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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I suspect that MB didn’t nominate himself because his scenes last year weren’t that strong and it would mean he’d have essentially no chance the following year since he would be nominating himself for the same storyline 3 years in a row. Which is more a testament to how the show drags on storylines. But I also agree with the above poster who said that they aren’t going to do a big death scene now. Even if the show comes back this year and Max Gail is able to return, I can’t see them really continuing with the storyline the way it is now. Side-note, I just looked it up and it looks like MB has 7 total Daytime Emmy nominations: 6 for lead and 1 for supporting. While that’s still impressive, I figured he had more. He’s been on the show for so long and has consistently had storylines.
  2. I agree. It doesn’t seem fair to compare people who are getting real, adult storylines to younger actors and it makes it almost impossible for actual kids to have a fair shot even when they are amazing.
  3. I still don’t see how marrying Julian has helped Nelle in any way and she should have known that. If anything, its makes her look worse in the eyes of the court and no one buys them as a legit marriage. I get that it was just a plot point to have Julian’s crimes come out but they didn’t even try to make it look like it’s benefited her or helped her chances in anyway.
  4. Sam was clearly standing in for Lucas with her Julian scenes today. They’ve had no relationship for years so it really shouldn’t be a loss for him. At least Lucas has gone back and forth. I can’t even tell if she’s really supposed to that angry at him since we’ve had so many instances of her undeservingly lashing out at people (Alexis, Brando, Kristina) lately. For all we knew, she was just looking for an excuse to yell at him because she’s still unhappy with the current state of her life. I have nothing else to say about this episode since literally nothing happened. I guess the show has some leeway to back off or change things before they come back since they didn’t confirm Maxie being pregnant, Valentin taking over ELQ, the outcome of the custody battle, or Nelle being Nina’s daughter today.
  5. They claimed that they combined them to allow for inclusion to those who don’t identify with traditional genders. I say claim because they didn’t do it for any of the other ones. It seems like they don’t want to come out and say that they don’t have the talent pool to justify 10 noms a year in those categories, at least combined with enough material to put together a reel.
  6. Did they cast the Willow actress knowing that she was going to be Nina’s daughter? She does look a lot like Michael Easton so if they did go the twin route, it wouldn’t be completely unbelievable. I don’t remember the timing of when she arrived and I think making Nelle Nina’s daughter was the plan a couple years back but it shifted to Willow when CL left the show.
  7. It sounded like they knew about the shutdown. How long they knew is the question but they did move some stuff around due to that. However, I don’t think they knew for sure that there would be a gap between these episodes and the next ones, at least not a significant one. When the shutdown was originally announced, I think it was only for 3 weeks. So I wouldn’t be surprised if we end with a bunch of cliffhangers.
  8. If the rumors were correct, the plan was for Julian/BL to have a fling but when the storyline was dropped, they moved it to Britt instead. Sometimes they repurpose stories rather than drop them entirely. The production shutdown might have gotten in the way but this thing with Nelle 100% seems like they were setting Julian up for an exit storyline. We’ve already gotten multiple characters speculating that he’s being blackmailed by Nelle and it’s only been a day. It was only a matter of time before they found out what he did. This seems like it was done just to put him back on the Corinthos radar.
  9. I’m guessing it’s either that or she turns on Nelle to create some tension for once they realize they are mother and daughter. I still don’t get what she is supposed to say for Nelle.
  10. The whole Corinthos clan were ridiculous hypocrites today but I expected nothing less. Neither side is rootable and Wiley should end up in foster care if both sides really bring up the other’s issues. Carly and Sonny in threatening mode is gross and I’ll laugh if one or both of them is the reason Michael loses because I have a feeling that that’s what’s going to happen now. Although Julian is also dumb for bringing up Danny for protection for the millionth time. Sam has been pretty clear that she doesn’t care about him and doesn’t want him around her kids so why would Jason care? I don’t even completely buy that Jason would intervene on behalf of Danny’s other grandparent, Alexis, even though she has a relationship with Sam and Danny.
