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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I’ve seen people speculating about Carly and Brando but I don’t see it happening. At least not unless they cast someone who can be paired with Sonny.
  2. It’s beyond dumb. I think the only reference we’ve gotten to Sonny engaging in anything mob-like in the past 20 years was Coleman and Julian maybe? claiming that he shook down their businesses for protection money. He’s obviously shipping something other than just coffee because there’s been too many times we’ve been told about the show’s mobsters fighting for control of the docks and shipping lines. This is the reason that they should have had Sonny leave the mob years ago if they wanted to make him the show’s protagonist. How many times are we going to have to hear that Sonny is the “good mobster” because he doesn’t engage in selling drugs, guns, etc when the show doesn’t want to tell us how he makes his money? It would have made so much more sense to just let him out and say that his coffee business, casinos, restaurants were profitable enough that he doesn’t have to engage in anything illegal anymore. But I guess that means that we wouldn’t get those laughable scenes of him threatening people anymore.
  3. Ugh. You never know with this show but the last thing it needs is another grandpa procreating. Especially one whose current children want nothing to do with him (well Leo might but I forget he exists most of the time).
  4. I think I’m missing something with Britt and Julian. Usually even random hookups have some kind of storyline purpose but I didn’t think that Britt was seducing Julian to try to gain his confidences in some way to help Brad which is where I thought they where originally going with this. I guess it depends on how long Britt is planning on staying because the only other route I could see that going is having her eventually fall for Julian and then realizing that he was responsible for Brad and Lucas’ accident. But I don’t think they will do that since I have a feeling that they are still planning on having Julian and Brook Lynn get together since they stuck him in her SL with the music producer so seemingly no reason other than giving them a reason to interact.
  5. Was that board meeting an actual legal preceding? I don’t know how those work. Neil implied he mainly lied to cover for Alexis because she could get in trouble for lying as well. If that was the case, it’s a little crazy that she would go to that extent since she almost lost her license not that long ago.
  6. I think he’s already said that he was divorced from his daughter’s mother and their issues might have driven his daughter to the cult. I guess it could be her but I think they suspected Kendra’s mother since the complaint was lodged not that long after her death.
  7. Either Taggart’s death was faked or the show severely underestimated how excited people would be about his return and just wanted someone “known” to die in this mob war.
  8. I could see them going that Michael because they tend to write him like Jason. Jason was never written as the bad guy even when he was the other man in relationships (i.e. with Courtney and Liz) because they always made the other guy cheat or do something terrible first. While I have a hard time seeing them making puppy dog Chase as the villian in this, I think they would go this way rather than making him the cheater. In regards to Neil, it’s hard to say because we don’t know him that well but I have a feeling that Alexis is so insistent on him fighting this and waiting 2 years because she’s projecting. She’s remembering almost losing her license, which was a huge deal to her because a lot of her identity is caught up in being a lawyer. He might not feel the same way. Neil seemed upset when he first told Alexis about it but this entire time, it seemed to me like he’s more than willing to risk it for her.
  9. Well the spoiler was that he hooks up with someone unexpected and obviously no one guessed her. I’m hoping there’s an actual storyline reason behind that one because I think the show is really at a loss with what to do with Julian.
  10. So with them having Portia and Curtis know each other and ramping up Trina’s anger, I guess they are making her Curtis’ daughter. I guess I wouldn’t mind if Taggert is really dead but it seems like a rehash of TJ and Sean. At least it’ll put a wrinkle in Curtis and Jordan. I can’t believe that Alexis was really going to go with the story that she ran into Neil at bingo and impulsively kissed him. If someone really reported them based on that night, they were clearly on a date. She probably would have better off saying that they went on a date after she stopped seeing him as a therapist not knowing about the 2 year waiting period (although Neil should have known about that one anyway). I guess it’s a moot point since they slept together the night before and the board doesn’t seem to remotely believe her but I would think they had a better cover story than that. I like Neil and Alexis together but my problem with this SL is it seems like they threw this in there after realizing it would be an issue just like with Jax being Nina’s boss. I don’t buy that Neil wouldn’t have known about the waiting period, or Kevin for that matter when he was encouraging them to get together.
  11. Yeah it looked like they are being watched and I assumed that the usher was involved somehow based on how weird she was acting on Friday. Although how they are going to explain away a medical board following them around is my guess. Part of me hopes that they just strip Neil’s license and let them move past it since we already have Jason/Sam sneaking around and are being hit over the head with lawyers and HR with Jax/Nina.
  12. I agree which is why I wish the custody battle was Lucas vs Michael with Nelle on Lucas’ side since she thought Lucas would be safer. It’s unfortunate that they have to always make the other side worse to make the Corinthii the good guys. No matter what happens, Wiley loses since we know Michael is not going to walk away from his family and they haven’t portrayed Nelle as someone who wants to be a caring, active mother.
