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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I can't think of another show where you'd need a real cadaver.
  2. If they didn't do the podcast, the whole graverobbing would have never been uncovered, so that's still good. The killer better be someone we've seen already and not someone all of a sudden in the next episode. Mabel's disgust about the sex - what's the safe word to get out of this conversation - was hilarious. I liked Dimas' show posters on the wall too - Newark, Newark!
  3. Same for New England. You can make a weekend trip from CT to NH for a foliage tour. You're not necessarily getting that in the Rocky Mountains, for example.
  4. I think the point in here is that they're all unreliable narrators. On the show they waxed on nostalgic, but there didn't seem to be any of the glamour here. Tony went on how Dickie mentored him. He never really did. Tony watched him a lot and maybe picked up on things where they were talking, but that's it. Tony said on the show that 'remember when' is the lowest form of conversation. I think a lot of these guys were always trying to live in the past. I was a little disappointed that there was no connection to New York since there was consistent communication over the course of the show. Unless New York didn't 'recognize' New Jersey yet. I would think the big change in power would warrant attention.
  5. That's the point though. In high school, you're stuck with these people.
  6. It is. I remember friends' relatives coming for a weekend visit to go look at foliage. That was a long time ago too so it's been a thing for a while. Which, there's nothing wrong with, whether going on a drive, or a walk, as you point out. I did it yesterday. I don't know who in their right mind thought 'leaf peeping' was a thing that should be said.
  7. I kind of figured that was going to happen, so I don't know why Honeybee and Wolf didn't just go around the town and reenact things like, 'this is where Ham made the cake' or something like that. Being such movie buffs I guess it was inevitable they'd go overboard. I am glad it turned out how it did though. I do the same thing when they show places in my town on the local news. 'We were just there yesterday!'
  8. Any plot with the kids all together is a favorite. School kind of cracks me up for all mundane things; hanging out in the hall, what's for lunch.
  9. I'm still wondering why Archer was hallucinating Barry last season.
  10. I didn't realize they were actually spoofing movies. I've only seen the Doors in college. No chicks there.
  11. It wasn't Livia. If you're talking about the scene with Jun in the backbrace.
  12. I mean, it could be a total red herring that Kreiger somehow managed to cure comas. I wouldn't be surprised if they were messing with us though.
  13. This is a very good point. My rant before was about focusing strictly on a technical workforce development, which I do think you need some degree. I would still encourage people to go to community college at the least because you may learn about jobs you didn't know were out there or that you have skills you didn't know. I'm not seeing bank teller or shop manager necessarily needing a degree. I think the free community college would be a huge benefit for the country though. There's still trade school type programs at the community colleges. Over here, there's a successful machinist program and they place nearly everyone in gainful employment.
  14. I got a good laugh at the end. I love that joke.
  15. I liked it. Harsh to rip on Freddy Mercury though. I don't get why they could do a segment on the Doors but made up Muddy.
  16. I always prefer the kids plots and usually the adult b plot isn't strong. These were both great. I hear Bob on the vegetables. So much going on. Linda terrorizing Teddy with the vegetables. Frond dating. Breaking into the locker. I feel like I haven't seen Zeke in years. Nice touch on Louise buying frozen yogurt on the way home.
  17. Doing punk stuff was petting the puppies. I totally lost it.
  18. They ripped the NCAA nice too. The quality prattle was a highlight. For some reason, the family being Dutch got me out loud. I got one scammer so mad he hung up on me!
  19. That was deliberate. I think I heard that on an npr show with Chase.
  20. I don't inherently believe in a closed time loop, so I don't really buy they had to not say anything for 20 years to make their child angry enough to preserve the time loop. It's also ludicrous that she wouldn't have gone to hell to find him.
  21. Same. I pinged when Ella showed up in 'happy t shirt'. Just having Chole saying "I solved another murder" over and over was just a great punch line, and I totally lost it when they panned over to Maze and the beat cop doing down on her. She's the same cop that's been on a whole bunch of times. Wow the line about 'you don't have to know every single detail about someone if you know their heart' is absolutely brilliant. I had to pause to turn the fan on from all the smoke coming from the tv. I did like Ella being pissed going over the past seasons with the emu feather and 'not with the spanish' eyeroll from Lucifer. I said before I was hoping they might have gone down the road of rewriting the rules, so to speak, but The Good Place tackled that so I get why it's probably not necessarily fresh. With Lucifer not wanting to be god, I'm wondering if they're going to ask whether there needs to actually be a god. (Side note reference - Anyone see The Second Coming? That's where I'm coming from.) I'm kind of rooting for that type of ending because I think it's really bold. I don't think anyone else can really be god anyway. Lucifer has lived among humanity for so long. The other celestials have been shown to be really capricious and petty. It won't work. Now I'm thinking Incarnations of Immortality and having Linda be god. I've been pacing myself quite well and enjoying these final episodes, but I think I have to close this out soon.
  22. I knew this wasn't going to be Tony Rises either. I kind of wish they showed more of Dickie's influence on Tony. Tony was just kind of there. I like how he was quietly observant. I liked Dickie being cool with Harold too. But they didn't show Dickie really doing much mafia stuff. I wouldn't call Tony a 'chuckle head looking for trouble' though. They made a point of saying he's off the chart smart. He just wasn't into school. AJ was just dumb. Tony running numbers and knowing not to use any of the Beatles birthdays takes smarts. I do wish we would have seen more Jun. I really liked seeing him being so vindictive and mean. With the Moltisantis out of the way, Jun basically opened the door for the Sopranos to take over. Essentially holding on to power for over half a century. That should be a good story to tell next. I did like the Easter eggs though and had a good laugh at a lot of them especially the 'poor you!' I would have liked at least a hint of Tony's anxiety. I'd say Farmiga was the most interesting for me. For an HBO movie, this was fine for me on a Friday night.
  23. There are plenty of jobs out there. They require degrees, which the panel all were derisive on. So which is it?
  24. I don't know what they were going on about with the limitless spending either. I take the point that all spending bills have some creative accounting, but 1 it's actually a ten year plan, and 2 they are raising taxes to pay for it. Now, you can argue that they're not raising taxes enough, which I would, but they aren't just printing money either. I also take the point that upper middle class doesn't need two grand per kid, but that's a policy debate. Just for all the other stuff, broadband, etc., I'd still vote for it, and I won't be voting for my representatives is they don't. Certainly, that final number will come down, but again, that's policy. I don't mind difference of opinion, but there was too much just factually incorrect information in this episode.
  25. What reality is this woman living in? I know plenty of people who disagree with me politically.
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