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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Starters aren't going to allow to get out of the 4th, and I think there's going to be way more walks.
  2. I'm going to take another tack and go with replacing Washington with Chocolate City. Really though, I was surprised at the lack of government monikers. Really, only Ambassadors. I would think Magistrates would be good. 'Come to be judged on the grid iron'.
  3. I don't speak it, but for someone who lived in a foreign country I'm kind of tuned to differences. I like that the show just ran with it and required the viewer to pay attention. Same thing. I didn't know the king and prince were meeting with the king and queen of England until George stuttered.
  4. I guess my confidence in her playing a long con isn't that high, but that's entirely plausible. I guess since Jimmy fronted the money, she actually doesn't owe Anton anything. I would have wanted to see at least a brief scene outside of the prison as to where she was selling though.
  5. I actually noticed the difference. I perked up because it meant the king might be shady.
  6. Moving back? I can see the height, but that's ridiculous.
  7. I was surprised that the price was put for the chief of defense. That had to be highly unusual. Clearly the king did not approve. The prince looked so crestfallen. I mean, I don't care about royalty at all but the actors are incredible. I was so sad when Norway got beat even though it already happened. I don't get why the king and prince had to always be together. It seems to high risk. The king himself told the prince that he was more important. The king should have stayed behind and then just effectively abdicated if he was caught.
  8. She did tell Jimmy she needed more the next time they talked. He was surprised she moved it so fast. Why ask for more otherwise though?
  9. When she hung up the phone on Jimmy, I took her exasperated sigh to mean she didn't actually have the money for him, but given how quick she got it moved in prison, I suppose that could be misplaced, and in fact she was resigning herself to do him. I guess she assumed Jimmy would continually front the money for the product and she would just pay that off after she sold it, but there's no way their supplier is going to operate on credit. They made it clear that she really couldn't stand Jimmy in this episode. I don't know if she knew he was using too. If she does have the money, it shouldn't be a problem. She was talking about needing the money to save the shop, and for all she knew Jimmy could have been quoting her a price that was high enough so he could take his own cut of it before buying the stuff. I just don't know how she's going to find the guy. I think she's in way over her head and isn't a tough as she thinks. Even with the money, there's no way the dealer is going to just jump into business with her.
  10. I'm wondering how much effort they're going to put in finding who did Jimmy. It's not like he was a model citizen. He is a CI for Jackie, so I would think he'd be motivated to find out. Where does Cathy think she's going to get supply from now? Does she even know Jimmy's supplier? I'm not sure he's going to be so willing to seemlessly supply Cathy even if she does find him. I know Jimmy convinced him of a new market and steady money, but he doesn't strike me as being overly greedy for the hassle of dealing with Jimmy.
  11. Somehow doing it on the beach doesn't lead to massive chafing and ruining your clothes.
  12. I found this - https://www.fbi.gov/about/faqs/who-monitors-or-oversees-the-fbi and https://www.justice.gov/jm/jm-9-2000-authority-us-attorney-criminal-division-mattersprior-approvals So, yes and no. It looks like the US Attorney has considerable latitude in their district. The only thing I really know is when Guliani prosecuted the mob under RICO for the first time, so that makes sense because it was his idea and how they did everything. It looks like she can't fire Jackie directly, but she still has considerable leverage. He has to report his investigations to her, and she can direct what he actually investigates. It's a fair enough buy in for me on the show. Conclusion - Jackie having to 'impress' her to avoid forced retirement seems legit. Given Jackie bagged the big crime family before the show started, then it seems the prior US Attorney can him a lot of leeway to do what he wanted. That US Attorney would have had to prosecute the case. It would have been a huge win for whomever that was. Again, beating the mafia catapulted Guliani into the mayorship of NYC. I could imagine something similar here.
  13. I don't think it really matters too much. The US Attorney threatened Jackie with forced retirement which I forgot. Although he resisted it seemed like he knows the threat is real. I think the point was she wasn't going to put up with him running around doing what he wanted anymore. That's why he's making up this case about Ward and bthe informant. She seemed to have bought it in this episode, and Jackie's trying to get her off his back.
  14. Everyone on TV throws up all dainty and shit. Always making just in time to the bathroom. No one ever loses it on the sidewalk in front of the bar or sound like they're passing a watermelon.
  15. This is the most interesting plot for me. I feel like the youngest (Kelvin?) isn't really being seen as a teenager here more than an issue to them. She's going on about how she raised him and I'm wondering how much raising she really did. It was an interesting contrast that the kid Jackie was trying to shake down didn't roll at first. I'm just not interested in the leftover threads from last season. (It probably doesn't help that the hiatus was so long, but that's probably me.) It's only three episodes, so they might tie in later, but being an isolated thread isn't taking me in. I'm not interested in the baby drama either. Both of them have interesting things going on otherwise. If seems derivative to me. It would be more interesting if they were both career driven and that was their common bond. Their fight on careers was far more interesting. I forgot that Jackie was being threatened with forced retirement, so 'impressing' the US Attorney makes more sense.
  16. Would the US Attorney be his 'boss' technically. I don't know how DOJ works. I don't know if 'impress' is the right word, but I will concede she's not as enamored as everyone else with Jackie's big bust (please tell me someone has seen Police Squad) so he is trying to see what he can do for himself in this new environment. In terms of the Asst., yes, he is certainly in hot water if anyone finds out, but she seemed much like a willing participant so I won't go so far as to say he coerced her into anything. The added thing I've seen is that the US Attorney doesn't like either Jackie or Decourcy which leads me to believe they'll be joining forces. I haven't watched this whole episode yet so I'm sure I'll be yammering on some more later in the evening.
  17. They already handwaved why Jackie kind of does what he wants so that's not a big deal for me within the context of the show. I think they mentioned Bulger last episode. It seemed like Jackie knew he was an informant, but not his own informant.
  18. Decourcy also overreached in the trial last year too, and in giving immunity too soon, I forgot which character got on the stand and said he was the one who killed Kelly (?), which happened before the show started iirc. I think that guy was Jackie's CI so he didn't want him on the stand. That's also true at the end about Jackie too, but I didn't read it as him deliberately screwing up the operation, and you could argue it was a similar overreach. Maybe Jackie was more motivated for himself to get the collar. That's the thing I'm not liking about this season. I liked it way better when they were on the same side and were pushing boundaries to 'clean up Boston'. I think Decourcy's words were "I want to tear this machinery [the city] apart." I think it was kind of a narrative mistake to make Decourcy bad at his job on overreaching at the trial. Maybe you still need him to lose, but it was entirely a self-inflicted error. It may have been better for Jackie to cop to knowing who killed Kelly at the end, so Decourcy was kind of stuck and still lost, but did the best he can. tbh, This whole each of them going at the other seems limited and repetitive to me already.
  19. I kind of wanted Rudy to be the one flipping Frond off.
  20. Or after. It's not like Bob won't open up after hours for an hour to help out Teddy.
  21. Was the metal song at the end a cover of something (the music, not the lyrics)?
  22. Why not though? It's a compelling story. I don't mind shows with subtitles.
  23. I don't know why Teddy couldn't just take Kathleen to the restaurant before the movie.
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