  13. Regarding Cameron and Lucky, I saw the writing on the wall for Cam not considering Lucky to be his dad when they had Aiden spending the holidays with Lucky but no reference as to why Cam didn’t go. Even it was just to explain away Aiden’s absence, they could have at least mentioned a reason for Cameron staying behind if we were to believe that they still had a father/son relationship. Did they establish either GV or JJ’s Lucky as having a relationship with Cam during the times that he and Liz were apart? This show does have a habit of making someone a surrogate parent but completely forgetting these connections when the parents split up. Jax was supposed to be more of a father figure to Morgan than Sonny was and almost adopted him too but I don’t think we ever heard BC’s Morgan reference him. We kinda saw that to a less extent with Ric and Kristina. She called him daddy Ric, was pretty actively involved in her life to the extent that Alexis wanted Kristina to stay with him instead of Sonny if something happened to her, but after he and Alexis split up, that was all gone. I’m sure if Liz and Franco ever split up, it would be the same with him.
  14. She was a bit much today but i think part of the reason they went OTT is we’ve barely seen Molly in the last 4 years since she’s became an adult. I don’t think the way she’s been acting is in character with the younger Molly who gushed over Sam/Jason and Sonny/Brenda’s weddings. Although maybe this is supposed to be new since not only did TJ not know she was anti-wedding but Alexis didn’t mention it when TJ was asking for her blessing a few months ago. I figured when TJ first mentioned proposing that she was going to turn him down for some reason. I love TJ and Molly would they bother with a big marriage storyline with 2 characters that we barely see?
  15. Yeah it doesn’t make any sense to me either. Why would he willingly initiate a mob war if the real motivation was to get revenge on a cop? Just seems dumb to suffer all of those losses for that reason. It’s a really forced way to do the mob storyline without putting the blame on Sonny and Jason for being the reason a rival comes to town
  16. I believe that Sonny loved Brenda more than Carly so I guess they are both settling for the person who stuck around and don’t have to make any concessions for.
  17. I don’t get how they’re writing Brooke. The show appears to be pretty invested in her character but her writing isn’t any better than her last go around, which I didn’t think was in character for her. Am I supposed to root for this 30-something character who is too lazy to keep a job and support herself? In the 90s, they made it seem like Ned was ok with her being raised away from him because she was being surrounded by a good, honest family but now they are writing her as a spoiled brat even though that doesn’t match what we saw of teen Brooke. Seems like the writers are just writing her based on her 2010 scenes where she was just brought back to be everyone’s enemy.
  18. So somehow Brooke was able to figure this out even though she’s only known Julian for a few months but no one else was able to guess this even though he’s been acting super suspicious? This seems as forced as making him Brad’s accomplice was.
  19. I’m far from a Dev fan but I know if he leaves, they are 100% doing Joss/Cam because there’s no way that they are leaving Joss single and her friends dating each other. While I think the actors have chemistry, I’m pretty sure their relationship is going to one-sided. Joss has already been called out for being kind of self-centered and they’ve been writing her as such a mini-Carly lately that I think Cam is wasted on her
  20. The actress playing Willow does seem to be good when she gets the material. I liked her in some of the Shiloh stuff as well as when she stood up to Nina. I think I mainly find her dull though because of what they give her and who she is acting with. I am curious to see how they handle her going forward since this show has been incredibly bad with dealing with grieving mothers. Hopefully they give her better material than Kim. I‘m also trying to figure out whether they dumped the love triangle with her, Chase, and Michael now that Sasha seems to be permanent or if they plan to ramp it up again now that he has Wiley and she might be looking to bond with him to get over her child dying.
  21. I think I was able to tolerate Carly more in the older days when it was obvious that most of the characters, aside from Jason and whatever guy she was with at the time, couldn’t stand her and were willing to call her out. Now, she’s just as smug and self-righteous as ever but it seems like no one can say anything back to her. And I agree with Statsgirl- I could never root for Carly because they’ve never done anything to make her rootable. She’s a terrible person who gets everything she wants and never has to pay for her crimes. The only time she really lost is not having Jason and that isn’t enough.
  22. I wonder why Brad is keeping Julian’s involvement secret. I guess it wouldn’t really help take the heat off him since he essentially roped Julian into this in order to help keep his secret but I can’t see him being ok with Julian playing the supportive father to Lucas after all of this.
  23. It must be since they have no interest in writing actual storylines for Carly. Although I don’t consider LW screaming to be particularly Emmy-worthy. On a side note, it hilarious watching Carly fans try to defend yesterday’s scenes by saying Michael and Lucas will get a chance to react later. The initial impact is gone so I don’t really care about their scenes anymore since she’s already said everything. I would have been ok with giving Carly a chance to react but hers shouldn’t have been the first one (and really the only one on the first day since she cut Michael off when he tried to speak). Her being “mama bear” for her grown son isn’t cute despite what they think. It just makes Michael look pathetic.
  24. This show is sad. I don’t know how old Michael is supposed to be but I’m guessing mid to late 20s at least since CD is 32. He’s still having his mother front and center in his storylines? They really can’t read the room if they think anyone wants to listen to Carly screeching for an hour. I can stomach a lot but I couldn’t even get through those scenes. Was the original plan to have Trina related to Stella and Curtis only to have it dropped when VW took another role? If not, what was the point of the DNA matches? Trina having family on canvas is nice regardless.
  25. For real, between this and not making Shiloh’s death a whodunit, this show really finds the lamest ways to wrap up these long storylines. There were so many ways that this story could have salvaged into something interesting and making Brad and Julian the villains isn’t it.
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