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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. Zach went to an open casting call in Gainesville. Jordan from BB11/BB13 was found at her place of work. She was a receptionist at a hair salon and the casting agent asked her to come for an Open Call. Frankie was friends with a bunch of survivors went to a party because he wanted to go on Survivor met Adam from BB13 who recommended him to a casting agent. Rob Cesternino originally auditioned for Big Brother 3, but was picked for Survivor so the whole trying out for one show, but getting on another has been going for 10+ years. I believe Danielle Reyes from BB3 also originally tried out for survivor.
  2. I thought Derrick's joke was pretty funny and I am a female. I usually don't like Derrick. I feel bad for Nicole's friend with Beast Mode Cowboy being into her. I thought this was a fun episode.
  3. Derek was an ass when they introduced him. Jimmy was supposed to mentor him and help with his basketball game and Derek said "I don't need help from a cripple". It wasn't until Jimmy beat him one-on-one he ended up being nice.
  4. Kaysar was Muslim and would talk about his religion pretty frequently. I remember him explaining things about Iraq from his perspective can't remember if it was on the aired show or on the feeds. He was one of the most popular house guests during his season. I remember Jee from BB4 had a Buddhist ceremony that they showed.
  5. I agree completely. In an interview with Zach's parents they pretty much said the same thing they think Frankie will keep Zach around because Frankie knows it will give him more airtime.
  6. At least with Michelle from BB11 it made some sense for the majority of the game the only two people who were nice to her were Jeff & Jordan. Didn't she hook up with Russell after the show? With Christine it seems that most of the people are nice to her to her face and don't say much behind her back. One of the biggest things I remember about Michelle was majority of the house bashing her behind her back about her following Jeff & Russell around. Remember when Natalie tried to throw Michelle possibly hooking up with Jeff in the jury house in Jordan's face during the F3 HOH?
  7. Derrick looks like so many New England guys I see on the street which is why I don't mind him being cast. I don't like him, but I would rather have him in the house than some mactor. It's refreshing to see a normal people in the house.
  8. Good point. Maybe that is why I can I watch BB11 over again and not BB8. I think the reason why there is no discussion is because she said this story to Frankie the first week the feeds were up. I remember reading it, in someone's recap. I don't think it was during After Dark which could be why you saw it for the first time last night.
  9. I think Dick is the most disgusting house guest. But the most disgusting incident was defiantly Lydia/Natalie trying to poison Michelle for me. they were pretty much squealing with excitement about the fact Michelle could break out in hives and maybe die. At least production put an end to that so even Grodner has limits I guess. Speaking of Dick, Victoria reminds me so much of Jen Johnson on the feeds its scary. They both have no social game or know how to relate to people. And I was a Jen fan during BB8.
  10. The funniest scene in Big Brother is after Jessie was eliminated the second time and Chima, Lydia and Natalie are crying over what a great person he is and Kevin is in the DR highlighting what a selfish prick Jessie was, too bad it led to a lot of ugliness that was never shown on air. Chima going through Michelle, Jeff, Russell Jordan's stuff and Natalie/Lydia trying to poison Michelle is probably the most disgusting thing I ever saw on Big Brother trying to put red m&ms in her food because she was allergic to red dye.
  11. I agree last year at this time it looked like Helen/Amanda was controlling the game or in BB11 it was Jessie/Natalie. Zach is starting to remind me of a better controlled Russell from BB11. Both were incredibly unpredictable and scary to have in the game. It won't surprise me in a couple of weeks if the house bans together to try to get rid of Zach.
  12. Didn't America vote for Jeff to win the coup d'etat? Also, Season 4 after the Jury voted they showed the jury members watching the season and their reactions. I doubt they will ever do that again because everyone was so bitter when the winner was revealed.
  13. Christine made a bad move yesterday being so vocal when other house guests were making their picks. Should be interesting how this effects her game.
  14. I think if Amber stays around long enough to the endurance HOH she could go on a competition streak.
  15. I agree, whoever Frankie nominates will most likely be whoever Derrick tells him to nominate.
  16. I really don't think Frankie is playing the same game as Andy. Every time Frankie is in a group conversation he draws the attention to himself by telling a story or doing one of his accents. Andy did the opposite he would be a yes person in the background.
  17. Derrick is so getting the Amanda edit from last year. He is playing to hard to early. Christina is playing Andy's game. Always in the background of conversations. I knew Zach was going to win it because it would be a bad game move on her part to win HOH this early.
  18. If Dr. Will and Dan had a baby it would be Zach. He looks like Dr. Will and his DRs remind me of Dan. I believe Dr. Will grew up in Florida.
  19. The fact she was convinced in her exit interview that Caleb was in control of the house showed how out of touch she was with the rest of the house.
  20. The funny part is the only person who has a chance to be "famous" will be Donny. Janelle & Jeff are "famous" because they played against some of the most disliked house guests in history the Friendship & Natalie. When I mean "famous" I mean in the Big Brother Universe.
  21. To be honest, I think recruits are needed for the game to be interesting because 16 Superfans like Christine who know the game so well they are afraid to do anything entertaining would be boring. With that being said in this day in age with YouTube I don't understand why someone would go on a show like Big Brother and possibly give up their whole summer without knowing what they are getting into.
  22. I saw Book of Mormon today and definitely one of the best musicals I have ever seen. I was worried that it would not live up to the hype. Ben Platt stole the show.
  23. I was watching some of the newer Degrassi episodes. I think the writers have done a better with the cast interacting naturally . I think its because some characters are siblings and it seems like they have been focusing on extracurricular activities. I feel like the death of Adam and Cam's episodes were much better than JT's episode. Even though I was more invested in JT because I saw his him grow up they just focused on the wrong people for his episode. The Toby/Liberty storyline was stupid and so was the Ellie/Ashley interview. At least it made sense for what Jimmy said because he was shot. It just seemed strange Ellie would do a story for a college paper, I understand the Degrassi connection, but we had not seen her in interact with JT in years. The only time I really broke down was during the episode original grade 7 hug at the hospital, JT with Mia's daughter and Liberty breaking down. It just seemed off to me I felt more emotional after Adam and Cam's death when I barley knew either character.
  24. I loved Manny. I think she was the most developed character out of the original TNG. I feel one big difference between the original TNG and the new crop is the new crop interact with each other more while Manny was really the only one from the original crew who interacted with the majority of the cast.
  25. Amelia was my favorite on Private Practice. So this is what I'm most interested in. I hope she does not replace Cristina, but honestly out of all the females on Grey's I could see Meredith getting along with Amelia better than Callie and April. Not because of Derek, but I think they have similar personalities.
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