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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. It didn't, but they're also seeing the political bias associated with some extremism. It shouldn't be difficult to clean up the ad so that it only contains the intended message.
  2. It may not be up to the school to police this kind of fraud, but just to get the necessary paperwork for review by someone at the school board/dept. I couldn't help but notice that the "peel-out" from the school was pretty lame, so ITA that it's not the car the kids care about.
  3. When Leonard found out that Penny made more than he did, he was upset and whined about the amount of work and expense he went to. Whenever he sees someone be more successful with seemingly less effort, there may be a part of him that questions whether his mother was right to put him down, and he hates that.
  4. Not everyone does, but Leonard definitely would. He also gets a stake in whatever he develops, which hasn't been much so far.
  5. I doubt anyone is paying attention to the name of the uncle, but even so, the kids of George Foreman's daughters have five Uncle George's before adding in any by marriage and the only thing unusual about that is that they have the same middle name too. You can also have an "uncle" who really isn't. The principal might question the wave of deaths.
  6. Where is his boat? It'll probably be the wrong species of fish for whatever kind of water he's on. That's a little unfair. We can only really judge the ones who keep jumping in front of a camera. :-)
  7. I noticed a couple of political lies in Michael's explanation. That's the kind of thing that can kill a show, so I hope they're more careful in the future.
  8. Maybe the store doesn't sell it. Not all would, instead concentrating on the latest stuff aimed at a mass audience. No reason to think he'd have heard of it otherwise; he doesn't come off as someone who watches trivia game shows (which is where I heard of it).
  9. Is it an upscale salon, like Tiffany is an upscale store?
  10. They can hire a nanny. We don't know the scope of the business. How many Cheesecake Factory stores do they cover? How many other restaurants? What else do they print? Printers don't just do paper; they do things like plastic sacks and bread wrappers too. The producers have tried to have it both ways, and have Penny be the hottest thing around, while having her be jealous of other women, so her looks have varied depending on the plot of the episode. There have definitely been episodes where the producers have done her up right (hair, makeup, lighting, etc) and there's a notable contrast with something like one where Amy is saying how much better Priya is.
  11. Yes, showing once again that deeper is better when you're burying a body.
  12. Somebody threw one into a pool, but that's not the same thing. Very few bodies got hidden on Columbo.
  13. I don't think I've seen a show where somebody put a body under a pool. Fish ponds, yes, along with other structures like gazebos, sheds and garages. I wonder if there's something under Cheryl's she-shed. There must be something serious going on for her to think somebody burned it down. Maybe her husband is lying about it having been lightning, and he's got plans for when it's rebuilt.
  14. They hinted at it with the Big Jim ad, but it was undercut at the end when he pulled out his phone and called for help.
  15. They're being deliberately unclear to cover themselves. For example, if the guy had said "our kid", you'd have known the guys were a couple, so they had him say "our kids", so you don't know if it's two dads, each with one kid, or a couple with two.
  16. But they do increase your insurance costs (or so I hear).
  17. The 7th Doctor also marked a decline in viewership to the point where production was ended. ITA that the political commentary this season was not well written. In the Rosa Parks episode, was there even a single sentence addressing why the bus company had their policy? I noticed a little flag waving in a this wouldn't happen in Britain comment that raised the preachiness.
  18. Are they a gay couple, or two single fathers sharing living quarters? I presume AT&T made this hoping folks who want to see more gay people on TV will see that, but there's nothing in the ad to indicate which. Or am I missing something?
  19. Since you'll own the home, you can get a reverse mortgage to cover any expenses, including whatever initial taxes the cash doesn't cover and annual property taxes and upkeep.
  20. Without knowing where the houses are, I'm willing to give her a pass on needing to be driven, but not her attitude about it.
  21. Sitcom actors don't get a lot of credit for their nonverbal work, which can really add to a scene. Kaley has been very good at this too.
  22. Not sure how we'd know. Nine, another Doctor who made his fair share of mistakes, said that what he could see was enough to "drive you mad", and, IIRC, Six started out somewhat bonkers, so it could just be that it sometimes takes a little longer after a regeneration for the Tardis to adjust how she moderates what she's passing along to the Doctor.
  23. I'm a little surprised Georgie didn't try something earlier. I think it's in his character to suggest that since the baptism will wash away their sins, a little more sinning beforehand won't matter.
  24. Because it's cheap to produce? Nev puts no effort into his "investigations" anymore and the episodes have become so cookie-cutter I tend to forget most of what I saw within a couple of days. All that's keeping me on is the changing cohosts to inject a little variety.
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