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Everything posted by blugirlami21

  1. The episode was actually really good. I kind of don't understand the confusion over Auggie having his own ipad or an email address. I know toddlers who have iphones, its a different generation. I'm glad the show is acting like it on this issue anyway. I don't understand what's going on with the older kids though. Kids Riley and Maya's age would not use a school social website and if they did they wouldn't put anything interesting on it anyway. They would definitely be using snapchat or instagram. The whole Jexica subplot was stupid, I ff through almost all of it. I like that Cory addressed how ephemeral social media is. But I still have no idea what class he is teaching. It's supposed to be history right? The Cory and Topanga stuff was well done but I'm disappointed them making up was a part of Auggie's dream. I find it very interesting that anything having to do with BMW its usually well done but everything else is not. I need the showrunners to stop writing Riley as a bubbleheaded idiot. She's like a super dumbed down female version of neurotic Cory and I wish there was so much more of Topanga in her. Why is her self-esteem so low? I don't think we are getting enough parenting on this show when it comes to Riley. Auggie gets a lot of it but she's just kind of allowed to go off the deep end every week. A really big part of my love for BMW was that the adults were adults and parents were parents. I don't think Alan and Amy or Feeny would allow half the stuff that happens on this show go unchecked.
  2. I just spend so many of these episodes so confused. Who talks like this? What middle school level children monologue and over emote like this on a regular basis. Its just high school. It doesn't need all of this pathos in every. single. episode. I feel like my eyes are going to roll right out of my head every time I'm hit over the head with the episode lesson. What nonsense. And the love triangle is just gross to me now. Those two senior girls still fighting over one guy after four years is dumb. There are a million other guys that you can date in high school. I wouldn't be fighting with my best friend over one guy. Move on. Show please move on. Its not cute and its not sending a good message to either party. What I loved about BMW is that I felt like the Matthews family and their weekly issues were somewhat based in reality. Cory was a smart ass, normal kid to start and his parents treated him as such. Riley is none of those things and its disappointing. I don't blame Rowan, I blame the writing. Riley is my least favorite part of the show right now and Maya is a close second. The boys are so much more interesting to me. I'm also super disappointed in Cory. Cory as a character and Cory as a teacher. Mr. Feeney was a real teacher. Mr. Turner was a real teacher. Cory is not. He's so busy trying to be everyone's friend and be the one to provide the life lesson that he is a total caricature and that's unfortunate because he could be so much more. This show could be so much more.
  3. I think I'm hate watching this show and that makes me sad. It's just so bad. Its way too heavy handed in every single aspect. Riley is insufferable to me right now. There's believing the best in people and there's just being stupid. Especially when these are people you don't know. I absolutely believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt but Riley takes it to another level. I'm disappointed that Maya is just Riley's sidekick, she didn't think for herself not once during the high school drama. She's supposed to be Shawn's counterpart but Shawn had his own life and his own opinions. I liked that Shawn was cooler than Cory and that while it was a source of conflict for Cory, it never was for Shawn. I wish this show went deeper than these surface issues when it come to the kids. I hated that Maya and Riley are both dating Lucas? That was a real headscratcher to me. I know the reviewer was disappointed that Farkle disagreed with Riley but she was wrong. She's consistently wrong when it comes to anything that isn't about sunshine and rainbows. I'm glad that Lucas, Zay, Farkle and Smackle stood up for themselves and did what was best for them. I also liked that they seemed to be thriving. The divorce plot line with Ava was well done. It gave Maya and Topanga a chance to really shine a little in this episode.
  4. I'm just so disappointed. I love Barry, he's a great character for the most part but this time traveling shit has to stop. It's not an effective problem solver. Ever. Not ever. I get it. He just lost his last living genetic relative. They were murdered right before his eyes. The pain must be unbearable but how does that equal you going back in time 16 years to save your mother from being murdered? You claimed you came to terms with her death. Why didn't you try to save your father? Going so far back in time doesn't just affect you. You've changed the lives of everyone you know without their consent or knowledge. It's extremely selfish. I actually thought he was going to pull a Buffy and go be someone else for a while except he can do it in a whole nother' universe. That would have been preferable to this. Just thinking about the repercussionsof his actions gives me a headache.
