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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Wasn’t he replaced on Days earlier this year due to the same issues? I can’t imagine GH would have even considered bringing him back so soon after that
  2. Were BL and Nik a real couple? During her last return, I just remember her trying to get in the middle of Dante and Lulu and that pretty woman/fwb stuff with Nik but didn’t think they had a real relationship. I was in an out during those years so I guess it could have turned into something more real before she left but I thought she was more of a spoiler for Liz and Nik. Regardless, they seem pretty set on Nikolas and Ava considering they tested all of the possible actors with MW so they probably have other plans for Brooke Lynn.
  3. That had to be part of the reason that Donna’s Spina Bifida was immediately cured. We already know that their kid is going to be offscreen with the nanny 99% of the time while Sonny and Carly are out, usually getting in the middle of things that should not be any of their business. Im pretty sure that the criticism of their lack of parenting would have been tenfold what Sam and Jason get now if Sonny and Carly had a special needs child.
  4. I read that they might have been briefly involved back when the original Julian was on the show but that was before my time. The only legitimate gripe I could see Bobbie having with Julian is that he caused Lucas to get shot (although Luke was really at fault for that one). Otherwise, they’ve been writing Bobbie as being bitchy and hypocritical towards Julian for no reason ala Sonny and Carly. I honestly don’t get the point of her character these days since she doesn’t really add anything to the show. I like most of the vets but Bobbie’s scenes usually annoy me since her main purpose on the show for the past 20 years or so has been to prop Carly.
  5. I wouldn’t mind this since that age range is still lacking on the show and I think teen Brook Lynn was friends was Maxie and Lucas so she has other ties to the show than just Ned. I’m hoping she gets something better this time around than being brought back to try to break up a couple and a pretty woman storyline.
  6. Wasn’t what happened with Lucky pretty typical for soap parents who are no longer on the show and not killed off or recast? I feel like Jax was more the exception than the rule. I don’t see what they say about Lucky and his kids to be much different than Ric and Molly. He left town because he realized that being around Sonny was toxic for him and they pretty much said during his brief return that he and Molly never saw each other in person and their relationship consisted of the occasional Skype call.
  7. Catching up from last week and I’m wondering if there was any significance to Kendra dumping that protein jar in the dumpster behind Charlies. Could she be trying to set Julian up to take the fall for poisoning Alexis? They showed Kendra doing research on Alexis when she first came on the show and I’m assuming Julian trying to kill her would come up so he would seem like a likely suspect on paper anyway.
  8. I agree. If JJ hadn’t left the first time around, we wouldn’t have gotten cheater, drug addict Lucky. They only allowed him to be written as the bad guy because they weren’t as invested in GV’s Lucky. He probably wouldn’t have even become a cop because I don’t think they would have JJ’s Lucky go against Luke.
  9. They should know since they alluded to it around the time Jax first returned. Alexis was trying to convince Jax that Valentin was dangerous and one of the examples she used was what he did to Nikolas and Jax said something like they were never going to see eye to eye when it comes to Nikolas. I assume it had to do with Jax and Nikolas’ history since Alexis got caught in the middle a few times.
  10. I don’t know why they have Michael respond when he gets called out for criticizing people for doing the exact same thing that Sonny and/or Jason do. A similar conversation came up with Julian earlier this year. It makes him come off like a complete idiot with zero self-awareness. I can’t believe there was a time that I actually liked Michael but he’s a lost cause.
  11. I think that was pre-Ric. They were teasing a Liz/Jason/Zander triangle for a little bit before Emily came back to town and Jason got shuffled to Courtney
  12. I find it strange when people tell their kids that they need to date other people before settling down. TJ and Molly have been together for at least 6 years since their last breakup, which is probably the longest of all of the show’s current pairings. They’re young but at least they’ve both finished college already and have one of the healthiest relationships on the show. Not sure what Jordan’s issue is.
  13. Even if he wanted Franco’s money, it would probably be a complicated process to get it with him being married to Elizabeth, especially if they have already combined their finances. And I think the job part was brought up in part yesterday by Kim. He can’t go into the naval reserves because he isn’t really Drew and couldn’t take over Franco’s job at the hospital if he doesn’t know anything about art or art therapy. So he will likely have to find something else to do job wise but it doesn’t sound like he has put any real thought into it yet. I’m not sure if he just planned to be supported by Kim in the interim.
