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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Isn't that the point of the Westmore walk-thru? They don't have the time for the back-and-forth that might happen for an important character IRL, but they're doing the sketches and enough work for MW to give them the feedback to get it right (or as close as can be expected so quickly).
  2. Was that the same TARDIS as we saw at the Halloween party where Sheldon dressed as Raggedy C3PO?
  3. It wasn't anything like that; he just happened to be seen as a big box office draw when Hollywood was rushing to capture a nostalgia wave.
  4. The coaches chose their teams, but I don't recall how that went. Was Ben the final pick?
  5. It was Chuck that turned it into the big case that needed those resources. It could have stayed small.
  6. The court systems look at whether there's evidence that the defendant "should have known".
  7. I was surprised that Max brought up being a model to question not having a phone. How often do they run into a catfish claiming to be a model who's actually a model? It was much more likely that Jasmin wasn't a model and really didn't have a phone. That's an insult to today's porn stars. Producers have their pick of women and the girls need to look good in HD, so if they've got fakes they're generally good ones, not the Pam Anderson specials from Tijuana that Paris is sporting.
  8. I could see Bernie not wanting the Tardis cluttering up the place, but it would have been a simple matter to throw a set of shelves inside it and have it replace some existing storage in the basement or garage. Bernie has an issue with Howard liking things she doesn't respect, not unlike Sheldon's attitude towards Leonard wanting to watch Babylon 5. It made no sense for Leonard to not wait until the trip back to make the detour. The guy that overthinks everything should have realized that just because they were ahead of schedule didn't mean something wouldn't happen later to delay them, and their time at the ranch would be limited by still having to get to Berkeley.
  9. Make-up artists aren't always doing lead characters, so what they get isn't always complete. Sometimes it's just a vague idea. Not saying you need anything elaborate for a character that's just going to be on screen for 30 seconds, but being able to hypothesize a thumbnail bio helps to make the character look good. People will notice a bad job.
  10. Yes, a top school would have increased Jimmy's chances at passing the bar on the first try, but it's moot now that he has passed. And good credentials let an employer feel more confident in hiring, so Jimmy would have to work his way up, but he wasn't looking for more. There is also a pecking order when it comes to which state's bar exam you pass. From what I was able to google, what Jimmy passed is on par with what Harvard graduates take, so it's not too shabby, but Chuck, with his Georgetown degree has a right to feel superior if he took the same bar exam that most of his classmates took. And Chuck likes feeling superior to Jimmy. He just doesn't want Jimmy to be an embarrassment. The next step up would be an LL.M (Master of Laws).
  11. Where did they find an appliance salesman that can't offer an extended warranty?
  12. What matters isn't where he went to school; what matters is passing the bar. That's why the exam exists and not everyone who graduates from a "real" law school is able to do that...ever.
  13. I'm a little puzzled by the start of that ad. Since when do you push on a glass door to go into a building? Fire laws generally require doors like that to open outwards so that nobody gets crushed against them as part of a fleeing crowd.
  14. I think her youth was apparent enough that they didn't need to remind us of the exact number (see park clip in recap for a good example).
  15. Another possibility is if the owner of the pictures could make a case that they were harmed in some way, perhaps by creating an association with info that would be OOC or embarrassing.
  16. If Mike is going to be using the vet as a business connection, he's going to need an excuse to keep contacting him.
  17. You make it look like a cartoon zombie, which is what he did, but he should have picked something a little more towards the traditional style; he was too afraid of it coming out gory and used something sanitized for very young kids.
  18. I was a little distracted during the sitdown because what was on the table kept changing. The most noticeable was Chitara's caramel swirl that kept appearing and disappearing, but over by the guest host it kept swapping between a cola glass and a coffee cup. Apparently, the producers did a little rearranging of the conversation. Was she underage? 17 is not underage in most of the country (for that matter, neither is 16 in nearly as many states). I haven't heard of anyone going after the "criminals" who've appeared on 16 and Pregnant, so I don't know how much of a risk that would be anyway.
  19. Sometimes it can be helpful to verbalize a problem you're having and with his son gone, I think Mike would prefer to do that with a dog rather than a person or empty room.
  20. There's no such thing as speaking a language "perfectly" because of regional differences, and that's just as true of small European countries as the U.S. You're going to do worse if the language you're trying to speak contains elements not present in your native tongue.
  21. Nobody noticed that it was common practice for hospitals to do the same thing until one of the TV newsmagazines made a big deal about it. People make assumptions about what a charge is for, rather than try to translate the billing code numbers.
  22. It was shot to invite the viewer to fear the worst about the box dropping, but I suspect we'll be seeing Chuck and Jimmy hugging rather than Chuck having collapsed. I think it would have made more sense if the bins had been the dark green recycling color that was more typical in 2002; how did he missing seeing bright blue ones?
  23. I think they're trying to say that their product will let a guy perform as though his woman was like the one in the ad.
  24. It's also an interesting choice since many localities in the U.S. have a minimum age of 21 to buy cigarettes.
  25. In some circles it's considered better to take a low-level job as necessary to keep government benefits flowing, rather than knock oneself out. Being stupid has nothing to do with it.
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