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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. The ship needs risk management personnel.
  2. I kind of assumed that was their angle. They are so advanced and conquered over 300 planets. I don't get why they didn't colonize any of them though.
  3. Scaramucci 'doesn't turn his back on his friends where he comes from.' SF Gate
  4. To be fair, I would think it's hard on a live show as to whether to forgo the in show bit. Mooch has the weird tactic of slowly lowering his voice and continuing talking.
  5. If you get dosed up by a radiation source, and then the source is shielded and someone else runs into the room, they're going to be fine. You're still going to melt. The radiation already shredded your DNA. It seems to me that the ship is the only of its kind as well. Which is dumb AF. You don't only build one nuclear weapon. You build two. You'd think whomever invested in building it would want to be damn sure the right people were on it. And that they won't destroy the ship on route, which to be fair, Niko was the right choice. The other guy was the one that fried everything. They could have made something up like for some reason people over 45 die in soma after 8 months or something, limiting the selection of crew.
  6. Really, the focus should have been on the Guinness book and how they're in bed with dictators. It's appalling they turned down the show with saying they're 'for families' or whatever.
  7. I'm not so sure he 'knows the future'. Kosh old him if he goes, then he'll die. So he may be thinking just it's what he has to do. Also, Kosh literally tells him to jump. I don't think he was thinking much past blowing up the planet and dying.
  8. If Brenner is working with the Russians, which I wouldn't put it past him, then he's not going to be in the cell. It would have to be Hopper.
  9. I think the point is, when they were having sex, he seemed into it and not thinking of England. They could have written this plot better. We, as viewers, should have been tipped off that he was thinking of England, or there should have more of a tip off when Florian passed.
  10. I suppose so. I guess you might not think something like that would happen in Vegas. I guess we weren't really clued in as to that magazine and its reach. I suppose that Tex found out about it. This is one of the problems with shows that go 5 million years between seasons. I totally forgot about Florian. I knew he was gay, but it never pinged me that him and Bash were involved. And Bash is dumb enough not to get tested.
  11. I remember the song - we are siamese if you please. Were the cats racist in the movie? Did you see there was a picture of Chris Pine on the wall when Bullock was sitting in front of the fire? The other picture looked like it's was of an ice cream cone. Wow the end though. Stan had Jeff's hat on. He was giving it to him.
  12. I liked it but there seemed like less a directed narrative this season. Yeah, but Debbie might have given her a more influential role and she didn't wait to hear her out. I think he burned that bridge himself when he was saying the 'my girlfriend' speech. He just didn't see her seriously. I can't imagine she wouldn't want to direct. And while it might not be 'her catapult', it's still steady work where she's in charge and she can use it to step up to other things.
  13. That's what confuses me. You'd think they would tip us off in that context.
  14. So much for making him jealous! I guess the question is whether she's into it or not. I'm surprised Debbie didn't think that getting the word out would invite trouble.
  15. Ah. I was curious why there was so little Ruth. I mean, he didn't even know how to deposit the checks. I hope they don't burn through it.
  16. Count of Monte Fuckface is the best thing I've heard in my life.
  17. Where are they going to go though? It's not like there's other wrestling jobs. They're kind of stuck. On the other hand, good for them. Getting the show extended means it must be popular. It's not like the audience would know what the 'normal' show was anyway. I'm surprised they have done something to shake up the script as it was.
  18. But it gave us the great move of Debbie kissing the guy's hand. On top of that when she asked what they were going to do when she couldn't work, all he said was he 'was going to make some calls' when they returned to LA. Not really substantive there.
  19. What I liked was that she was ticked because she didn't get to read Sam's script. It's more interesting to me than 'will they'. I completely missed the Bash subtext. I'm not disputing it, but this is the problem with shows taking so much time off that you could build a literal pyramid in the hiatus. With so much content all over the place, it's hard to keep track.
  20. She kind of did though. She wasn't buying his constant low talking nonstop. I found his appearance on the panel kind of weird because of that. There was a decent amount of stuff he said that wasn't actually wrong, but yeah, then he pulls the 'but he's my friend.' Ok, so Bill asks him if he actually said these things to Trump and me kind of bumbles through it. I don't get what his angle is - trying to claw back to the WH? Trying to brand himself as a unique insider? Bill chided him as to whether Trump ever listened to him. I'm not a boomer, but he does have a point though. You go back long enough for anyone, you're going to find something.
  21. I'm generally not a shipper on shows, so I'm really interested in them going down this road. I'd rather they be friends.
  22. Yeah she made my teeth grate. I can accept the premise as to why they selected the 20 something crew, but for someone with her temperament, it's hard to see how she made the cut. If they made her some genius then I probably could buy it. I think regardless of age, the lack of crew discipline struck me as egregious.
  23. iirc, They said this was the only ship that could do the mission. I'm thinking that it's the only FTL ship for Earth. Given that the thing is falling apart left and right, I wouldn't be surprised if all the capital went into the FTL drive (and we've seen the comms have to FTL), the shield bubble thing, AI, and then everything else is duct tape. Oh, and the soma technology.
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