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Everything posted by BC4ME

  1. They said on the insider podcast it was shot North of Malibu FWIW.
  2. When Mike said take Howard's car to the warehouse, it made me wonder if they were just going to transport it in a truck out of view. That would avoid any stops for gas and whatnot with surveillance cameras. Especially after Mike said they would roll the odometer the the exact milage where the car was found. I think they transported the car.
  3. Gosh I hope that wasn't the real actors. Death doubles probably but it doesn't make the realistic looking effect less. Edited to add: It actually was both actors themselves playing dead except when they used stunt doubles like when they threw them in the grave. They played dead good!
  4. One didn't deserve to die, one richly deserved it. It was a real contrast and intertwining of the stories.
  5. I just went back and checked. The GSR witness expert said Elliot had large amounts of GSR on his hands and clothes. That his hands and clothes were covered in GSR.
  6. Also, if he flew his bloody clothes out into the ocean/body of water and dumped them with his gun, how did he have GSR on his shirt? I mean, wouldn't his shirt be the main place to get blood on it?
  7. Thanks. I know that's what he said, it just didn't make sense to me. He could've lost because of that. Ego I buy kinda.. but it still didn't seem well written for that part.
  8. Late to the show I guess. I did enjoy this show and most of my questions after have been addressed here. Except, why did Trever insist on testifying?
  9. Alls I have to say is thank god this thing is only a 30 minute "comedy." I don't think I could handle an hour of this every week. I felt tortured. But, great TV lol.
  10. Well, I for sure have also had "many gay and bisexual friends and family since the 70s" except even earlier. I just said I myself am not gay or bisexual not that I haven't been surrounded by it my whole life. If you cannot come out to the whole of society and be thought of as exactly equal, then, on balance, many people will probably choose to lead lives of deception to some degree. I understand how many other reasons there are for people having to lead lives of deception; I'm only talking about the gay and bisexual community, for which I have great sympathy for their struggles. My point was the life he felt he had to lead wrt deception (whether he deserved to feel that way or not) might have influenced some of the way he comes across IRL, which in my opinion is very dishonest overall. In any of these true crime scenarios where I don't really know the answer but am trying to weigh all sides, I try to sort through things I feel might make me lean more towards guilt when it's really just them being a horrible person in general. The other thing I do is to try to parse it out in my mind if they deserve incarceration even if they didn't do that particular thing or the degree of the particular thing in question. Of course that's not how the justice system works thank god. It's just my way of feeling better or worse about innocent or possibly innocent people doing time. If he actually didn't cause it but let her die, he's served his time for that and he deserved that time. If he's just an asshole, then he probably served too much time (which also clearly didn't change him). If he full on planned it and killed her then he should still be in prison. I'm just trying to sort it out trying to be as objective as I can because it's not exactly clearcut from what I've gathered.
  11. Now. He was born in 1943. I'm not gay or bisexual but I'm old enough to know these things were not well accepted when he was a child and younger adult. Look, I'm not trying to defend him. I'm just trying to look at what his life might've been like and why he might act certain ways.
  12. I've somehow gotten myself temporarily obsessed with this case after all these years and have now watched a lot of the media around this case. I have a lot of questions I would think are known or should be. One is, did they actually show an email on his computer that her work sent to her through him? That seems to be the basis of the theory of them fighting over her finding out about his bisexuality that way. Surely this is known one way or the other. Did she actually have problems with something in her house like bats? If not I don't see the point of HBO showing all those scenes implying that. If the owl attacked her outside that still doesn't tie in. As someone else brought up, did she actually jump into the pool and have to wear a neck brace? It could explain the valium and possibly the broken cartilage in her neck. It's like they put this stuff in there, didn't really tie it in but depended on viewer speculation. It just seems like lots of question that should be answered haven't been. I immediately disliked the real Michael in the doc. It'd be easy to want him to be guilty based on those feelings. However, being bisexual he had to live a life of deception so he was no doubt well-versed in it. He was also, being a writer, a story teller. So his dishonest affect and always trying to create a narrative were probably second nature to him. I'm still leaning toward the owl theory. Sorry to mix the HBO show with the real life stuff but it's hard to separate.
  13. I'm terrible at reading lips but that's what I thought she said.
  14. I suppose it won't affect him one way or the other now but HBO sure decided they would tip their hat to what they believed in that last chilling smile from Colin. I know that goes on all the time on TV but this one surprised me more for some reason.
  15. I'm from NC, close to Durham and was near there at the time this happened but I only had a mild passing interest in the case over the years. I was aware of it, I just wasn't invested. This recent HBO series has made me go back and watch the documentary because I'm now curious. At the time I first heard the "owl defense" I laughed at the ridiculousness of it probably like most people. Now, however, I actually think it may be what happened. Finding feather fragments and pine needles in the hair she pulled out of her own head along with the wounds that would closely fit an owl attack are hard to ignore. Sometimes, unlikely things just happen. I agree he's a horrible person but that doesn't make him guilty. He's just a dick like so many other dicks.
  16. Is this the end of season two??
  17. I agree. I mean, Lalo is all Mr. secretively hiding and watching everything. Couldn't he have watched Jimmy's apartment for five minutes before he walked in. And then waited until Howard left. I still think it was a genius, strong ending I wasn't expecting. But some little holes can be punched here and there.
  18. I can't believe they cut that Pete rap video for time. It was good but more than that an Eminem guest appearance. Whoa.
  19. This is all well and good for their intention but if so many people didn't get that then they didn't do a very good job of telling that story. Edited to add. Maybe if they hadn't made us so confused over the Marcus family we'd have had some attention left to figure out their vision for Rebecca on the train.
  20. Me too. And I have to say I just gasped out loud and ugly cried over Beth's whole speech. The rest was a let down I wasn't expecting after that. Maybe I'm just an asshole. Or maybe it was the mood I was in or my expectations, but I spent a lot of this episode being annoyed instead of sad. Mostly over the Marcus family business and how she basically just ran by Miguel on the train. And that stupid lemonade out of lemons thing was cringey for me. I think the train idea was a good one but could've been better executed. Most of my complaints have already been voiced here so I'll just say that I'm normally a big softie who cries easily and this just didn't hit home for me at all. In contrast, I loved the Miguel episode. I'm sure this episode had many well done parts I'm under appreciating right now because of my over all irritation over parts of it. I'm sure the cast, crew, director and writers all worked very hard on this episode and there was a lot of pressure to do it justice. It appears there were many people who loved it. As an aside, Chrissy Metz has certainly seemed more athletic and light on her feet for the past few episodes than I would've guessed. Good for her if she's getting in better shape.
  21. I think we both know once you've gone down "bad choice road" there's no turning back for Mike. Money seems to be fueling a lot of "bad choice road" excuses in both BB and BCS.
  22. I'm not sure what this means if anything but there was a lot of attention paid to how neatly Howard prepared his wife's coffee, then how obliviously messy she was pouring it (aside from the seemingly hurtful aspect). Then later Cliff and Kim are at the courthouse and it shows the coffee machine spilling coffee while filling and being removed by either Cliff or Kim (it's not clear). Any ideas?
  23. Yes, I thought it really stood out. It made me understand how unselfishly and unconditionally they love each other. Despite the bad shit they plan and do, they do actually love each other in a pure way.
  24. Yes we did. Hence all the speculation in past seasons that Kim is back in Nebraska with Jimmy once he's disappeared. At some point.
  25. Yes and it's been out there for a really long time. All I could think of is they decorated an entire office and the dumpster hasn't been emptied yet.
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