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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Just because there's a limited supply of something, doesn't mean there aren't plenty of them available. A bad artist can have a limited number of pieces to sell, but be actively looking for buyers because he's having trouble finding anyone willing to take one.
  2. It's a can't-win situation now that some brain-dead judges have bought the disparity of effect argument. In this case, I've heard that African names have more variation in how they're spelled here, so they don't tally as high (since the counts are split). So if a name is not on the list, is it the fault of parents not getting on the same page for how to spell a particular name, or the company's fault for using the list that they "should have known was biased"?
  3. And in the end, she says bye to Flo, rather than her insurance company? Can't say I blame anyone wanting to get rid of Flo, but is that the message they really want to send?
  4. Maybe the pods are like the ones that can grow a duplicate of someone in a few days or hours, depending on which sci-fi show or movie you're watching. Drownsie didn't want to wait around for whatever physical changes she meant by "fixing" them to happen.
  5. As a lifelong non-smoker, I've never been concerned with brief exposure to someone's smoke. I have sometimes been put off by the smell of someone smoking cheap garbage, but if it's important enough, you just try to dodge the brunt of it.
  6. Fixing something doesn't always mean something was broken. If you take a pet to the vet to get "fixed", you actually want something to not work any more. Like with the pet, or fixing a race, she might just be talking about wanting/needing things to be a certain way.
  7. Maybe you need a different remote. According to the Fios support page, not all have the function to skip (which defaults at 10 secs but can be set much longer). It's the network that decides what buttons work and on my Comcast system, skip still works even though fast-forward doesn't. Of course, this could be an issue with your local branch of Verizon, in which case, never mind.
  8. Not necessarily. Some colleges won't even allow a freshman to have a car on campus. Sticking to a top name list could get them in trouble for not having "enough" ethnic names.
  9. Did it? The promos always made it seem like it starred Traci Lords (who's B-level acting would fit in pretty well on this show. Part of me is hoping for an alien to explain that they were planning to save everyone from something, but the people have been judged as too stupid to live and, with the equipment sabotaged, will have to take their chances.
  10. That's what the program jump button is for. It's usually 10 mins/press these days so you can't get right to what you need to see, but it's better than starting it running and remembering to come back in around 3/4 of an hour.
  11. She's just holding them for her friend, the chipmunk. Or maybe she wants to look intellectual and never actually wears them. I've heard that there are people who do that, although I'm sure they generally pick glasses that aren't so obviously too small.
  12. If we're going to include one-shot stories in an otherwise twin-less series, Twilight Zone had "Number 12 Looks Just Like You" and Star Trek had "I, Mudd". Technically, all of the twins in the latter were playing androids, but it was an entertaining episode that didn't take itself too seriously (it didn't hurt that the "Alice"s were pretty hot in their outfits).
  13. and a twin That would be consistent with the photo they showed us during the intros.
  14. Hasn't anyone at Hersey seen the music video? The "ladies" of Fifth Harmony make it pretty clear what they mean by "give it to me" and the company shouldn't be going there with its ad.
  15. I'll bet the parents have been just as diligent about the car's maintenance as its cleanliness.
  16. Try the photo section of their Facebook account @ https://www.facebook.com/SkinWarsShow
  17. It could have been a mechanical problem that nobody noticed soon enough. Wasn't Team America chosen very early, before anyone got to really know the contestants?
  18. There's an ad that plays a nice song while a guy clears out the litter that built up in his Subaru while his daughter was growing up, then tosses her the keys. What kind of parent would want their college-age kid driving a car almost as old as the kid is?
  19. When it comes to anything artistic, education doesn't give you talent; it just lets you do the best you can with what you have. I wish the VO's from the artists during the unveiling of the finished artwork had been accompanied by small insets of who was speaking. It's too soon in the season for me to recognize everyone's voices and there were two artists per reveal.
  20. Seems to me it would make more sense to make the competition something different and worse as a penalty to whomever sat out the first one. Worse wouldn't necessarily mean worse for her weave, but how long can she preserve that anyway?
  21. She does, but she also circles a couple of words in a book. I should think the first time would be the last time, after being charged for the damages.
  22. Cheryl Anne has the kind of arrogance you usually associate with someone who went to a prestigious school, so I looked up her bio on the show's web site. It just says she studied art in Madrid. Close enough. Some people think there's something prestigious about studying in Europe, and I'm sure she's one of them, although when it comes to art, most people think of Italy as the place to go.
  23. In theory, Dave Navarro is supposed to be the knowledgeable representative of the canvasses, but he abdicated that role early on, letting Nunez and Peck roll right over him. The problem with having a canvass jury fill that void is that few people informed enough to give good feedback are going to want to get a tattoo on this show. At least with a canvas coming in it won't be as easy to blow off their decision when they get it right,
  24. But, why didn't they do two it 7 & 7, instead of 8 & 6? Especially when they only had room for 7 in the game. Speaking of which, I don't know why they did it, but I liked seeing them dump the 4 remaining players onto the ground. My thought was sitcom actress, but I don't recall who or what show.
  25. They couldn't do this ad without writing in a library book? Or at least use a pencil?
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