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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I wasn't planning to start until today anyway so I'll be chiming in. High school Beth just keeps getting killed. It's amazing Beth turned into a reasonably functional adult. I know I saw it coming, but she doesn't want to be talked about as a slut, so then she gets nailed as a prude. And she's signing permission slips for Ann. Her hair grew back though, so that's good. The whole scenes in the spa cracked me up because the other friend got roped into phone sex and was so mad about it. Bringing the sandwiches was hilarious, and then Mya Beth should be a little quicker with John. He's not going to think a date is a date, and he brought chickens to the restaurant. Certainly, she's got to know something is up by now. Turned out cool though. New dishes from the chef.
  2. I thought Ben saw the other leaper after he grabbed his arm. That's the way it was on the OG.
  3. They means the Japanese. I thought Blackthorne had the map of the catholic bases, and Macao was a big one. He didn't know about the gunrunning until later, but I was saying instead of doing what he did and trying to strategize instead, he might have done better there. I'm just saying use what you know to keep yourself alive and stay frosty. The yammering on the christian nonsense was getting to me. Once Blackthorne actually calmed down, he was able to communicate to Toranaga the larger context. Not entirely his fault, but not too. He's technically her teacher and she recognizes him as such, so he wouldn't use -sama. Saying Lady Maria in Portuguese to me would be Mariko-san in Japanese, so I think that's fair. I think she made Blackthorne call her -sama because he's a 'barbarian' and so beneath her. Also, we all know she's hot for him with the flame of 1000 suns. Japanese abbreviate their pets' names and add -kun on the end. My friend started doing it to my dog when I told him and she would go bonkers for it.
  4. I thought it was Hannah's code that let them see themselves than the people they leapt into. I think if we ever get a Sam appearance, it's just him always been leaping, and maybe pass on a message to Magic that it's ok.
  5. No it wasn't, but I don't think it's unreasonable to question whether that particular priest translating wasn't going to translate in good faith. Blackthorne was correct; he wasn't. How else is he going to get that point across but to yell and carry on? I don't think leading with all the hostility was a smart move anyway though. Buy yourself another minute. Then another. Then another. "Father, let me explain to you what happened here; this is a huge misunderstanding." Blackthorne's cover story wasn't bad, and he could have sold it to the priest. The the state of the ship and crew, seen by all, is easy evidence. The Japanese vassal, who is becoming my favorite, quickly picked up on the friction and basically put the entire scene to rest and moved on with the brilliant 'Christian nonsense' line. He wanted the ship cannon. The priest yammering on and on that Blackthorne was a pirate was largely irrelevant. Look at them. What could they actually do at that point? Ok, you washed up here or you're pirates. Well, you're all captives now, and I own your ship.
  6. It's too bad they didn't air this before the one about Beef hooking up. Dirt is the perfect wing for him.
  7. I just thought Blackthorne was just harping way too much on it given his situation. Hey, try to stay alive for the next 90 seconds. They're going to get bored and kill you to just shut you up. Also, it does point to my observation that the rest of the council isn't so sharp. Only Toranaga had the initial curiosity and savvy to grasp that this white guy wasn't like the other white guys. You can kill him whenever. Once Blackthorne got over himself and actually talked, they learned about Spain and Portugal, and Macao. Which is also a knock on Blackthorne for not insisting he has intel, and my prior point about maybe trying to get Mariko to translate instead of the Jesuit young guy. Ah. It could be beneath his honor, but he also could have been giving her enough rope to see if she'd go after Blackthorne instead of him, which she did. If he thought she was there to assassinate him, he would have done her in quick. He definitely was waiting for her. I don't think he needed her to talk because her actions confirmed his supposition.
  8. My aunt ruled this topic. Just one, which isn't even that bad. "Our love's in jeopardy" (real), "I love you Stephanie" (auntie). I swear if you listen to Africa by Toto and go with "There's nothing that a hundred men on Mars could ever do" instead of "There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do". As a kid, I loved that they thought Africa was on Mars. It seriously not BUS?!! I'm not even joking.
  9. I'm kind of over the Christian nonsense. I take Blackthorne's point; there's no guarantee the catholic translators are translating in good faith, and the first one certainly didn't. I don't know if he could have insisted Mariko (?) translate or something. I just don't find protestant v catholic particularly interesting. Though I didn't get the impression Toranaga did either beyond knowing that there's just some friction there, so maybe that was the point. Blackthorne just seems really dense to me. I do like the stamps. I wish I had one done for me when I was there. For all this Game of Thrones, the Regents on the Council aren't particularly sharp. The vassal who called him the dog was the only one to understand why Blackthorne would be valuable. The others didn't even think the Christian councilmembers would withhold their votes. Did they say firstname lastname back then? Because no way Mariko would even say Toranaga's first name if he's -sama or even -san. Not in public like that anyway. I like that the vassal guy didn't even bother to wash his face. "Oh there were bandits out there! I was lucky to be sauntering around!" Exciting ending! I don't think it was either. He said at the end basically that he switched sleeping quarters to confirm that the ninja was coming for Blackthorne. And he totally got the drop on her because he was waiting. This was on the heels of him not signing the papers to let the Black Ship depart. There was the scene after that where the head priest told the Christian regent, and he said, "let me handle this, Father". So I think Toranaga set it up to confirm what Blackthorne was saying about the Line of Demarcation and how Portugal 'claimed' Japan. That's a hugely valuable piece of intel that the others have no idea about. Also, Toranaga seems another level strategy over the rest of them. I did like the young guy saying, "so why don't we just divide up the world with China?" It must have been preposterous to think two tiny countries on the other side of the planet think they own you. This does bother me a little because while it is hard to speak Japanese; there's no direct map like there is in english to spanish, if you shut up for 5 seconds you can pick up on more than you'd think. I suppose it may be easier if you're in Japan for a research position, for example, than terrified you could be killed at any second. Not that I'd expect him to be fluent, and he did pick up on 'thank you'. I would have probably tried to get some help from Nestor Carbonell, he of the survival on islands, than just snipping at him. I mean, Blackthorne doesn't even seem to pick up on hai, or so desu ka. All that, I am enjoying the show though.