  5. I'm disappointed that the network feels the need to insinuate that Abbie being killed off in the disrespectful way she was is Nicole's fault. Or that she was so disagreeable that this is the only option that they had for the show. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Own up to your decisions. The ratings for the show speak for themselves. The troubled bts issues speak for themselves. The show was struggling with Nicole and Tom. Everyone touts that they're chemistry as co-leads is what a good portion of the audience was tuning in for. But they think that killing off half of that dream team is a viable solution? Ok. I'm really surprised that they didn't follow Abc's lead on this issue considering Castle. A show with a much stronger chance for some kind of success when the premise of the show completely changes. I definitely won't be watching and I will be very interested in seeing how many people tune in.
  6. I hate when we have these just missed each other, I wasn't very clear misunderstanding conversations, etc when all you have to do is have a two minute conversation with each other. Of course Jimmy couldn't break up with Katherine when he said he was going to, in his defense she did drop the l bomb on him. It's hard to crush someone's spirit right after that no matter who you are. I can also see why Sara is gunshy, this is twenty plus years of hurt we're talking about. I do find it a little strange that they didn't talk at all before the concert. It looked like a couple of hours had passed. I'm guessing they're hoping for renewal and it wouldn't do to have them get together too early. I enjoy the show and I hope it gets renewed but if it does I hope they either shit or get off the pot with Sara and Jimmy. I can't take another season of this will they or won't they.
  7. I think the problem with the twins is that they are a plot device. Petra only had them in an attempt to hold onto Rafael and Rafael really didn't have a choice in the matter as per usual. I would like to see Petra be their mother but I'm not outraged that they get very little screen time. It is what it is. I doubt that Jane is going to leave Michael at the altar. I also don't think she's going to be a virgin forever just because it would mess up the show title. It was a very limiting premise from the start and it will be nice to see the show grow beyond it.
  8. Interesting episode. I was watching and reading the board at the same time so I was waiting for the love triangle to rear it's ugly head again but it was surprisingly subtle. I too am a Jafael? fan but now that we've actually been shown what Michael and Jane's relationship was like before I'm finding that I'm ok with them being together. It's a sweet and uncomplicated relationship which is sometimes needed on a show like this. Rafael still being in love is consistent since their breakups have never really been mutual decisions. I too was surprised and kind of disappointed by how territorial Jane was and continues to be concerning Rafael and Petra. I thought their opening scenes were very sweet. I do wish that Magda would go diaf. She can take Aneska with her. I never thought I would say this but hasn't Petra been through enough?
  9. I actually don't have a problem with Rafael confiding in Jane. I think its nice that they are still friends and friends confide in each other. I like that she noticed something was bothering him and got him to open up about it. I think I would appreciate Petra's stance on this issue better if it didn't always come from a place of jealousy. I think that's her biggest problem. Jane has her own faults but jealousy is rarely one of them. I wish that Petra had told Jane the truth about Aneska writing the ad because it was bigger than any petty jealousy. Jane's job as a t.a. could definitely be a big part of shaping her career, I was disappointed that Petra played with that.
  10. I'm so glad that I took a break from the show and the triangle drama. I'm a Jane and Rafael shipper but I can accept Jane and Michael now that's it's in motion. I even found that I am liking Michael a lot more. His computer research scene was hilarious. Aneska has epilepsy so her having an attack due to the stress of them arguing tracks. I too am upset that Petra torpedoed her burgeoning friendship with Jane. She needs friends in her life. I'm glad that she took up for Aneska but I wish it wasn't because Jane might have, maybe said something about her parenting skills or lack thereof. Which let's be honest aren't untrue statements. I wish that she was a little more checked in to to the babies lives'. Of course Xo slept with Rogelio's arch nemesis. I have to say I think Dinogelio is adorable. I'm really liking how hard he is trying to win her over. I also liked that Jane realized that she felt some type of way about it and talked to Rogelio about it. I loved Rogelio's mothers day gift for Jane. I did feel bad for Petra though. I'm upset that Aneska is another evil twin. I was so hoping that she could be the family Petra so desperately wants and needs. I don't understand the stuff with Rafael's mother and brother. Isn't Rafael her child too?
