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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Shelly Altman retired and Dan O’Conner took over as co-HW with CVE. I think his stuff started airing on 10/31. She’s been acting semi-comatose or annoyed in her scenes with Jason since SB came back but it’s noticeable in most if not all her scenes now, at least starting this year. Sam at least used to seem somewhat alive in scenes with Drew, Alexis, or her sisters before this. I don’t know if something is going on with KM or she’s just over this show but it’s painful to watch her. Honestly, I’m shocked that the show hasn’t dumped her considering how long it’s been going on. She has a large fanbase but most of the fans who like the way Sam is written now are also Jason fans so there probably won’t be a big ratings dip if she walks.
  2. I’m hoping Alexis being poisoned is a leftover storyline from the old HW and they wrap it up quickly. I’m going to be annoyed if we have to sit around for months and watch Kendra target Alexis. The whole thing makes no sense anyway. No one is going to be on Kendra’s side when we saw Keifer’s abuse against Kristina play out onscreen and we know that Kristina lied about Alexis intentionally running over Keifer. Also, we already dealt with Warren Bauer seeking revenge right after Keifer’s death because he thought Alexis got off too easy so this is basically just a retread. If they really wanted to have Alexis in trouble, they should have done it while Shiloh was still alive, since he was the one who set this whole thing in motion, and picked a crime that Alexis didn’t already confess to. It literally could have been any other bad act she’s committed since Keifer’s hit and run was the only one she was completely honest about. She faked DID to get away with killing Luis Alcazar, and most people don’t know that she ran over Julian or her role in Katherine Bell’s first murder.
  3. I wouldn’t mind Julian and BL hooking up assuming they have chemistry. Age differences don’t usually bother me when both characters are at least in their 30s. However, if they do hook up with Julian knowing who she is, I fear that WDV is not long for the show. If they go the skeevy route with Julian, it’s just going to give the rest of the town another reason to attack him and they’ve struggled with his character’s place on the show ever since they brought him back.
  4. The trial was boring and Sam’s been so pathetic lately that I don’t care if she goes to prison. She’s been locked up and only had scenes with Jason, Cassandra, and Diane for the past month and I haven’t noticed a hole. Despite KM’s high episode count, I think this demonstrates how important is to the current canvas. We already know Jason will save the day so it’s a moot point. Hopefully, they’ll actually reference Sam spending time with her kids after this since they’ve brought up multiple times that being away from her children has been hard on her but I’m pretty sure Sam and Jason have another “adventure” waiting for them
  5. Did we ever see Kim working aside from that 1 scene she confirmed Carly’s pregnancy? They couldn’t even make her Carly’s OB because of Oscar. Finn at least occasionally has cases so maybe they just picked a bad specialty for her
  6. I wonder if FH’s break was longer than what was originally planned and that impacted the story. I thought she was supposed to only be off for the summer which would have left more time for Anna and Hayden to be onscreen together. Anna was gone for 6 months so Hayden can’t have much time left on the show to pull off a triangle.
  7. I’m still indifferent to Finn and Anna so I can’t get invested in this love triangle. Before FH’s vacation, they were just one in a big sea of couple that seemed pretty angst-free and chemistry-less. Aside from Finn’s brief relationship with Alexis (who he probably had more chemistry with), there hasn’t been much drama in their relationship. Things are finally starting to change with relationships on this show so I’m hoping this is one of the pairings they let go. There was more in Anna‘s one throwaway scene with Valentin last week than I’ve ever seen with her and Finn in the past year.
  8. The problem is Sonny has been dominating the show for the past 25 years so there isn’t a lot they could write for him that hasn’t already been done. At least not without him showing any character growth, which they seem reluctant to do. They even stepped back from the mob stories but won’t have Sonny leave the mob, probably because he would have to acknowledge that there is something wrong with how he’s been living his life. That should be a sign that they should step back from that character and let the next generation take over but we know that’s not going to happen so we get him included in random storylines while his own don’t go anywhere. They don’t even seem to want to give Carson any real angst in their relationship. It’s obvious that Sonny’s next “story“ is going to be him getting suspicious over Carly keeping a secret from him but we already know that there isn’t going to be any lasting damage or payoff from this so it’s going to be as pointless as baby Donna.
  9. I’m on the same page about Monica. Its sad that they’re writing her this way, especially since Franco was Jake’s stepfather. You would think she would be more concerned with how he was being affected by this. I guess they needed someone on Kim’s side so she had someone to talk to about all of this but it’s insane to me that Monica doesn’t see how delusional Kim is being. Also makes me wonder if she would be acting the same way if the real Drew was still alive
  10. A couple years ago. I’m assuming sometime before he married Olivia since she goes by Quartermaine. I think it had to do with distancing himself from his father since they brought him back a few years ago as a con artist with mob ties.
  11. I’m still trying to figure out how Kim really thinks that Julian telling Scott and Liz about what she did to Drew was worse than her actually doing it. Also, while I don’t think they’ll allow Julian to have any real self-reflection over their relationship, this last conversation should have showed him that they never would have survived any minor infractions on his end. Kim was looking for someone to endlessly support her and forgive her when she screwed up while she would have seen anything he did as a betrayal and that he wasn’t the “Charlie” she knew. Even if this Drew/Franco storyline hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have seen Kim and Julian surviving everyone finding out his involvement in the Wiley switch because it’s like she said today, she wanted Charlie and not Julian.
