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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. That's why there's value in an online forum like this. As soon as it was mentioned, I remembered the scene. You don't need to know it to enjoy the episode, but one of the main reasons watching the show is the connection to Clones and Rebels.
  2. In the last Clone Wars season? Where he was arrested. It would make sense there's a connection. With all the weird names of everything in Star Wars, just 'the Civic Center' I find funny. Hence my point though. I watched Clones and Rebels; it didn't register with me.
  3. E3: Oh I was hoping this would be the 'prom' from last episode. Offerman as a racist is going to throw me tonight when I watch the Great North. Good casting with Calum Worthy. He was the right level of cheerful and banal racist. I think they did a good job with it because on the one, you have to take jobs. Just like some actors have to take roles. You're not in a position to turn money away. I did not see the false flag coming. That was brilliant. Hey, Roman has nazis *and* incels on his blog! He was also having quite the meltdown, and just didn't want to deal. Get through the gig, and get out. Then Evie shows up; the students follow her. And he still killed it at the end. I was wondering how the kids knew 'are we having fun yet?' but it was because of the meme. And they were still impressed about the commerical!
  4. E2: Wow Jack sneaking in with the girlfriend. Great cringe. Martin Starr just kills lines - Does she shine shoes at the bus stop? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I know the opening routine to Hardbodies. I do like the new actors (new to the show). They fit in well with the established cast. I like that one of them is 'content'. It fits 2020s. I forgot the time lapse between the last episode is a year. I don't know if anyone caught it, but Ron said he catered some 'underground brises'. I know the show is pushing Evie and Henry and quite clearly at the end of episode 2, but the actors are playing off one another well. Very good timing. Someone should rename the thread to Party Dowm.
  5. Sometimes I wonder, how to the ships decide where to park? Most places have a landing area, but Mando just plopped down in the mechanic's staging area. Do you have to get clearance for private areas? I don't know why, but "oh, it's near the Civic Center" gives me a laugh. Maybe because it's such a mundate, run of the mill place you'd find anywhere. I'm pleased they got to Mandalore so soon though and didn't drag it out. For someone who wants to be left alone Bo sure hopped into her ship quick. She was way better with the caveman too. And the sabre really. I suppose she's had it before so has more experience. Even though she's not supposed to wield it. Maybe you have to be really sassy to gain its control. Good to know the jet packs work under water too. Grogu is looking at the both of them being snippy and like, 'just make out'. It's very true - if you can read maps, you'll never be lost. Mando was very damsel in distress this episode.
  6. I totally can buy that chatgpc was invented for texting. I'm glad they tackled this topic because I'm so sick of it. The essay titles were funny being from 4th graders, but the punch line that made it work was that Mr. Garrison gave them 'check plus' on the essays. I'm dating myself, but when Mr. Garrison said he was going to use it to grade papers, I thought of Real Genius. Please tell me I'm not the only one. When they had Wendy alone in the library with the druid, and I loved the bird, I thought they were implying Wendy was using chatcpt for the texts too. I think chatgpt only wrote the final scene where all the voices were stilted.
  7. Oh, I'm dying to know about the giraffe now.
  8. Wednesday night's show was all around the funniest of the week for me, but I like on the street segments. The interview with D-Nice was cool, but also how does D-Nice have gray hair! I'm Gonna Git You Sucka was a classic.
  9. Those two statements are independent. I made the top one first as a joke. It's like when people say that the debut of MTV is now closer to Pearl Harbor than to right now. Which it is. Addison can't be born in 1987 because I'd be over 10 years older than her, and 1987 was clearly like last week, not almost 40 years ago. It's a glib commentary on how one views the passage of time seemingly accelerating as one ages, whereas in your pre-teens to teens, your formative decade slowly elapsed and doesn't seem so long ago. The final statement is within the context of the show. When I recall when we first saw Martinez in Salvation, and they showed that flashback, to when we see him now, in this episode, he looked a lot older to me here because he had gray hair, and he didn't look like he had gray hair in the prior appearance. When Magic visits Martinez in the 'present', he looks younger than in Salvation, leading Magic to conclude that he had to have leaped 'at least a decade' from now. I was conjecturing as to how far in the future Martinez actually is in this episode. Seemingly, it would still be in everyone's life span now, so it begs the question as to who is in QL HQ overseeing Martinez. If that is the case and he didn't just leap on his own.
  10. The mayor was game and actually answered some questions, but I didn't get the comedic basis for the interview. The jokes didn't need the additional set up.
  11. Tuesday show - 'If you have to punch a cop, you ain't sightseeing!' Another good line. I liked Dulce's rant about the edibles. I always thought the same thing. Why does everything have to be candy or cookies? I don't understand why Marlon had to make a character to interview the mayor. It was kind of distracting. The jokes were fine, but I think they would have worked in the typical interview format. I don't know if anyone watches Jones' show, but it's really good if you like kind of the social and business issues around sports. His interview with Paul that they referenced was really funny.