  10. No way Richard Lewis would be cut for starring on a sitcom. He'd be kvetching about everything. Richard Lewis was a huge huge stand up riding the wave of that first comedy boom in the early 80s. I saw a lot of his specials and tv appearances. He was a contemporary of Garry Shandling and both had similar styles in that they were confessional, although I wouldn't say it was the centerpiece of Shandling's act iirc. Richard Lewis was the first stand up I saw that used his neuroses as his material. He was Larry's best foil on the show imo. There's so many scenes of just the two of them going at it, and they're just having a blast. I don't know if it was last season or the season before, but recently. I think they're at a restaurant (maybe one of Jon Hamm's appearances) and Richard Lewis makes a crack and totally breaks Larry. He killed so hard and Larry knew it. Even last week, if that's his last appearance, he still had it.
  11. Richard Chamberlain was king of the 80s miniseries! iirc the original miniseries was on everyday for only a week, so there was far less TV time than here to really get into it. My parents had the paperback and you could knock someone out with it. I imagine there's tons more we'll see here.
  12. I was little when the original aired. I know I watched with my parents, but I don't remember anything. It was the time of all the big miniseries events! I liked that the Japanese characters actually spoke Japanese and not English all the time. I don't have any problem with subtitles. I guess they couldn't speak in Portuguese too. I'm not sure the best diplomatic move for Pilot John was to get into a religious spat, but "I don't have time for Christian nonsense" seems to have worked. I would have thought Pilot John would have been more interested in this mysterious Japan when they finally brought him up out of the pit. I probably would have not yammered so much about savages and maybe tried to pick up on some words and phrases too. I'm watching on Hulu. Did FX show boob? There's a lot of heavy lifting for any show to do in the first episode, but they kept it moving for me. I didn't feel like it dragged. So many characters though. I still can't name 80% of the characters on Game of Thrones. Hard to steer wrong with a show that has Nestor Carbonell on an island could be good.
  13. I did find that dog in 2005. Jon was positively stone-faced compared to how I dealt with her passing. For the show, I liked that they focused on a single theme. I do think Jon's point is totally fine - no one is going anywhere. I don't remember so well, but I thought the Oslo accords were fairly well regarded at the time. I don't know if re floating that idea is in play. I liked the guests.
  14. If the code is only temporary and Addison bounces home after one or two leaps, then they have more material on how they could bring Ben home.
  15. Twink Death should be a senior prom theme.
  16. She's going to blow up when Larry kicks her out regardless of the when. I bet Tracy Ullman tells everyone that Larry isn't the crusader for democracy that the media made him out to be, and then everyone turns on him. Maybe she testifies against him at the trial, and he's found guilty at the end of the show.
  17. That's not entirely true. The one person talked about how the dad sat them down to discuss the eating of the butthole. This reminds me of the satanic panic back in the 80s. It's not about the actual books now or the music then.
  18. I meant it was the smoking gun of a sort. There's a fair reason why it was in the safe. Without the memo, the CEO can always hide behind plausible deniability, he didn't know, etc. I didn't quite get why there was any confusion about the memo being critical to the plot. All those other people, you have to get to testify, if you can even find out who they are. The memo you can publish in the paper or read it on air on the news.
  19. It's not even vanilla porn. Like they all just randomly picked the books about butt sex and 'every kind of job you can imagine.'
  20. I'm calling a huge bs on the people reading all the dirty books. First they had to find them. Then peruse them and select a book/magazine. Then go and read it in front of everyone. One lady was reading gay porn. Ok, sister. Like you couldn't just research adult material and see if the library carries those items. For someone who 'never said the f word in her entire life,' it sure rolled off the tongue. I do feel bad for *some* of the people being scammed. I don't think minors should be sending people money online. Maybe that's a good first step. Also, stay away from crypto!
  21. It's literally the only piece of evidence that incriminates the corporation. I thought the show did make that fairly clear.
  22. Everyone else is at the club though. If he left, he'd be more miserable. It does look like him and Jeff play a lot, so Larry just sucks it up. Also being close.
  23. Just the episode entitled 'Disgruntled'. I noticed that Jeff has the gray hair now. For a fancy country club, I'm surprised they didn't have a limited breakfast menu. No one wants to eat lunch meals at 11.10. It's mind boggling that JB made his first appearance because of the family Larry took in from Katrina. In 2005. I'm skeptical that Larry would bring his own eggs to the club. The whole water bottle plot has to pay off at the end, and Larry just isn't going to come out well. Larry is going to do what he wants with the show. I want to see him get over at the end. He's been right.
  24. I thought for a second that no one was going to believe Moon. I'm glad they all just went out to investigate. And then wow it took a hard turn. I don't know about Moon asking Quinn out. I know he likes her, but it seems a little stretch. Also he doesn't know Quinn isn't always sass? I did like that Beef put his foot down after four days. Bob and Linda do not do that enough. Pornography that moves around. I liked that Honey and Wolf were all in on showing Aunt all the movies. Jane Lynch is perfect for this show.
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