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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Why does Mariska have the writers over a barrel? Why can't they just write the show as they see fit. Mariska has power but she is not all powerful given that she could not get the higher ups to not fire a certain actor..
  2. I preferred Stefan with Bobbie. I loved Stefan and did not care for Katherine. Ron would do the jumping the broom with a lesbian interracial couple getting married in order to be "woke" just because Chanel is black. Chanel should be single and Allie should be gone.. I may be in the minority but I preferred the original Chanel.
  3. Megan is always throwing jabs at her former co-hosts and nobody over there cares.. She is still fighting with people on twitter making dumb statements and getting dragged for them.. That picture of Sharon in the article is terrible she needs to stop the surgeries stat! I love the shade thrown at Sharon's show..
  4. What the fuck is wrong with her ? She is married to a billionaire and just had her second child. She is clearly not happy with her life and is seeking something else with Kanye.. She is vile and the way that she has trashed the Black community in order to get a bag is shameful.. Candace seems to forget that she is a Black woman in America because she had a rant over a Karen treating her like one.. What did she expect? Does she think that pandering to a certain demographic group will give her protection from anti-blackness.. She is a piece of work.
  5. MBE always brings it when the scene is written well. My whole problem with the Stayla story in 2007 stemmed from Kayla being a celibate and not having a life outside of Steve. Whereas Steve was able to have one with that odious Ava and even fathered another child.
  6. Stayla's original story other than that stupid Marina retcon was awesome because they had good writers and I also hated every story they have had since 2006. The only Stefanie that I liked was the original because the show attempted to make her a heroine that was not generic and boring.. I also thought that she had good chemistry with EJ.
  7. The other day they showed Charmed and Dangerous on TV and it was annoying to me because of the following: Phoebe had no powers to fight the source of all evil. He mocked her powers and it was embarrassing to watch.. The show turned the source of all evil into a simple demon of the week and it was disappointing to say the least. He should have remained scary unseen and deadly until season 5 or season 6. The seer using her powers to manipulate everybody was how I always wanted Phoebe's powers to eventually grow..
  8. What is Candace's beef with Kim anyway? Does anybody know the tea?
  9. Megan is being dragged on twitter for mocking somebody with a disability because he is not a part of her team. The comments are harsh and they are calling her an ableist...lol
  10. I think that she was being facetious.. Whoopie has always said that Joy was her favorite ..
  11. He pissed off the ladies on General Hospital with his antics and his story as Stavros was cut short.. It was supposed to go even longer with Stavros forcing Laura and Nicholas to live together with him as a family..
  12. Kanye is disgusting and I hope people reject him for life. As a Black man, how are you praising Hitler, what did he think Hitler would have done to Black people if given the chance, This guy is awful..
  13. Sharon was being dragged on the internet for supporting Kanye.. She is upset that she is being called a racist, you would think that after the Piers Morgan incident she would stay out of stuff that does not affect her or her family personally.
  14. I think that Travis will be there for his biracial son as well.. Tristan abandoned his first son and Khloe was stupid to give him another son. I hope these women surround their biracial sons with Black men who will help them deal with being Black in America. Even though they are biracial they will be treated as Black it is what it is..
  15. This is what happened to Crystal Chappell who played Carly and the pervert who played Bo Recast, she was constantly sexually harassed by him during their love scenes.
  16. She has said some hateful stuff and I was absolutely stunned.
  17. It is sad because these boys will need their father to help them navigate their lives..
  18. Why bring Whitney's name up since she had nothing to do with the drama that was going on between Kim and Ray J. I find them both to be detestable human beings. Ray J treating his heavily pregnant wife like crap sealed my contempt for him. What kind of a man does that?
  19. When Kim files for sole custody he will whine and play the victim..
  20. Yes I do believe it is real but I don't care for Ray J.. Not too long ago he was in Kim's DM trying to get with her.. So his outrage over Kim's antics regarding the infamous tape leaves me cold..
  21. Ray J is trying to manipulate people to turn on Kim Kardashian and I have no sympathy for Ray J..
  22. Is she being dragged on tweeter? You would think that she would stay quiet after the Piers Morgan incident that cost her her job at the talk. What an idiot!
  23. I would be down with a threesome storyline but not with these 3 idiots Ron is trying to push on us. I think Ron does his stories with the wrong characters and his stories fall flat. Plus, the threesome should be organic.. If Ron wanted this type of storyline, why didn't he pursue a Lani/Kristen romance and then as time goes on both ladies could express that they still desire men and they start looking for one to have fun with as a couple..
  24. Perhaps Bast herself makes an appearance and leads the new Black Panther to a stash of the herbs like she did with the original Black Panther thousands of years ago..
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