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  1. I'm glad all the dogs were rescued. I almost skipped that fearing that not all would survived. I'm glad Buck adopted Blaze and felt bad he had to give him back to his real family. I hope he does adopt again. I didn't like Buck running all Eddie's chances selling the apartment. Or him thinking Eddie was telling truth when he told the potential owners he had no ties to LA. Oh, Buck you should have known he didn't mean that. I don't like everyone elses reaction to Eddie moving. They were all happy for him? Why? He has to give up his live and move back to Texas to trying and get his son back from his asshole parents'? No one had questions? That made no sense from this group. I figured it out too late that it was the investigator. I wondered why they would have Abigail Spencer to be just the investigator for a short scene after it turned out the kidnapper really was dead.
  2. I hope Austin is licensed.
  3. So did the Maxwells. They let Sarah move out and marry, and set their two other daughters to college. Christian college but still. I think one of them got married too.
  4. Wow, that's surprising, and lucky.
  5. I didn't know makers were a thing. I'm just happy to have everyone back including Hardison.
  6. Erin and Carlin both used to dump all the work on Whitney. I can see why she wanted Erin out but not Carlin.
  7. Yes, she was going to play Sookie originally. But Alex either was contracted to another show/network or that contract wasn't up yet. She was allowed to play the annoying harpist. I'm not sure why that was okay and not the other.
  8. I always tip it has nothing to do with the service but because they get paid so little that they need their tips. My mom and my brother both were servers and they got paid so little. The restaurant my brother worked did make them split their tips with everyone else. It really sucks. There should be a better way. I really didn't think I'd be surprised by Trump being an asshole to Zelenskyy he's insulted Gold Star soldiers, soldiers who were killed in battle or captured and keeps insisting that Ukraine started the war. But I was. God what an asshole. And Vance was happy to join in. Trump lecturing a man who's spent the last three years fighting to keep his country from falling to Russia. So many Ukrainians have given their lives to keep their country. Trump has the nerve to lecture Zelensky about cards. And flip out when Zelenskyy tries to ask about security guarantees and point out that Russia has never kept any deal they made. The second is completely true. The first point Zelenskyy has said he's sign anything if they could guarantee security for Ukraine. I agree with @peeayebee a cesaefire is a bad idea. All it will do is give Putin time to attack again. While I'm glad the British PM greeted Zelenskyy warmly and so did the French president. I noticed they both asked Zelenskyy what it will take for Ukraine to deal with Russia. Why is everyone asking Ukaine? Why aren't they asking Russia what it will take for them to make a deal? Will they leave Ukraine alone? Do they really expect Russia to honor any deal despite breaking all of them? I wish I could say yes to the last question but I really don't think the answer is no. Basically they keep asking the one being bullied what they'll do to stop being bullied and not the bully. Or even standing up to the bully. Oh and Vance? You can take your demand for a thank you and shove it up your ass.
  9. I'm out. Five minutes into the show I was already annoyed with Matty, Sarah, Billy and Shae. I hope it gets better for you guys.
  10. Shakespear's Beard was an okay episode. The mom was the one who was making the kids stay? That was surprising. After all that the kids decide to keep going in theater. I didn't like Henry once again jealous of Ruth's acting. I'm still tired of not seeing everyone together. It's weird that Effie's now the main starring woman character. Julia's still in London and who knows where Effie is. Was Statford really just country fields at the time?
  11. I don't really know much about Conan O'Brien I was surprised that they picked him to host. Is he really that popular?
  12. Olympia's client tried to flee with her son again at the law firm but was stopped. Then she went into the office and barricaded herself. Idiot tried twice to flee with her son.
  13. Agreed. If Ellie had an injury or something that put her on the pills and that's where it started it would make more sense. But from everything we've heard Ellie was just your average junkie.
  14. I'm so sorry Dolly. That sucks.
  15. If this was a better show I would think the confusion about the scene between Ellie and Matty was on purpose. That they both took what each other said the wrong way. But given how confusing the Ellie drug story with the different years ten and fourteen, Alfie somehow very positive about a mother he never knew, and why Matty and Edwin are blaming the drug company if Ellie that bad of drug addict that she was always lying about it, her kid was born addicted, and they searched for her in drug dens.
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