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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. No, that's something I hope they address because it's a sloppy detail. I totally forgot she was supposed to be the mother. Unless she's a relative? It's not explicit she is.
  2. It could have been Eleanor's drug delayed the progression too.
  3. I think maybe because we're not used to shows like this actually getting to the point. It's the *fifth* episode and they already revealed why and how Lucy got printed! But I think the real plot is how and why Jules got printed since clearly Kira didn't know, and I have no reason to believe she was trying to pull one over on Lucy. So I guess the boss guy somehow bought Josh off or threatened him to printing a new version when Lucy escaped maybe? Though to what end? To see if they could perfect the process? He didn't strike me as having an agenda beyond seeing if it could actually be done. I don't know where they would get the scan of Eleanor that young, but I can roll with that detail. Or maybe they thought it would be easier to experiment on a younger version with the neurons. The neuron printing for older Eleanor didn't seem like it was secret, so the boss probably knew about the whole situation. I could see him pushing to experiment further. That would be a huge money maker. Or, the more simple answer. If you can print people with their memories intact, you're essentially immortal. This also leads to the question as to why Jules was given a cover story and brainwashed and adopted if they intended to experiment with her. She woke up in the hospital with the junk still in her ear, so someone printed her and hustled her out of there. Sadly, Lucy and Jules are kind of under a death sentence. I don't think this was a setup, like with the grandfather, but it's not clear if we were supposed to buy-in that the character was older than the actor. Regardless, in the scene, she seems to only recognize Jules, not Lucy, and that seems to track with what Ritter-as-Eleanor said to young Kira at the pool, and we saw the picture of the only the Jules version with the mother. I think the show would have shown a picture in the room with the Lucy version if so. Maybe people just age slower in 2050+. That's entirely possible. People are living longer even today.
  4. I can only speak for myself, but it's not really a common saying in this universe, so it does stick out. Concepts of the afterlife isn't something that has really been raised.
  5. WOW big 2030 reveal! I was going to say 'funny they say 'spoiler alert' in 2030', but that's not to far away. Postdoc 'spots' don't just 'open up'. Once a position is created, you have to post the job and interview people like any other. There's laws. Good casting for young Kira though. And good with older 'Lucy'. I think they did a good job on the exposition for the OG without doing a information dump. Nice tie in with the pregnancy issue here and last time with Lucy saying she likes being a mother to Charlie. Hawes was bringing all of it. That's been as good as anything I've seen her in. Nice touch on the bird being in the room when Lucy woke up. The whole bar code was just a tattoo. Brilliant. Poor Jules! Their shared memory is a real big mystery.
  6. The Miyagi plot seems separate from everything else going on. I hope there's some tie in.
  7. Amanda low key trying to kick out Chozen is an increasingly hilarious plot. Tory and Samantha at each others' throats was getting old, but I don't necessarily think that means they have to be total friends either. Getting along is fine enough. I'm glad that they weren't buying into Johnny's nonsense. I'm pleased to see the show is allowing the kids to be adults. I'm still not sure we need too much of the Korea scenes. Kreese is killing it. I do hope we find out how he got there. I like the mouthy dude though. I was thinking if they have more heart, then just rip it out. Dude can fight. I don't know which of the Miyagis is going to beat him. I don't know if it's because it's been so long, but it seems like the comic timing is way sharper. Miyagi Nights? Nooooo. I hope this season is going to be more teambuilding focused like this and not infighting. Of course, limiting the team to 6 is going to unravel any good will. I'd like to see Sam step up and say Tory should be the captain and pull an Apollo Creed style to train her Rocky.
  8. Even though Tory is on probation, she can still probably go to community college. She was acting like she had no chances once she graduates.
  9. I think it's within reach. That's only one win in the 16. This is probably the most talented squad in terms of real, international experience that there's ever been. I don't expect them to beat top tier teams, but expecting them to be a top second tier team is fair. Even being in a competitive knockout game for 90 minutes would be a huge improvement. It's the constantly advancing on the skin of their teeth and self-inflicted errors that's exhausting. Klinsmann was getting them there, and those teams weren't as good.
  10. I thought the discussion went on way too long. Larry had good arguments, but they weren't the arguments to refute what the congressmen was talking about. While I appreciate the congressman speaking in good faith, he was also disingenuous. I don't think he really grasps the overall narrative on the issue. First, Trump pledged to nominate scotus justices who would overturn Roe. He did. Three times. Second, yes, RBG said Roe was a bad decision, but because she thought women's right to choose was protected under the Fourteenth. So it's not like she was against protecting this right in the constitution. Third, Roberts himself said the ruling in Dobbs did not require overturning Roe. Fourth, *every* time abortion is on the ballot is passes. We leave it up to the states, right? Well, 60% of Kansans said yes, so it's not only liberals, and then why did the attorney general try to throw the results out? He's correct in that Dobbs didn't overturn abortion, but let's not pretend outlawing abortion hasn't been the motivation since Roe. It's literally been in the party platform for 50 years, until now. So which is it? You can't take off your helmet or just not show your face? Because the goalposts move around a lot on this issue to suit the situation. You look at any poll from anywhere and a majority of Americans are in favor of abortion with reasonable restrictions; basically, like it had been since 1973. I take Bill's point about why the issue seems harder than it needs to be, but it's really not.
  11. I've seen the World Games before. I think Wide World of Sports used to air them back in the day. Even though there were only three channels, they aired a lot of good stuff. I mean, no one watches boxing or tennis anymore because they aren't broadcast widely. Everything is niche programming. I was surprised the Copa was on Fox Sports. The speedskating looked cool.
