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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. Geena Davis in that photo looks a little like Camilla. Maybe a connection to Jo?
  2. Good points. I just looked up Michelle's age she was 27 when she did Big Brother. The only difference I see between them is Christine has some social skills while I never thought Michelle did. It won't surprise me if Christine has some post show meltdown like Michelle. I wonder if Nicole will just sleep for the rest of the week like Zach did last week it might be her best bet.
  3. Wasn't James Rhine convinced Maggie was really a cop? Christine really does remind me of Michelle. The only thing is I could see why Michelle was the way she was the whole house treated her like crap except for Jeff & Jordan and Russell at times. Christine has been treated pretty well by everyone. I guess we'll know if Christine ends up getting into porn.
  4. I don't think Nicole is a good enough player to think of doing that.
  5. Too bad Christine did what Frankie wanted in putting up Nicole. I've noticed that the house guests have no idea that the season is extended.
  6. He could be saying that to mess with people. I remember James Rhine during All Stars telling everyone he told Maggie during season 6 as part of HOH privileges there were no cameras in the HOH Room. Which is why she said such terrible things about her employer during the season.
  7. Nicole thinks Christine and Cody are secretly married because they always touch each other and Tim is made up. Wow I feel really bad for Tim.
  8. @slasherboy I am pretty sure Frankie did tell Zach he wanted to have sex with him. I kind of love how over everyone is about Frankie and his "celebrity status" no one really cares anymore except for maybe Caleb.
  9. I love the fact Nicole is not buying a word that comes out of Frankie's mouth. Christine just told Victoria she is putting her up.
  10. Watching Derrick squash Frankie's plan to convince Christine to nominate Nicole was hilarious. D- "I just think shes jealous you are a celebrity because she thought she would be America's Favorite because she thinks shes playing a masterful game". F- Really you just think she's jealous that's it". D-"That's my opinion". Frankie's ego is absolutely hilarious. I have no idea how he has hidden it for so long because every time i turn on the feeds he is talking about Ariana.
  11. Did Nicole say anything about Ariana? Or is Frankie just making things up to get people against Nicole?
  12. The only thing that has really bothered me about Derrick is his cuddling with Victoria because he has a wife and daughter. Also, about the sexist comments Jun from BB4 said last season when all the racist comments happened she said it is very easy because you don't know anything really about the other houseguests except the obvious things gender, race and religion. Not saying I agree with what she said, but I think it does make some sense.
  13. Even though people will always say the producers rigged BB8 people tend to forget Dick is still popular just look at twitter he has people who pay on his website just to hear him speak about Big Brother. Plus his season was before twitter and his son was on a bunch of forums and myspace promoting Dick which was a smart move because he told everyone Dick was a feedster and posted how he tried out multiple times. Especially since there was a huge anti-recruitment bias among internet fans at this time. I credit Dick's son more with his win and maybe Alision Grodner second.
  14. Zach might be playing the worst game I have ever seen in the jury phase. Yes even worse then Chelseia and Amber.
  15. It looks like Frankie/Zach have made up. Frankie is already planting the seeds in Zach's head to get him against Christine/Cody/Derrick.
  16. I go back and forth with who played the best game Jordan vs. Natalie. Hopefully Donny blows up Derrick's game.
  17. Thanks! I know he became a fan because he was channel surfing one night and stumbled onto Big Brother After Dark and was hooked after he did more research. I pretty much agree I feel like I should like Derrick he is a great player and the fact he's not the typical famewhore they usually cast, but he rubs me wrong the way. I think a huge reason he gets away with things is because he has a wife and daughter Victoria kept mentioning last night how someone like Derrick who has a family because they know how he will spend the money should win over Frankie. Even the whole this person deserves the money drives me crazy her reasoning does make sense It reminds me a bit of Big Brother 11 with Jordan how even though Natalie played a better game I could completley understand why a juror would choose Jordan who everyone knew how she was going to spend the money vs. Natalie who never showered, changed her clothes and was completely vile to live with.
  18. I am pretty sure Helen was only a "show" fan too. I think Derrick read Dan's book judging from different recaps. I have never read Dan's book so I have no clue if that is true or not.
  19. My issue with Zach being a baby was more about him complaining about the Fan Favorite Vote. I was annoyed last season too when Gina Marie/Judd/Andy/Spencer complained about how unfair it was they had no shot too. I still like Zach, but I really would hate for him to be evicted this way. I am curious about how many Ariana fans actually watch Big Brother. I asked my sister if any of her friends watched Big Brother because they all have been Ariana Grande fans for awhile and she said no. Plus Ariana didn't even tweet or instagram that she was in the live audience. I've noticed her tweets about Big Brother have been less and less since the season went on My friends who watch the show and not the feeds all love Frankie, because they expected to hate him.
  20. I get the personal stuff, but he keeps saying his game is done and acting all defeated people like Cody and Derrick don't want to deal with him. I really don't blame Cody and Derrick especially Cody who kept telling him to stop giving up. And Zach is acting all pissy because he wont win Fan Favorite.
  21. Frankie reminds me of all the broadway people I have had as clients for work they all think they are the most important people in the world when in reality not even hardcore broadway fans would care who they are so maybe that's why he does not bother me that much I am just used to it. Zach really needs to stop acting like a 10 year old over Frankie's secret because its just making himself a bigger target.
  22. The difference with Boogie and Frankie is that in All-Stars some of the people like Erika hung out with Boogie before the show plus Boogie could actually get some of them jobs at his restaurants. I think its funny that Derrick is telling people Frankie won't talk to them after the show because I don't see Derrick talking to any of these house guests after the show. Frankie will have them on his stupid YouTube show at least.
  23. It sounds like Caleb won a trip during BOB so maybe he did participate. I was thinking about this earlier. I could see her being upset because of that. Shelly's husband received death threats because she voted against Jeff.
  24. Cody has been likeable tonight. Saying he hates when everyone is saying _____ deserves no you earn it by playing the best game. Its bizzaro world tonight in the BB house.
  25. I love how Victoria is talking sense into Nicole! You know your being ridiculous when Victoria is talking sense into her. ETA From Jokers Best thing I heard yet bout Ariana Grande.
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