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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. When Claire talked to her at her house before pissy bitch Allan was snotting at her, it looked like Malva was softening up. That means she got got because she was going to spill the beans. However, it doesn't explain why she may have poisoned Mr. Christie and Claire, unless she tried when she first was pregnant; it failed, so she just told them? I don't know if that adds up. With her dead, we probably may not see for sure, unless they give us a flashback. It's odd tv writing imo if it's just ignored after spending a whole 60+ minutes on it.
  2. Or have to keep boots in the car so your feet don't get frostbite when you're cleaning the snow off to drive home. Remember when airports had lockers?
  3. tbh, just a scene in the tavern with all the wines and a positively befuddled Roger would have been brilliant.
  4. They need to take Louise to one of those rage rooms where you can just break stuff for her birthday.
  5. Mr. Christie said, 'you have to acknowledge the baby and sign documents making them your heir'. It's the best move for stability. The guy in the church looked like a bag, and Ian is a Mohawk; i.e., heathen. Thinking about it, I thought Mr. Christie was unusually calm during the whole scene. I wouldn't be surprised if he beat it out of her first and then came up with the plan to frame Jamie himself. I mean, Jamie can just flat out say no, and/or Ian and Roger could come forward. Claire is going to tell Jamie when she has a chance. At this point, everyone is on their business, so I'd just flat out throw it in Christie's face. Of course, now, they'll be accused of dragging her name in the mud because she's been killed. It's kind of trite tbh; Jamie's the landowner/landlord. He can just kick them all out. It's not like MacDonald wouldn't come down with a few guys. Or the 'Safety Committee'. I forgot about that, but I thought she just made a good guess because they were talking about the snakebite and she had seen an actual snakebite. Jamie even pointed to where it was on his leg.
  6. Is the sidewalk leading up to the movie or something?
  7. That is a fair reason. These 'fisherfolk' I can buy with all the witchcraft, plus Malva mentioned something to Jamie about snake handling. The entire ridge, all those people Jamie invited, worked along side for however long to build the settlement, and now suddenly turning, doesn't wash, in hindsight. I could buy a lot more friction between the two groups rather than everyone turning on them. I'm surprised no one even thought that Jamie taking another mistress would be that big a deal anyway. One the one hand, things are dragging to me because the revolution is happening. On the other, they gloss over things like how the settlement really would react to something like this. There's not even any everyday talk about political affairs. I can buy that most of the settlers probably don't care and want to be left alone. They nailed up the bulletin on the embargo and already mentioned the tea party though. So, it's there.
  8. I'm not disagreeing. I thought it was odd she'd go for both at once. She had all this time for the dad. Unless I suppose she used the dysentery as cover. I'd like to know how she did it. I was surprised Claire didn't put it together, but she was kind of out of it in recovery.
  9. Louise got a beanbag for her loft! I don't think we've ever seen the washing machine before. I actually liked Bob and Linda putting their foot down about Phoebe. I totally would be calling her Pheebs though.
  10. Rainbows were coming out of the cooling tower.
  11. I liked the quick callback line about bartering with Beef to get the museum raised up. I liked Moon's buffet plate - chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, ice cream.
  12. Homer was reading "What is Nuclear Power?"
  13. That was one hell of a cold opening. I'm actually surprised more people aren't dying of diseases in 1770s wildlands. Or just being generally sick.I suppose we can chalk it up to Claire's future medical skills. Same with this dysentery. They probably wouldn't have known it was water borne, or Jamie to know to look for the elk. A little much with the hair. It will grow back. I'm surprised Claire didn't have short hair in the 60s anyway or in medical school anyway. I don't know if it's the actor's choice, but Claire always gives Mr. Christie the same look. It cracks me up. I was wondering at first if Claire was suffering from huffing the ether. As soon as Mr. Christie and Claire figured out they got the same thing without getting contagious, I mean, what's the common factor here? Even Jamie was sharp enough to realize it was odd. If Bree and Roger have 2 kids and they both can travel, that actually should be a lot of people in their present (1970s) who could travel. Didn't Roger tell someone when he was leaving? I didn't think Mr. Christie was buying Malva's yarn until the end there. Allan sure did, and acted like a total bitch. I gave a quite a yell when Claire slapped her! That looked like a real one and not a stage smack. Too bad Claire couldn't invent a DNA test. Shoving plot where it doesn't need to go. And Jamie invents 'we were on break'. I thought it was clever for Claire to know it wasn't Jamie because he wouldn't turn out his own child. And another yell when Young Ian told Claire! All the more reason I'm thinking they set the fire themselves if Claire is saying that no one on Ridge respects them any more. Not that they know, but from our perspective, they're all being bitchy gossips while the biggest war the world has ever seen is on their doorstep. I'm laughing that Roger finds it amazing that the real work at a conference doesn't get done until you get to the bar. Not much of an academic. That was one hell of an ending. It doesn't necessarily have to have been deliberate. Circumstantial, for sure. I don't know why she'd infect the both of them at the same time though. I don't think he could have been, right? Because he never was. The future past or whatever you want to call it doesn't change on the show. I really wish they'd talk more about all the timey-wimey.