  12. Oh, no way Sage would tolerate Tammy. When you think about it, a lot of Tina's classmates are kind of still childish for 13 year olds. How old was Sage and all them? To go out late to the concert and diner, I would think at least 15 because no one was driving. I thought what was interesting was even though they were 'cool', they weren't the 'too cool for school' kind of cool.
  13. I'm not sure we can rule out Magic isn't in charge at this point. We don't know what necessitated this initial Martinez leap either, and he certainly has disdain for Ben. However, Ben may be the bad guy at some point in the future. Right, now I think he's leaping based on their code, but maybe he refuses to do something in a future leap and ends up going off on his own. Magic could make the decision to send Martinez to 'undo' something Ben did. While they would presumably have the data of Ben's leaps, Magic being there has his own experience to draw on. I'm concerned the show isn't going to be long term either, but it would be interesting if Ben ended up being the antagonist.
  14. In terms of QL, saving 138 people is kind of big. It's a borderline international incident during the Cold War too. I'd think the both nations would want to hush this up since the Han was following the Montana and the Tampa was way too close to Chinese waters. Ian again with the steal - "Easy, McFly". I think again a smart narrative decision on the show's part in saying, "well, we don't know" in terms of the implications of time travel. I do hope there's some call back. This is 138 people that hadn't existed beyond 1987.
  15. I don't understand how Addison was born in 1987 because that was less than 15 years ago. I thought the editing was kind of clever to show how the team was working on the problem while Ben was on the ship. I figured Addison's father wasn't the cause of the accident and show him in a different light that what Addison saw, but I thought they handled it well. I liked Addison 'translating' while Ben was receiving orders too. The decision to actually follow the legitimate distress call made everything a lot worse. This was like when Ben saved the astronaut he leaped into only to have the entire shuttle crew die on reentry. I agree with Magic; I don't think the leaps are random either. However, I think Ben programmed them with Janis and of course doesn't remember. They showed the map already. I suppose targeting specific people kind of goes against the OG show, so maybe not that level of detail. I think that's the basic answer. It's tv drama. I don't think it's any more egregious than most times this plot is used. I'll give the show a little slack. The Master Chief et al were looking to the XO to make the decision, and he was clearly having difficulty given their history. That's why Ben was there to convince him. That's always been the gist of the show. I did like that it was Ben having a 'hunch'. They gathered actual intelligence. This version of Martinez looked way older than at the beginning of the season. I have to say, while I'm enjoying the show, I'm not really being pulled in by this plot. I think it's enough that Ian knows he has to leap to save Addison to tell Ben. Or the reverse of that. I'd speculate maybe Ben screws up or never came back, so they sent this guy in. I'm not so sure he knew Ben was there though. Maybe he figured it out from his own hologram since the original timeline obviously changed.
  16. The earliest it was mentioned was the boxing episode where it was implied that Ben was possessing the body. Addison said he didn't need to 'learn' how to box because the leapee already knew how. There's another comment about it in the next episode if you want to ask there. I don't think they're making it up as they're going along because they said it right off the bat. It is a departure from the OG, and they seem to be deliberately not going into detail. I'm not sure what the decision was to eliminate the imaging chamber because you didn't see that much anyway, but given their decision to go this way, I think not getting highly detailed about it is probably the right call.
  17. Skinner lost all his cool when he got hit.
  18. I thought Wayans was funny, but I like the whole family. However, sure, he's not quite the fit for format. Coming off Hasan, who has been at the show and ran his own kind of current topics show, clearly, there's going to be drop off. He's got good comic timing though. "Herman Cain didn't die from walking into a gender neutral bathroom" is a great line, and the Fruit of the Loom zinger was good. The skit about the movies was funny, but I agree it was out of place for The Daily Show. He was really good in Requiem for a Dream though. He's not producing the show. I'm wondering why the segment went through.
  19. I don't think they ever really knew what to do with Richie. By season 4 or 5, they could have had some standalone Richie episodes if they wanted. Being a syndicated show in the 90s, I can get that you want to stick to the formula. I did like when they gave him the racing career until he blew it. I still enjoy the scene of Duncan waiting patiently in the hotel room and Richie snuck in with a curtain wrapped around him - "I assume this is supposed to teach me a lesson?" You didn't have to have a quickening every week, but again, formula. Also they created a character who is going to look for fights in a way because of who he is. If they did a show on Methos (my first name on mbtv!) , it would be mostly him sitting around cafes and bars being flirty and glib, and then reading sometimes. I tend to think nowadays he's taken to himself and not been in the Game, much like Connor had been at the start of the show.
  20. That's why Tina needs some friends outside of all of them.
  21. That's all I got from the scene. I don't think they're calling back to the prior series. I think it was just to set up that Ron and Constance are now business partners. Constance and Charles' stunt double on Only Murders are almost the same character with all the wild stories from past tv shows.
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