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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Ana's presence triggers Megan and I am here for it.. She has the be the most miserable person I have had the displeasure to watch on television. What is the root of her unhappiness?
  2. Will was not just nasty to his mother. He was also nasty to Sonny calling him a barrister once in a fight. I was appalled, Sonny took care of him when he had no job, gave him a roof over his head, paid all of the bills, took care of Arianna and his baby mama Gabi... Show your husband some respect! Ironically this is why Adrienne was against his romance with Will. Sonny was taking on too much responsibility at a young age and Will was being an asshole. Will was written out of character..
  3. I love Will but he was a POS back when Abby was fucking EJ..
  4. They would rip her apart in the primaries. She knows absolutely nothing and they would have a field day with her. Plus, she is too thin-skinned to go into politics. She would burst into tears at a debate..
  5. Everybody was on point with their comments during the first block and then Megan had to do her usual whatboutism to muddy the waters, she is just repulsive.
  6. Plus, Sami has paid for her misdeeds and in a way she is always viewed with suspicion and disdain because of past awfulness even when people should feel bad for her when something bad happens to her they just don't. Now the villains get everything they have ever wanted and Kristen is an example of that. Marlena becoming a Kristen apologist is so damn wrong...
  7. Ron should not have killed off either ladies. I may not be a fan of Laura because of the actress and her stupid stories over the years but Laura was a very popular character once and she was the inspiration for Marlena to be created. Anjelica and her son Alexander should have been the story for Justin and Adrienne, not Bonnie. Justin and Adrienne have always appealed to me because they dealt with issues that happen in real life like infidelity and infertility.. They were always more reality based than the other couples on the show.
  8. I agree wit you about the n word. Like the brilliant Ayisha Tyler once said on the show some Black people heard that word before they were killed so that has always resonated with me. She also said that when Blacks used that word you give nonblacks implicit permission to use that word. I think that is what Carrieanne was trying to say but got tongue tied because she was afraid of offending her co-hosts and getting harangued online. I remember Sheryl who uses that word in her comedy shows took the other point of view. It was a fascinating debate between two Black women on a TV show. It goes to show you that Black people are not a monolith. They should have offered the other seat to Bridgette. I always loved the tea she used to give us about her past when talking about a topic on the show. It was always organic and humorous. She was also not afraid to express an opinion that differed with the ladies.
  9. The sad thing is that Soaps were not meant to be that way. It was supposed to be love in the afternoon with characters we love... It shows you how soaps have gone off the rails to their detriment when every character has committed some type of felony.. A serial killer is a romantic hero in a genre that was meant to appeal to women..
  10. A shitty childhood as horrible as it is does not give you the right to hurt people who did not cause your unhappiness. She is an adult and at some point Gwen needs to take responsibility for her actions and her life. She tried to kill her own sister and as much as I hate Abigail she did not deserve to be poisoned. Has Gwen thought about how Abigail not being around would affect her small kids? Are Abigail's kids not entitled to be raised and loved by their mother or is Gwen's pain about not having a father the only thing that matters to the exclusion of everybody else's?
  11. Don't forget the viewers put a stop to the interracial romance between David and Valerie. It was really ugly and the backlash led to the death threats for the actress who played Valerie.
  12. Same here, Bucky has been so underused in the movies in my opinion. I was hoping he would have had a more expansive role as the White Wolf in Black Panther with T'Challa.. I still can't believe Chadwick is gone...
  13. I am curious to know, why do you hate them?
  14. Exactly! it's like opening another West Indian restaurant in the middle of Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn..lol
  15. If Joy is a nasty bitch, what about Megan who is rude and disrespectful to people both on the left and on the right.. She is the nastiest person who has ever been on the view..
  16. So Ron is going to kill off Laura, why?
  17. She is an opportunist of the worst kind. She has said that racism does not exist and that segregation was not that bad.. So when somebody says something that absurd, it just makes me angry.. She enjoys the controversy and attention that she gets when she makes outrageous comments. I would not be surprise if she starts making statements today about the View. I wish that Ana had not said her name today because she is just like Megan and will start playing the victim to score some sympathy points..
  18. I am glad that they dug into him, he deserved it and much more. He is always trying to ingratiate himself with people like Megan and it just perplexes me.
  19. Exactly! We also care about climate change healthcare, having enough money to take care of our families e.t.c Van Jones is an ass, he was so good in advocating for the community then he changed. Sunny calling him out was a thing of beauty..
  20. The sad thing about Susan is that she is just a clown and a throwback from the 90's. Ron is incapable of writing characters in particular women with any type of depth and relevancy. They are either weak damsels in distress or campy villainesses. He is just a hack who has worn out his welcome.. Retired at last, you are so right the show is indeed lost..
  21. Sunny's summation of the GOP was amazing. This is the Sunny that I have always enjoyed and always will. I really loved Whoopie's passion when she was talking about the Black men who fought in World War 1 for a country that despised them.
  22. I admit that I have a bias against Abigail therefore she can never do anything right in my eyes.
  23. Abby has never had a moral compass so it makes sense she would be fine with her grandmother's vile act. This is the same woman who looked at Sami in the face playing with her kids while sleeping with her husband.. She is lucky that Sami did not kill her..
  24. Not to be cynical, I wonder what he is after by going against his party...
  25. Same here, the ladies are so ignorant on certain subjects it is maddening. Must everybody praise John McCain to the heavens?
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