  11. Hulu usually has the reruns once they air them again but you have to select the season they originally aired
  12. I have a sinking suspicion that Nelle will win, at least temporarily. However, I doubt the fake marriages will be a tipping point for either side. I think Carly is going to tank the case for Michael, either through the court finding out about her forging Nelle’s signature, locking her on the roof, her threatening Martin, or all of the above. While that shouldn’t be a factor normally, she’s been so actively involved in this and Michael wouldn’t separate himself from her with the way they have him written now.
  13. There were only 2 options that I could see- Valentin or Julian. It has to be Julian because they’ve been working this redemption angle with Valentin. Which isn’t really the case since he’s actively trying to takeover ELQ right now but I digress. Unless Nelle somehow found out about his plans, she doesn’t have leverage over him like she does with Julian. How this could possibly help her is another question because I can’t fathom a scenario where marrying an ex-felon who tried to kill his wife would help her case.
  14. I think it’s just a poor setup to give the other side a reason to look into why Julian is helping Nelle and finding out about his secrets. One would think he would want to stay off Sonny’s radar right now, not publicly make himself their enemy. That and Nelle needs some people on her side and the show seems to like Valentin much more than Julian these days so Julian is the one getting blackmailed. Valentin would have been the better choice for shady guy to team up with since the Nina’s daughter reveal is looming and she could have easily found out that he’s planning to take over ELQ since she sold her shares to him.
  15. I think we already had to suspend disbelief that BL had that dress in her closet considering her personal style. When she said she was going to get something for Willow, I cringed.
  16. The show is weirdly invested in Nelle so I think there will be some blowback. I don’t think Carly will have to pay but at the very least, this will have a negative impact on the custody battle. Nelle is going to have to go to court with something beyond people she barely knows serving as character witnesses for her.
  17. Lol I’m guessing they chose the nurses ball because they already had the episodes ready from that online capsule collection? They didn’t have the good NB years on there either
  18. I don’t get the impression that they are doing anything with Brook Lynn and Julian anymore. Their scenes today were a plot point for Nelle to overhear them and have leverage over Julian after he turned her down. They are pushing BL towards Dustin and Chase right now.
  19. Yeah she tends to be more alive when she’s around her mom or sisters but I think that’s more their real life relationships seeping through.
  20. I agree. Neil losing his license was one thing since the show wrote themselves into a corner with that pairing and probably felt that they needed to address the ethical issues. But why have Alexis commit perjury on top of that, especially since it pretty much came out right away. We’ll probably never know with the production shutdown but I wonder if there was an actual storyline reason behind disbarring her other than causing even more angst for their relationship.
  21. Alexis was wearing the same outfit from the day when she was with Neil and found out that the NY bar wanted to speak to her so I assume it’s the same day. She’s already been disbarred? I’m not a lawyer but wouldn’t that require a hearing or something? I guess from the phone call she had a couple episodes ago, she already spoke to them but it’s still strange that they wanted to wrap up Neil and Alexis losing their licenses so quickly when other ones drag on for eternity.
  22. That was a dumb line considering that they could just as easily had Sasha say she wanted to press charges against Brook Lynn for assault if they wanted her to get in trouble. Also, I don’t find her constantly hitting people entertaining. Are BL and Michael even that close to get so angry on his behalf?
  23. I’m sure they brought him on for Alexis but if they had any potential, it was wasted since her storylines were insane during most of the time he was on the show and I can’t see her having a relationship with anyone during that time in her life. Plus it looked like they killed him off as soon as they figured out they wanted to do Kristina’s paternity reveal since it wasn’t long after he died that Ric started pursuing her so he could play pseudo-daddy to Sonny’s kid.
  24. Who wrote today’s episode? I can’t believe that they really had Kristina say what everyone thinks about Sam and Jason. The only time we got those kind of lines before were when Sam was pretending to be brainwashed. I’m sure it’ll go in one ear and out the other but it’s nice that someone finally said it and I’m glad it came from one of her sisters since she couldn’t lash out at them like she did to Alexis a few weeks ago.
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