  14. I guess they’re not planning to include Kristina in the Kendra/Keifer storyline? It would be unfortunate if they don’t since the only positive payoff I could see from this story is for Kristina to realize that her actions have consequences and to finally grow up. We already know Alexis isn’t going to blame her or get angry with her but all of this is happening because she thought it was a better idea to falsely accuse Alexis of a crime than give up a legitimate crime that Sonny committed. Which is already sad because it means that she didn’t learn her lesson when she was a teen and falsely accused Ethan of hitting her to protect Keifer.
  15. I have a feeling this wasn’t originally meant to be an exit story for TB. She’s someone who could have lifted out of the canvas easily after Oscar died since aside from him and Drew, her only other ties were a friendship with Liz and relationship with Julian. I think this SL was designed to be a true love triangle and to keep Kim relevant but there was a shift in the direction, maybe due to the HW change or poor reception from the audience.
  16. Why isn’t Alexis allowed to represent Sam? And why did Kim think Julian would remain loyal to her and keep her secrets after she cheated on him?
  17. I’m another one who is at a loss as to what Julian’s plan is. The only thing I could think of is that he’s trying to create other issues for Lucas and Brad to discuss in therapy so Lucas and Neil don’t discover the real cause behind Brad’s anxiety.
  18. Not surprising, Carly has never really considered Lucky family so I guess that would extend to Cam. Has she really ever been close to any of her family except Bobbie and for 5 seconds with Lulu when JMB was in the role and they writing her as a mini Carly?
  19. I don’t think we’all ever seen Monica or Alexis say anything to Sam. Alexis already tried when she first found out Sam was her daughter. They weren’t close for years and I think by that point, Alexis had to give up trying to talk to her about her life because she was always going to follow Jason no matter what. The last time I remember Monica saying anything negative to Jason was after Emily’s death when she said she wished that he died instead of Emily. She can’t really say anything to Sam without cutting Jason off as well and since he’s her only living kid, I don’t see her doing that. I do wish Sam would realize on her own that this lifestyle isn’t suitable for young kids but I think she’s not going to see it unless Danny and Scout start getting harmed by Sonny and Jason’s lifestyle like Sonny’s kids were. The show not doing mob stories anymore has kept them safe because I’m sure they’d be targeted if they still had rivals coming to town
  20. I understand why Julian didn’t get his deposit back on his place in NY but not sure why that affects Olivia. Even if we are to believe he’s that broke, you would think he could just work out some kind of payment plan to give Olivia back her deposit. It isn’t her fault that he backed out of the deal so I don’t see why she should be punished and it seems like a main part of her issue is that he won’t give her back the deposit. I’m not sure why she just doesn’t sue him but this is probably just a plot point for Olivia and Julian to become co-owners of Charlies since we never see her at the MetroCourt anymore.
  21. I’ll be glad if that’s the case. They don’t want to write Kim as a villain which is the only way to make her character interesting after everything that she has done. Plus with her gone, hopefully we’ll finally stop hearing about Oscar every day.
  22. I don’t think this will cause Brad to be off the show but they will probably vilify him and have him mostly offscreen for awhile. I think Julian’s going to get the brunt of the blame as well, since WDV is on contract and most of the people on the other side already dislike him so they don’t really need an excuse to go after him. They had him find out everything for a reason
  23. I could see that. GH does seem to be more cliquey and the current leads don’t seem to publicly support other actors that their characters aren’t connected to. I’m guessing because it means that they will still dominate the screentime that way. I hope I’m wrong but it would be hard to work in an environment like that.
  24. Agree. Yeah he’s a legacy character but so are Maxie and Lulu and they’ve only been used to prop up other characters and storylines for years. He’s a doctor but they haven’t been invested in hospital-related storylines for a long time so I don’t see them going back to that anytime soon. I’m pretty sure they only put characters on the hospital staff at this point so they have a reason to use that set.
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