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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. Zach's little brother's instagram was hacked he made a new one. I wouldn't be surprised if the Grande family deleted it based on all the hate comments. ETA I guess Nicole is not getting her sweatshirt back from Zach.
  2. I really wanted Hayden, but hopefully Hayden ha spent the last week telling her his thoughts about Cody/Derrick. The hug between Christine and Nicole was super awkward. I seriously would of laughed if Jocosta went back in.
  3. You are right they were not connected. Also, it was after a Double Eviction so it was not live. I did a google search really quickly I think it was Marvin from BB5 that was in the old house.
  4. The DR thing is so true. I remember last year that's why I could never think Andy was a great player because he was not confident in his DRs.
  5. I think Derrick looks like an average guy that you would see on the street it stand out in the Big Brother house because we are so used to pretty boys.
  6. Jessie, Helen and Candice all fell so Judd automatically made it back in. He was then competing for HOH with the rest of the house, but Elissa caught ten balls. If Judd had caught ten balls and Candace, Jessie and Helen did not fall he would of made it in the house and won HOH.
  7. Amber is not in the jury house. It seems like Amber left a lot of stuff in the house. I know that sweater Zach has been wearing is also hers. I wonder if she did it on purpose. I know Janelle left all her makeup in BB14 to the other female house guests on purpose.
  8. I thought Candice too? Jessie's twitter fights are more she hangs out with Judd/Female from her season. Both do something to piss her off so she takes to twitter it feels like i feel like it happens every month.
  9. I hope not Jessie from last season has been starting twitter fights with people from her cast and looks pathetic.
  10. I feel like whoever gets Derrick out will be Runner-up Ala Erika & Gina Marie.
  11. I feel like every season is frustrating to watch ever since All-Stars, except for maybe Season 9& 11 because there were'nt any players who were snowballing the other house guests at the end stages. People are scared to make big moves because they don't want to become like the Nerd Herd, Aaryn*, Amanda or Natalie. Nicole this season is a perfect example of that when she won her first HOH she was scared to make a big move, but said as a fan she wanted too. Even before Frankie threatened about his Social Media Followers she was scared of not being invited to charity events. Heck, even Devin was scared he would be booed like Aaryn when he was evicted. The fact it is so easy to attack a houseguest after the game because of social media has really influenced the game in a negative way. Obviously there is no way to fix that, except cast people who really do not care what America thinks of them, but that might be impossible. **Granted Aaryn was not hated because of her game play, but I think the fact there was so much coverage of her comments really made house guests scared this season.
  12. You also have cases like in BB11 were everyone knew Jeff was popular with America and he would get the wizard power except for his closest ally Jordan.
  13. Well if you read Donny's girlfriend interview with CBS she did mention one of her biggest pet peeves of Donny was he chewed with his mouth opened. It seems like his girlfriend has had a positive influence in that department.
  14. I'm surprised she has barley mentioned religion at all on the feeds it seems to be a big part of her life.
  15. From Jokers Why does Zach have Nicole's Sweatshirt? Frankie has reached Dick/Natalie/Lydia/Andy/Spencer levels of disgusting. I really hope production would intervene if he put feces on Nicole's sweatshirt.
  16. The only difference is I felt like Amanda was trying to be the female Dr. Will while I feel like Derrick is trying to be a Dan type. Remember Dan did a lot of bashing of Frank.
  17. I think its Grodner's fault/CBS the same casting company does Big Brother Canada and they cast better people for that show. So I really think the blame lies with Grodner and CBS.
  18. They've known each other since they were teens. They got together in April of 2011, were engaged September of 2011 and married March of 2012. She talks about it in her blog which is here http://christinebrecht.blogspot.com/2014/01/beginning.html
  19. Well it seems like the DR is trying to get her to work with Donny. I think its funny because of how much this crushes Frankie's ego. I never really understood why these people bash the popular houseguest. Do they really think America will like them more?
  20. I think his threads are already starting to slowly unravel. Victoria and Caleb are so paranoid right now it is starting to remind me of Judd from last year. Derrick is telling Christine we need to have Britney Brigade moment and reveal it to Victoria. Sadly Christine is too dumb to realize she is Britney!
  21. Victoria is complaining that Derrick hasn't talked to her in 3 days. Hopefully Nicole or Hayden come back and can flip her against Derrick since she seemed to like both of them.
  22. What was Frankie wearing at the Veto Ceremony? He looked absolutely ridiculous.
  23. He wants to start a Big Brother website when he gets out like Evel Dick's Dick at Nite web shows.
  24. I think the twists have really saved Derrick. Frankie would of chosen Zach over Derrick if Derrick was not on Team America.
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