was handsome (and I dig tall), but alcoholism is a big turn-off. I'm happy for Chris and Des, they seem like a cool couple that might actually have a good go of it. I only made it through plastic Emily's season because of Jef and Arie, they were a more entertaining couple than with Em. :)
  25. What gift did they give the newlyweds? I'd like details about this alleged "spontaneous" wedding crashing (they arrived hours after Whitney first uttered it on the hilltop during daylight). What was the original date supposed to be? Perhaps something that wouldn't have left such an indelible impression upon Chris regarding Whitney, and we supposedly know how that works out for her.
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