  11. In all honesty compared to his costars Hemsworth is the least known and the least experienced. He doesn't have the years of grind that Downey or even Renner have and it's prob unfair to expect him to be able to pull in the numbers needed to carry a movie on his own. Say what you will about Kristen bts behavior, she was the main draw for me to see SWATH and she was the one with enough star power to make it the success it was. Take that away and this is the result.
  12. No he hasn't which is why I said it's unfortunate. I don't think he's a bad actor at all but his movies outside of thor never seem to do well.
  13. My problem with Cora's redemption is it was just about what she did to her daughters. Which may be her biggest issue but she has never apologized for anything she did to all the other people she has hurt and/or killed. I think the punishment should fit the crime. If that means you suffering for a while to repent so be it. I also don't like the hero/villain double standard on this show. It seems all the villains have to do to be redeemed is only apologize for some of their transgressions. That got old when they first started Regina's redemption arc.
  14. I actually heard the opposite. They studio wanted nothing to do with Kristen or Rupert after the scandal but they still wanted to capitalize on the money that SWATH made so we wound up with a movie about the huntsman. I saw the movie today and I liked it ok but I do think they ultimately made a mistake not continuing on with Kristen in the lead role. Not everyone keeps up with what happens behind the scenes and I think a lot of people (my mom included) were confused that she was absent from the sequel to her own movie. I was actually pleasantly surprised that they used so much story from snow white, including Sam Claflin reprising his role as William from SWATH. Also that its both a prequel and a sequel. I really like Hemsworth here and I think it's unfortunate that the movie isn't doing so well with his star power alone. I also thought that Emily Blunt was very good as well. Charlize was also good but I was never as taken with her performance in snow white like everyone else was.
  15. I actually don't think going into the light has anything to do with whether you are a good person or not. This is purgatory right? The person or persons involved just have to let go of their unfinished business to move on from underbrooke. The way they have portrayed it is kind of confusing tho. I didn't think Liam deserved to go into the light either. But honestly, whatever to Cora going into the light. I don't expect anything different from this show at this point. They actually made me care about Zelena and Zelena and Regina as sisters. Their separation as children was quite sad, they were quite cute together throwing imaginary fireballs at each other. Of course when Zelena is trying to turn over a new leaf Rumple comes along and ruins it. He's the worst. I like Charming having some screen time. Even if it's just to show that someone feels remorse about dooming someone to eternal torment.
  16. That's what I thought they were as well. I'm hoping not since I think they're a compliment more than anything else but only time will tell I guess.
  17. The more we talk about it, the dumber the episode becomes in retrospect. I'm still mad that they stood around and had a nice chat about Zoom's motives while making the gadget that would transfer Barry's speed to Zoom. Why didn't they attack him once Wally was "safe"? I know Barry's a nice guy but I at least expected Harry to try something. Why didn't he shoot Zoom when he wanted to? I just don't understand the plan. You gave a murderous villain even more power than he had before for seemingly no reason. And there's nothing stopping him from killing you after he gets it. What's the plan guys? Why didn't Zoom kill everyone once he got what he wanted? He sure didn't have any problem effing Barry up before. Where was that Zoom? Zoom is supposed to be super fast and ruthless even more than the reverse flash. You needed two other superheroes and speed slowing nanites to help you just catch the reverse flash, not kill but catch. You were also smart enough to lock him up in your superhero proof pipeline before even attempting to have a chat. But the guy who almost paralyzed you and terrorized a whole city for months, all you need is a leg shackle and some cardboard cutouts to psych him out? Really? I'm not upset that Barry wanted to save Earth 2 from Zoom. I don't think a lot of people could sleep good every night knowing that you left a whole city of people to be terrorized by a serial killer literally on speed when there was something that you could do to help them. I'm just upset that all of his plans were half-assed. All of them. When he tried to get Cisco to open the portal the first time, he didn't even look he was ready to fight Zoom let alone think that Zoom would be waiting for him when the portal opened. He tried to catch him with the leg shackle thing but just because it held Barry for a couple of minutes doesn't mean it was going to work long term on someone faster and more devious. Especially not with you monologuing like a villain. Do that after you have him in the pipeline Barry. Did Wally see that Barry was the flash? I was too upset by the stupid things that happened to pay attention to what he saw. I too don't think Iris lives at him anymore. We've seen her at family dinners sure but I've seen no evidence to support the idea that she lives there like Barry and now Wally does. I also didn't have a problem with Joe clearing Wally's living situation with Barry first. Barry is his son too and he prob feels like it's Barry's house too. Barry might even pay rent. I think it was mostly to be nice. I know that if my sister wanted to move back home, my Mom would prob run it by me first to see how I felt about it in vice versa. I like that Wally is almost officially a part of the family now (Not being in the know about Barry being the flash not withstanding). Growing pains are usually always annoying to watch on screen. I'm not that concerned about Caitlin's kidnapping to be honest. Hunter seems to have some affection for her and if he wanted to hurt her he would have done it already.