  12. Wasn’t he replaced on Days earlier this year due to the same issues? I can’t imagine GH would have even considered bringing him back so soon after that
  13. Were BL and Nik a real couple? During her last return, I just remember her trying to get in the middle of Dante and Lulu and that pretty woman/fwb stuff with Nik but didn’t think they had a real relationship. I was in an out during those years so I guess it could have turned into something more real before she left but I thought she was more of a spoiler for Liz and Nik. Regardless, they seem pretty set on Nikolas and Ava considering they tested all of the possible actors with MW so they probably have other plans for Brooke Lynn.
  14. That had to be part of the reason that Donna’s Spina Bifida was immediately cured. We already know that their kid is going to be offscreen with the nanny 99% of the time while Sonny and Carly are out, usually getting in the middle of things that should not be any of their business. Im pretty sure that the criticism of their lack of parenting would have been tenfold what Sam and Jason get now if Sonny and Carly had a special needs child.
  15. I read that they might have been briefly involved back when the original Julian was on the show but that was before my time. The only legitimate gripe I could see Bobbie having with Julian is that he caused Lucas to get shot (although Luke was really at fault for that one). Otherwise, they’ve been writing Bobbie as being bitchy and hypocritical towards Julian for no reason ala Sonny and Carly. I honestly don’t get the point of her character these days since she doesn’t really add anything to the show. I like most of the vets but Bobbie’s scenes usually annoy me since her main purpose on the show for the past 20 years or so has been to prop Carly.
  16. I wouldn’t mind this since that age range is still lacking on the show and I think teen Brook Lynn was friends was Maxie and Lucas so she has other ties to the show than just Ned. I’m hoping she gets something better this time around than being brought back to try to break up a couple and a pretty woman storyline.
  17. Wasn’t what happened with Lucky pretty typical for soap parents who are no longer on the show and not killed off or recast? I feel like Jax was more the exception than the rule. I don’t see what they say about Lucky and his kids to be much different than Ric and Molly. He left town because he realized that being around Sonny was toxic for him and they pretty much said during his brief return that he and Molly never saw each other in person and their relationship consisted of the occasional Skype call.
  18. Catching up from last week and I’m wondering if there was any significance to Kendra dumping that protein jar in the dumpster behind Charlies. Could she be trying to set Julian up to take the fall for poisoning Alexis? They showed Kendra doing research on Alexis when she first came on the show and I’m assuming Julian trying to kill her would come up so he would seem like a likely suspect on paper anyway.
  19. I agree. If JJ hadn’t left the first time around, we wouldn’t have gotten cheater, drug addict Lucky. They only allowed him to be written as the bad guy because they weren’t as invested in GV’s Lucky. He probably wouldn’t have even become a cop because I don’t think they would have JJ’s Lucky go against Luke.
  20. They should know since they alluded to it around the time Jax first returned. Alexis was trying to convince Jax that Valentin was dangerous and one of the examples she used was what he did to Nikolas and Jax said something like they were never going to see eye to eye when it comes to Nikolas. I assume it had to do with Jax and Nikolas’ history since Alexis got caught in the middle a few times.
  21. I don’t know why they have Michael respond when he gets called out for criticizing people for doing the exact same thing that Sonny and/or Jason do. A similar conversation came up with Julian earlier this year. It makes him come off like a complete idiot with zero self-awareness. I can’t believe there was a time that I actually liked Michael but he’s a lost cause.
  22. I think that was pre-Ric. They were teasing a Liz/Jason/Zander triangle for a little bit before Emily came back to town and Jason got shuffled to Courtney
  23. I find it strange when people tell their kids that they need to date other people before settling down. TJ and Molly have been together for at least 6 years since their last breakup, which is probably the longest of all of the show’s current pairings. They’re young but at least they’ve both finished college already and have one of the healthiest relationships on the show. Not sure what Jordan’s issue is.
  24. Even if he wanted Franco’s money, it would probably be a complicated process to get it with him being married to Elizabeth, especially if they have already combined their finances. And I think the job part was brought up in part yesterday by Kim. He can’t go into the naval reserves because he isn’t really Drew and couldn’t take over Franco’s job at the hospital if he doesn’t know anything about art or art therapy. So he will likely have to find something else to do job wise but it doesn’t sound like he has put any real thought into it yet. I’m not sure if he just planned to be supported by Kim in the interim.
  25. I guess they’re not planning to include Kristina in the Kendra/Keifer storyline? It would be unfortunate if they don’t since the only positive payoff I could see from this story is for Kristina to realize that her actions have consequences and to finally grow up. We already know Alexis isn’t going to blame her or get angry with her but all of this is happening because she thought it was a better idea to falsely accuse Alexis of a crime than give up a legitimate crime that Sonny committed. Which is already sad because it means that she didn’t learn her lesson when she was a teen and falsely accused Ethan of hitting her to protect Keifer.
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