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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Who is the vow renewal supposed to appeal to? Sonny and Carly have been married 5 times and haven’t had any major issues since their last wedding. I feel like I’m missing something because the general fans who don’t love or hate them would be bored and most of this wedding party are already on constantly. The only way I could see this making sense is if they were trying to give them one last happy moment before blowing them up but they don’t seem to want to give them any couple angst these days.
  2. I remember people speculating in the early 2000s when Sonny was getting someone pregnant every year that his family was going to take over the show in a decade. Back then Sonny/Carly/Jason/Jason’s gf had a majority of the screentime but they were mostly self contained outside Jason and the Qs and Carly with Bobbie. Nowadays, it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t have ties to them, which makes it even easier to drop them into every storyline.
  3. I’m really sick of how Sonny talks to Ava. His misogyny was gross 25 years ago and it’s even worse in 2019, especially since it hasn’t been addressed since the Guza years. It makes really sad that he’s Avery primary caregiver. At least he wasn’t around much during Kristina’s childhood
  4. Which makes it even weirder that they had Molly go to PCU versus a better college. Her parents went to Harvard and Yale and she is super smart, serious about school, and a published author. And this was after they had Kristina at Wesleyan and Morgan at Vanderbilt
  5. Oh wow, just thought about all of the current GH males who are 50+. You’re right, they’re overloaded in that age range
  6. Weren't Kristina and post-prison Michael at some private school? I remember them in uniforms
  7. I saw the wishes for him to be Liz’s dad too. I would fine it weird now since she’s been in PC since she was 15 and neither of her parents showed up during any of her weddings or traumas. Plus they would probably make it more for Hayden than Liz
  8. They’ve been pretty clear that prefer to show Jason and Sam as the adventure couple so I don’t see a ton of doting family scenes for them. But I wonder if they’ll kill Drew in Afghanistan or have something happen to him. It doesn’t seem like having to return the money would be justify him being offscreen forever. Most of the other absentee fathers left for jobs or had some sort of personal issue that they had to leave PC to get away from
  9. Which is dumb since they could have left them in school without showing scenes for it and just referenced them graduating a few years later. I think a big complaint with both of them is the years where they seemed pretty aimless career-wise (Lulu moreso). Molly’s talked about school a few times but I’m pretty sure we’ve never seen her in a class and they’ve referenced Michael getting a business degree offscreen when he’s on all of the time so it’s not like if it can’t be done
  10. Drew is supposed to be a match. Sam and Julian had an argument at the PCPD after he was arrested for trying to kill Alexis where she said he isn’t her father anymore. When he responded that she still needed him because of Danny, she said she doesn’t because “Jason is a perfect match”. I assume that they had him tested at some point. The actual Jason, I don’t know if he is since I don’t remember them mentioning it but I was just guessing
  11. Off-topic but I agree about Tony Geary. I at least found him entertaining and a lot of his demands were with vacation time which I wish the other 2 had more of. Jason not gaining his memory sucks because because it could have been an awesome storyline during the Guza years. A real rift between Sonny and Jason, Sonny becoming vulnerable to mob rivals because at some point, they were definitely more intimidated by Jason than Sonny, Jason trying to build a relationship back with the Qs. I thought we were going to get it after they brought Robin back in the 2005 and was disappointed. Nowadays, I wouldn’t care because I’ve OD’d on Jason and there’s no one around except Monica and Ned who would really be happy about it so it doesn’t have the same impact.
  12. I don’t know if it’s intentionally written this way or just the way it’s coming off to me but Julian is way more into Kim than she is into him, to the point where I feel sorry for him for sticking around and being willing to drop everything for her. Today’s scenes with Kim and Monica cemented that to me. Aside from Lucas asking Julian why he was leaving if she planned on going without him, I haven’t seen it brought up so I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to see their relationship that way but it just seems like a mess.
  13. I don’t think he’s leaving now, especially since it looks like Franco getting Drew’s memories will cause Kim to stick around but I’d be surprised if WDV is still around a year from now unless maybe they put him back in the mob. 90% of his scenes in the past year have been people coming into Charlie’s and yelling at him and I’m pretty sure he’s going to get the brunt of the blame with the baby Wiley stuff since Brad isn’t on contract and they’re probably going to have Kim with Franco more. Julian and Ava are pretty much just the new AJs
  14. I think the shipped has sailed on that one. They’ve had plenty of opportunities over the years (Jason’s numerous brain surgeries) and SB has said that he didn’t want to go back to playing Jason Q
  15. I think Jerry Jacks is more likely than Nikolas but they did do the whole “bad Cassadine” SL with him during the end of his last run so they could probably make it work
  16. Julian did initially refuse to bank his marrow because Sonny would kill him but he agreed to do it a year later when Danny had a cancer scare. It’s a moot point anyway since Drew (and Jason I’m assuming) are perfect matches
  17. When Sam’s with Jason, they struggle to write her as having a life outside of him and his issues. Her being a sidekick worked better when they first got together because she didn’t have any friends or family onscreen at that time. But it really doesn’t work now that she has kids, parents, and siblings in town. I’m just thinking back to a couple months ago when she was talking about how much she enjoyed being at the safe house or on the run? with Jason at the same time we saw Drew with Scout and Alexis leaving to go to Danny’s swim meet. For me, her character isn’t working right now because they’re ignoring 15 years of character growth and experiences to make this couple work
  18. Where are they going with bringing up Kristina’s pledge again? She already admitted that she lied and Alexis already confessed to the hit and run so I’m not sure what is left there
  19. Sam doesn’t want her kids around Julian because he held Danny’s bone marrow hostage? Somehow she had no problem with Julian being around Danny for years when he and Alexis were together and even in between. I don’t remember her cutting off contact until the knife incident. She might as well just admit that she doesn’t want anything to do with Julian because she’s loyal to Jason and Sonny. Plus she can’t really treat Julian getting out of the mob as a redemption when she doesn’t see anything wrong with what Jason does. It was a little different a couple years ago because Drew/Jason was getting out for Sam and his kids’ safety but she doesn’t really have a leg to stand on anymore.
  20. Baby Wiley reveal? We know Michael and Lucas will be there
  21. I agree, I found Serena’s arrest unsatisfying because it was clear from Tuello’s reaction that he was disappointed because he viewed her as a victim before that
  22. I agree. We really only see characters getting named after someone if the character is dead or one goes by a nickname
  23. I really hate that they made Sam and Carly friendly. I guess having Carly viewing every woman as competition doesn’t fit into their quest to make Sonny and Carly the patriarch and matriarch of the show but I’ll never buy it with their history
  24. I think they only care about Drew’s memories because of Shiloh (+either Sam/Jason/Sonny/Carly have to be shoved into every storyline)
  25. So we had Drew telling Kim to tell Franco that they have no history if he tries to pursue her again. I was wondering how they would set up a triangle for Liz/Franco/Kim since I couldn’t see her just actively pursuing Franco even with him having Drew’s memories. I guess they’ll have Kim feeling connected to Franco and wanting to know more about how Drew felt about her back then which will cause issues between her and Liz
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