  18. I'm not certain that I am holding Red to any different standard than I would any other character on the show. I'm as open minded as they come and I fully support any character discovering that they may like another character of the same sex. I would expect any character whether they were straight, bi, or lesbian/gay to show any indication of it one way or another. For me everyone is a clean slate sexually until they say or do something that would make them lean in a direction. In Ruby's case I don't feel that her bisexualism or lack thereof was given any thought or weight so her sudden lesbianism is going to be given the same thought and weight from me as a viewer. Did they ever say she wasn't? That more than anything else is my problem with this story line for Ruby. It would be an issue with whatever character they chose to be in the lgbt relationship because they didn't really put any real thought into it. I'm all for lgbt characters to be seen as the norm but that doesn't mean that I'm supposed to accept shoddy character development for it to happen. I would say shows like sense8 and grey's anatomy for example do a great job of establishing lgbt characters as being completely natural and normal, which they are, without it coming out of left field. That just proves to me that it can be done well and it was not in the case of Ruby on Ouat.
  19. I thought I was the only one confused by Red's sudden lesbianism. There were no indicators of it in her previous relationships. She was the town slut before the curse if I'm remembering correctly. Well according to granny anyway. I just find it interesting that the writers chose her instead of Mulan who's actually been established to either actually be a lesbian or at least bisexual. I'm guessing Jamie Chung's availability may have been a factor but they did a tlk storyline for Red in one episode so....
  20. I love that Lil' Sweets ride is the cat and the dad's reaction to it is priceless. I just love Justin's commitment to the ridiculousness of this character.
  21. That's my favorite scene in both movies. I laugh every time too because it's the perfect karma for her.
  22. I'll say sleepy hollow now for sure. Also fear the walking dead, legends of tomorrow, and supergirl.
  23. Am I the only one who loves the lil sweet commercials?
  24. Wtff was that ending? They actually gave him Barry's speed? Seriously? What kind of stupid nonsense is that? This is why we don't tell everyone but your family your secret identity Barry. Wally should have been with you guys to avoid this very situation. So you guys had time to talk but not time to take him out? I wish this was the Walking Dead and Barry was Rick cause Jay would have been out of commission instantly. Why are we having a chat instead of taking care of business? He was a terror before and you just gave him even more power and then you let him kidnap your friend. I just don't understand the thought process behind this plan. I just don't. This is the first time I have ever thought Barry deserved the guilt that he is going to be wallowing in the next couple of episodes. Which I'm dead tired of fyi. You had a half ass plan to capture a dangerous serial killer and it blew up it in your face. The episode was amazing before that. So much good character scenes and people acting smart and sensibly. Iris not going on her date and acknowledging her feelings for Barry. Harry deciding to join the team. Wally calling Joe dad. That ending tho.
  25. Why are we so eager to get back to Storybrook? This basically is Storybrook, everyone and their mama came along and if they didn't, they showed up somehow. It's not going to be any different than what we have now imo, ymmv. The writing isn't going to be any better or different when they beat Hades. Why not enjoy the change in scenery while it lasts? I actually like this arc for the most part. Hades is actually a pretty scary villain, what he did to Auntie Em was quite dark for this show. Henry's the author but we've been told time again that he can't just make stuff happen. Wasn't that the lesson of that stupid author storyline? I still hate that they introduced that into mythology. It reeks of character retconning. But I digress. I'll concede that Charming and Hook are too nice to carve an "innocent" persons name into the headstone. I'm just so used to the super gray morality that this show has that my mind went right to that. I know that neither Rumple or Belle would hesitate. I wish the others knew what Rumple did to Milah. They might have at least thought about carving his name on one then.
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