  12. A lot of the issues covered on the show all seem to me to reflect that we've lost a sense of nuance, and largely the media has grown ridiculously alarmist. When everything is an existential threat, then you're not getting anything done because it's not, and people see that, and just tune it out and go to work or do laundry. (Granted, most is coming from one side.) I kind of don't really blame people because they're being hammered away with false information, but I do kind of blame voters as a whole because we could be electing people who want to fix these problems in good faith and not just go to Congress to get on tv. The media bears some responsibility to actually say what happened. You see this Times Square incident clearly wasn't what was reported. Are there consequences for that? No. Part of it imo is like 5% of voters are choosing the candidates because (in my state) primaries are closed. You're only getting a narrow slice of voters. It was covered at the time, but the talking point reply is that HR2 was passed before that and the Senate didn't take it up. However, the bill itself was never going anywhere because it was way off the chain. Again, nuance.
  13. I don't think expecting the US to get to the quarterfinals is unreasonable though. Barely squeaking out of the group stages and rolling over in the 16 every four years is getting tired. Especially as a host nation.
  14. I've said the same. I call it deconstruction of the Jedi. I think they made a mistake of not having at least one Jedi just decent. Doesn't even have to be your typical "good guy/lady". I think killing off the padawan was a mistake because she could have been that character. She was too young for Brendock, so she's 'clean' in a sense. She was striking up a friendship with Osha, so her going all choke and killing Sol and riding out with Smilo would have had a far more dramatic impact. I wouldn't say the bad guys ended up being the good guys though. To be fair, if you're looking at Clone Wars or Rebels, those characters were good. Ahsoka made Maul her bitch, and she would have more than justified slicing him up, but she still just arrested him in the end. Hera and Kanan are both completely good and decent too. I've also said deconstructing Jedi as an organization is fair, but when you're saying they're all fundamentally corrupt just isn't accurate.
  15. I don't know if anyone is watching, but that was an epic ending. I hope there's another season.
  16. No, I meant the last shot of this series is Palpatine's birth. That's it. If Plageuis is pulling the strings with Smilo, and we've never heard of these people before, we could guess Osha, Mae, and him get got somehow, so then he's looking for a new Acolyte. Birth of Palpatine. Fade to black.
  17. I'm not sure this show needs to get to "Somehow, Palpatine returned". It's still about 50 years ish until he's born. I certainly want TPTBs to get the amount of time they need to tell this story; with the fair criticisms here, I think they could easily fine tune a season 2. A killer ending to the series would be his birth over the Imperial March.
  18. I think it was the other way around. The hyperspace incident was a hundred years prior, so I thought with basically everyone wiped out, the planet started growing over those decades. It could be very well the creation of the girls sparked life on the planet, but Sol seemed to believe that the vergence was used to create the twins.
  19. Well, there's your Indy connection.
  20. I think you're answering your own question here, which I've been saying too. We were told Osha left the order because Sol was too guilty to train her properly. I've never seen a sabre go straight red on the draw though. That's some powerful dark side. Normally the Sith use synthetic crystals that are red, but iirc, you've got to be up there to bleed a natural crystal. On the flip side, the pure white sabre is the converse of that, and only Kenobi and Ahsoka had white. It's canon Ahsoka took an Inquisitor's red to bleed it white. With more context, I'm wondering if maybe given the trauma of seemingly losing her sister, and everyone dying that Osha did have some of that dark side in her, and maybe they were created from that side of the force in this vergence. So she left the order because it didn't sync with her. Or, she just finally got really angry about everything that's happened and it was Sol's fault so she choked him off and said "I'm just over this". That's all my inferring, and not backed up with what's on screen, but I think they could have laid that out in the show so her going off with Smilo at the end was more earned. No, I think that Brendock had the vergence was the key catalyst to create them. Not location specific, but wherever a vergence was. Obviously, if it was located at a Republic plante where a bunch of Jedi were, then there would have been some obstacles. It's the tv cheat that this was a planet that was torn apart from the hyperspace accident and left for dead, and it's fair that the Jedi were investigating the vergence and just followed evidence were it led. They started off just taking plant samples until Sol heard the kids and was surprised other people were there.
  21. He said "Japanese occupation", so yeah, leading up to WWII. Also, I would have just shot the snake. Better Indy 80s reference.
  22. Given the story to date, I think Stanford would be throwing money at Miguel to go there. Of course, going to Cal is the correct decision. Or community college. Depending what his major is. But there's got to be martial arts scholarships to tons of SoCal schools. They really need to make Chozen trash talk just about all the time. I could have watched 20 minutes of them house hunting. I'm fine with the show establishing how Kreese and Silver knew granddaughter Kim; makes sense with their time over there, but I don't need a whole treasure hunt Indiana Jones snake hunt. Outside of that, this was great episode. Johnny pulled a Don Draper.
  23. I wouldn't know when my shows start if it wasn't for this place because it's typically a billion years between seasons. I'm glad they gave me a whole 2 minutes to recap. I'm riding the show to the end, but it's getting to be a little much with the adults bickering and snipping at each other at this point. I'll give Daniel some credit that he's trying to not do that, but he's also bossing Johnny around, and that's not going to work. At least Robbie is still being the adult. Seems like Shawn is too. At least just rolling on up calling out how ridiculous everything is. That said, pleasant twist at the end. Logo was sweet too.
  24. I thought she was meeting with him to loop him in at that point. Micromanager, Yoda does not strike me as.
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