  14. Now that I have a real job, I've been able to buy jackets. I have 3. And one for hiking.
  15. There's an HBO documentary on Amy that covers her pregnancy and the making of her Netflix special. From that, I'd say actual Amy would be a fun hang. The husband was really nice too. He's a big shot chef. She seems to have good relationship with her sister. I'm enjoying the flashbacks. The actor playing Young Beth is doing really well, and it seems like she had to grow up too fast because of the parents' issues. It seems like Annie was just a bit too young to understand what was going on until later . It seems like Beth might have been suffering from depression or some kind of ptsd. Obviously, the hair pulling underscored the issues. Neither of the parents were real gems. I did like that Maya has been her friend all this time. It seems like the scar is a metaphor. I'm quoting myself now that I found out about what happened to Liz. I'm going with tragic there, and it's her mother's fault 100%. There's always a kernel of truth in comedy, and it seems like this is coming from a place of truth. Clearly, however, it's not what one expects when seeing an "Amy Schumer" show, but I give her credit for taking the risk. It always comes down to the writing. Good stand ups are good writers. I'm always willing to check out what they want to try.
  16. Basketball wasn't on as much back then, and being where I was, it was mostly Boston, New York, Philadelphia. So even in the papers, the west wasn't covered. I don't think I saw the Lakers until 84. I feel like I must have seen them against the 76ers. That was already Riley. I figured he was always there. I never knew McKinney at all and even that he invented showtime. I'm sure the news of his passing would have made it out to the east coast, but I was too young then.
  17. He didn't look that much, but he got the cadence and timing down really well. I also agree no way Cavett would pull that either. I don't necessarily think they're oil and water. Doug sells magazines and does it well. He's gambled on Joyce to the point of hiding 50 large from Tina. The first two issues were totally hers and they sold. They're both doing great. I don't think there's anything wrong with him going out to try to reel in some big fish from the magazine. They both got played by the stuffy lady. And Doug doesn't suffer from a lack of self-esteem. He was apologetic after but probably didn't need to say 'it's my ball'. GOAT in the 70s isn't what that means now. I don't know why they were calling the QB GOAT in that context. I liked the flashbacks. Those dudes on the commune were dumb and needed a smack.
  18. I'm enjoying Doug's attitude about the all the PR - basically no press is bad press. I mean, the point is to move the product. Doug had to have known she'd do her deal to the reporter. Joyce didn't deserve the awful letters, but Doug's attitude was good. I thought she did good on the radio. Shelly continues to steal scenes even when not being funny. "I didn't know it was going to be this hard." "Most things are." I didn't like Glenn trashing Doug. He publishes 15 magazines. Successfully. They make money. That's all you're supposed to do. No, I thought the vibe was just for her on the d/l. However, Joyce could have generalized - I've talked to plenty of wives in stable marriages, etc. The husband looked genuinely hurt. Not every guy is like the radio guys, who deserved what they got. Someone like Shelly's husband doesn't know what he doesn't know. I think Joyce was wrong, but after all the hate mail and the press just raking her, she was ready to unload.
  19. Yes, she was. Stapleton killed it talking about answering the ad, all happy about making new friends, and Gloria's reaction shot was mortified. She called in Michael and his reaction shot was even better. The whole last two acts with the four of them was bonkers. Timeless comedy. I'm appreciating the subtlety of Edith. She's got great non verbal cues and reactions when Archie isn't looking and sends him up. The episode about Michael coming into some money from a deceased uncle was next. I think the stage directions were [yell all the time as much as you can]. It was loud. But, they said that Gloria and Michael made a deal with Archie that they could live there until Michael graduated and got a job and then pay Archie back. That was never on the show before. It's interesting that blue collar Archie actually agreed to that. Michael wanted to give the money to the McGovern campaign, and Archie went nuts. It was actually a good Gloria episode because she was being pulled in two directions and just blew up on Michael and Archie. They ended on election night without saying the winner.
  20. I think being outside the traditional host countries is in the US' favor.
  21. Is England-USA on Black Friday? Brilliant. But that's what I meant by bulletin board material. Especially in a region of the world that leaves it wide open.
  22. Tina never was really for it, but I think when it got down to the missing $50,000, she decided that it was getting to be too much.
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