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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I get what you are saying but she was out of line today, full stop. Whoopie who has always babied her, lost patience with her. She was also preventing Whoopie from doing her job as the moderator. Sunny told her that she was speaking when she was rudely interrupting her. She also implied that the ladies and ABC her employer were Anti-Semitic.
  2. I was talking about Megan disrespecting her co-hosts, interrupting them, shouting at them and she implied that they did not care about Anti-Semitism and it is why Joy got offended and called her out on that lie. She acts like she is the only one who cares about marginalized groups in our country. Last week she dismissed anti-Blackness by bringing up Anti-Semitism as a a way to attack the left and deflect from her team looking bad. She is a vile human being.
  3. Sunny was really calm throughout it all and just refuted everything Nutmeg said. Nutmeg's job was to protect Marjorie Taylor Greene and put the anti-Semitic label on the left. She only cares about anti-Semitism when it comes from the left.
  4. What the hell just happened? If any of us had acted like she did today in our jobs we would have gotten fired. She showed so much disdain and disrespect for her co-hosts ABC and I was taken aback by her viciousness. Megan is out of control and needs to see somebody. She has so much hate anger and resentment in her..
  5. He also clashed with the actress who played Belle. They did not get along with each other and he has made some disparaging statements about her.
  6. I prefer the original Claire over this horrendous recast. She ages Shelle too much. It was bad enough when Olivia's Claire came to be but it is even worst with this recast.
  7. I am going to be the lone wolf and say that I don't want the show putting a male co-host on there. Why can't women have their own spaces? I will have to pass on Jerry O'Connell being on the show, I cannot stand him because he tries so damn hard.
  8. He went to Peru on vacation smoked something and lost his mind. I find it pretty sad..
  9. Not to mention the animosity and contempt between the ladies make it very hard to watch. I blame this on Megan who is determined to derail the conversations with her lies and distortions of the facts to suit her agenda. I really despise her and the people in charge of the show are even worst for allowing this to go on. I hope the low ratings will be a wake up call for them to re-assess and take action to make the show more enjoyable for the hosts and the audience.
  10. They were heaven sent to Jennifer as well. Despite their love, both Hope and Jennifer yearned for their mothers' love and their fathers' attention and that is understandable because nobody can take your parents place..
  11. Girl has issues, I remember how she used to praise Elizabeth Hasselback and after they met on the view she began to drag her left and right all over the internet. I was team Elizabeth on that one and till today I never understood Megan's beef with her.
  12. Also the Julie/Doug/Addie triangle was just another example on how screwed up the Horton family was. They had money prestige but the Horton children were so dysfunctional despite having Tom and Alice as parents. The family also dealt with mental illness and how devastating it can affect a family especially in those days.
  13. Why couldn't EJ just stay dead? I have had to watch EJ and Sami do their sick dance for years and it is irritating that we have to watch it again. It seems like Ron is rewriting stories that were done years ago and he just wants to add his spin on it..
  14. I also think she may have had a mental breakdown and has never gotten treatment for it. She was awesome during her fugee years, then she had an album that went platinum as a solo artist and she has never been the same..
  15. Do you guys remember the tamper tantrum that she had over the White House not responding to her offers at messaging to her tribe about the vaccine. Now it all makes sense. What the hell did she expect? She cannot be this stupid and obtuse, given how she has trash them and Doctor Fauci for months.
  16. What has happened to Julie, she is such a caricature these days. I still like her though and I am alone on this board and I am cool with that. She was so much better in the 90's she had a depth to her that made her endearing in my opinion. I thought her flirtation with Victor was so interesting during the cruise of deception and I would not have minded if they had had a fling that led to something serious before the show had put her back with Doug.
  17. The biggest snowflake on the show had the nerve to call Chris Cuomo a "snowflake". Nutmeg has no self-awareness whatsoever and her hatred of the Cuomo brothers is just weird. She hates them like they attacked her family. She has this deep hatred of Democrats and she is always quick to rain fire and brimstone on them for any mistake real or imagined, something is not right with her.
  18. Facts! as the young people online like to say.. Nutmeg was being true to form today and she looked terrible as well, that blouse made her look like a linebacker. She looked huge..
  19. She hates Sara and was using her fertility as a weapon to lord it over Sara and to shade her. Sara is in her early 40's and she can still pregnant if she wanted to do so.
  20. To be fair, did she care about her own daughter? just sayin... I remember how she did nothing to help her daughter when she was at her lowest. She is just a bitch with a chip on her shoulder.
  21. The show does not know how to write for heroines anymore. They can only write for the bad girls and then give her a sob story to justify her heinous behavior..
  22. I never saw Eric as a being a stepchild in comparison to Carrie as a kid. He was when it came to Sami as a young adult and beyond though. The show has never been interested in the other legacy children other than Sami. Even Carrie was sidelined in her favor and she had better stories as a kid than as an adult.
  23. Now it makes sense and her hatred of Sara is becoming pathological now. I hope Sarah does not let it get her down because Nutmeg is very mean.
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