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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. First of all, please tell me the line about 'Jackie doing backflips. For real.' was a Footloose shout out. I'm glad they get back on the grand jury, and Ward got to pin the deal on the truck to keep it going. More on Kinicki - they found out he was an informant.
  2. I think they found out where they are and it's going to be several months to get to the destination so they're going back to sleep. The comms should still be out iirc. I think they last transmission to Earth was right after the FTL around the star didn't work.
  3. I don't know if Trump's lame glib comment was worse or the mob laughing about the guy who yelled out in the first place. I am very interested in what turnip subsidies are.
  4. If you mean for the ICE facility, Fig wasn't the warden. She was in a largely watered-down position where she does paperwork. The ICE guards wouldn't normally answer to her anyway. I thought they went to school together, but they did have a flashback at a fast food restaurant where they worked. It got robbed one night and T conned the robber into thinking she had expensive sneakers on, so he took those.
  5. I liked that Archer's plan essentially worked. I like that when they were ISIS he and Lana were actually capable. I was unintentionally spoiled for Archer waking up because Entertainment Weekly on FB can't not bloviate spoilers about literally everything the second it comes out. But I wasn't spoiled for the time jump. I think it's very interesting to see how the last 3 years went. I can't imagine the agency is still around because Lana would be the only capable one left. I don't see her in a quiet domestic life either. I hope Pam came to visit Archer though.
  6. I assume the news lady has an implant. I have no idea what they were thinking destroying the artifact though. That was colossally stupid. I don't know if I'd put good odds on them getting back to earth.
  7. What is different than GOT, however, is that the series is actually completed. So that might be a draw.
  8. Did anyone make it to the end?
  9. This is a poorly engineered ship. There's no redundant systems.
  10. Well I guess, how long were they estranged? We, as a country, didn't have these raids until not too long ago, as the show pointed out. Also, she did say she had an ID but didn't have it with her, so there wouldn't have been a problem if she did. I get what the show was trying to do here, but her plot was rushed, and, for me, she was not really sympathetic.
  11. Cool getting stuck outside and flaring up so the ship could Niko. Sorry show, I do not give any fucks about Michelle. You (show) even had Cas rip her for bitching (your words) all the time. I don't care. I do get that it was a more a plot for Cas' leadership and parallel with Niko. This show is gorey. The FX is cool though.
  12. Since it seemed like it was really hard to find the mother, it's possible they hadn't spoken in a very long time. I didn't think this was the strongest plot, but I could by it.
  13. I guess even though they haven't shown it, there is security around the artifact. I can't imagine why Erik thought it was a good idea to leak information. This is a looong time to go with the ship falling apart. Also, they aren't that smart just walking around the moon.
  14. I haven't seen anything online, but I mean, that's online. If a show isn't the best thing ever, then it totally sucks. I like space. This is good enough for me. I think I saw something on FB and today when zipping through Netflix I found it. I think it's ok. I mean, it's Sackhoff on a spaceship. You have the ace, you bet the 2. Sackhoff can still fight though. Interesting that they said clean water was really expensive.
  15. Wow that was gory. But ffs, you're in a bar playing trivia. Your PhD doesn't matter. If anything anyone with a PhD will tell you that the one thing they know is how much they don't know. I'm surprised that the gamma ray burst didn't burn them too.
  16. I'm usually meh on LA as a venue but I'm intrigued by the time period. There better be high levels of sweater porn though.
  17. Yeah but the other guy who let his mask down was fine so I don't know if it was her. It could be those soil samples. The woman in charge of communication won't stfu with all the blistering editorial commentary rather than do her job though. I don't mind someone who is a hot head but she's really one note. I think I'd prioritize the ftl drive and ship sensors though. You can always call later. I like the scientists plot. I don't like the news woman.
  18. One thing they mentioned in side conversations was that global climate change had caused what seemed to me like significant sea level rise. Maybe there was a lot of loss of life and there's not enough personnel for all that.
  19. I'm hoping that because the crew is so young that they're going to die in hilarious ways.
  20. Oh thank you. I knew I knew him from somewhere. This is B movie sci fi with Starbuck. I'm fine with it. I did like the slingshot idea and how they came to with the shielding. And Starbuck back in the pilot chair. I'm interested enough in what the aliens want so I'm going to watch the rest. I liked her booting the mutiny guy into the electricity. I mean he did come at her with a knife. The mouthy one needs to dial it back though. The would get tired fast. Does the ship not have a brig?
  21. That's what I was thinking. She'd be done quicker and likely could get a job without too much trouble. Versus the length of time, money, and the other hurdles mentioned in being a lawyer. Paralegal is a totally good job.
  22. Ivanova's complete incredulity over finding out who stole B4 is absolutely hilarious. The way she busted out "US?!" kills me.
  23. With so much content I don't rewatch shows so this is a salient point. I didn't recall much at all when the final season kicked off, and didn't have the time to go back and figure it out. Similarly, Westworld, I finished S2 in July and literally had no idea what happened.
  24. In OT Bill said exactly what I've been saying about these so called debates. I won't watch. All I'd be saying is, "you should vote for me because I'm an adult and I won't embarrass you." Really, worth a GOP senate not much is getting passed. Maybe focus more on foreign policy where you can do something. If I were running, I wouldn't even bother with the debates right now. I listen to LRC every Friday! Josh didn't talk nearly enough because of the gas bag in the middle. I think the professor was most correct - focus on the issues in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania. It's also a commentary on why the elections are wrong. I don't get what Buck is saying about the senate bills. OK, there's stuff in them maybe that isn't needed, but he won't even bring them to the floor for debate. Also he didn't seem to have a response for how much more money do you need - $400 million. Congress clearly doesn't have a problem spending money so why not on this issue.
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