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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. https://soaphub.com/general-hospital/crime-alert-child-soap-stars-horrific-twitter-experience/amp/?__twitter_impression=true It happened a few months back before the character was recast. Part of my issue with these accounts is that even though I assume they are being managed by the kid’s parents, it’s not super obvious when someone else is looking at them which can cause things like this to happen. I’m not sure what the benefit is for kids actors but there’s a reason that SM has age restrictions
  2. Carly’s trash and Morgan wasn’t much better so I’m never going to feel bad that he died no matter how many times she brings him up. She basically said Lucas getting hurt was revenge for Morgan dying because it caused Julian pain. Is she forgetting Lucas is her brother or does she really not care about him? And what’s worse was she said it in front of Bobbie. Tell me what’s supposed to be remotely redeemable about her character?
  3. I’ve always thought it was weird even if it’s the parents running it. Especially after the old Danny actor stayed on twitter after his account was targeted by pedophiles
  4. Considering how many pregnancies on this show have resulted from ill-advised one night stands, I doubt a lot of them are using protection when they should be.
  5. I would love that but I doubt it will happen. Part of the reason that Kristina is so immature is the people in her life, especially Sonny and Alexis, coddle her. Alexis already knew about the secret and only got 1 scene to express her frustration to Neil but she didn’t really get angry when she actually talked to Kristina about it. I’m pretty sure that we’ll just have her feeling momentarily guilty and her family telling her that it wasn’t really her fault because she couldn’t anticipate what happened.
  6. Agreed, even if another soap tried to pick her up, it likely wouldn’t be as big a role and I think being a lead is a lot more important to her than others. Add to that her career outside of soaps is almost nonexistent. She’ll be there until the end
  7. It’s a little strange that Julian didn’t know who Keifer was and Neil had to explain it
  8. WdV must either be out the door soon or has seriously pissed someone off. Julian has 3 (maybe 4 if we are including offscreen Leo) people who give a damn about him and he just caused an accident that put 2 of them in jeopardy.
  9. I don’t get the direction that they are taking Julian either. Blackmailing Brad and trying to split up Brad and Lucas made no sense and sabotaging Brad’s car is even more insane. They don’t seem to have a handle on what to do with his character. Mob-free Julian was boring but I think they are writing him this way to have characters like Sonny judge him afterwards by saying that Julian never changed even though his behavior right now is out of character. They claimed before that he only changed because of Kim, which i didn’t agree with but that could provide an explanation for how he is acting now. It’s just crazy to me that he is willing to permanently ruin his relationship with Lucas for this when he could have just told him the truth about Wiley when he found out that he was Jonah. If he had just come clean at that point, their relationship might have had a chance of surviving. He obviously knows that the secret is going to come out eventually anyway because it’s only a matter of time before Brad snaps and Julian is actually pushing them further in that direction with his actions.
  10. Just speculating but I think Lucas is going to end up seriously injured but not die, leaving Julian to feel guilty. Unless this is Julian’s exit story, there’s no way they would make him responsible for his son’s death because he can’t come back from that. Sabotaging Brad’s car was terrible enough.
  11. I’m hoping it turns out to be false. I was about to ask what would be the point of Willow being pregnant storyline-wise but we just had the most pointless pregnancy in the history of soaps so I’m not sure if the show cares. I guess they could make it where she doesn’t want the baby and Chase does but I still don’t know how exciting that is. Maybe I should pick my battles because at least they are age appropriate, don’t already have a million kids, and no ties to the Corinthos family.
  12. How close are TJ and Jordan supposed to be? When she first came to town, they made it sound like they didn’t have much of a relationship and she was deep enough undercover that he didn’t know that she was DEA.
  13. I saw a couple of her fans post that but don’t believe she would actually say that either. Even if she did, there’s no way she would follow through so I don’t think it would matter. She does get overly defensive about WR though. I don’t get why she feels the need to comment about the status and she doesn’t seem to realize that he doesn’t play a popular character.
  14. I heard it too. They said one of the exits is someone high profile. Most are speculating KM since her contract was recently up and it could explain some of the recent writing for her. If we can get Peter and/or Nina out, I’d be beyond happy. The cast is bloated so they need to make some cuts
  15. I liked TJ’s scenes with Alexis and Stella. Curious how they plan to handle this engagement since TJ and Molly have barely been on the show the last few years. I thought Julian wanted Franco to stay away from Kim so I don’t get where his anger is coming from. Dev continues to be the weak link. I’m hoping Cam and Trina get their own storyline once the inevitable relationship with Joss happens because they’re going to be just as boring as Joss and Oscar
  16. I’m not sure what to make of Jax’s speech about Sonny and Carly. Minus the good father part, it sounds like how he used to describe Sonny and Brenda. The difference is that we saw Brenda’s downfall and Carly hasn’t lost a lot by being with Sonny. She didn’t have a real career or friends that were sacrificed for their relationship. The psychotic break that she had when the 3rd actress was in the role gets glossed over since as soon as LW took over, Carly was queen bee of PC. I don’t think anyone even blames him for Morgan’s death anymore since it all shifted to Ava. Maybe this is signaling a writing change in Sonny and Carly’s relationship but I might be being too optimistic. I’m guessing in Jax’s mind, Sonny ruins every woman that he gets involved with and the women are never at fault for their actions.
  17. I wonder what FV promised her? The article makes it seem like something big was supposed to come up after the Kim and Franco stuff. I got the impression that Kim’s exit was a last minute change in direction and that they didn’t expect the reaction to be so negative so I’m wondering if the the speculation about Kim’s pregnancy was true.
  18. I got the same impression. WK lost his front burner status after Rena Sofer left and his relationship with Alexis was just about the only storyline he had left that wasn’t Ned cleaning up his family’s messes so of course he was going to want to stay in that relationship. But I think they just got thrown together because the show was set on doing a Cassadine/Quartermaine romance and couldn’t do Nikolas and Emily because of the actors’ age difference. Ned and Alexis weren’t exciting to watch which is probably why they got the wacky hijinks SLs. I’m shocked that they were together on and off for 4 years since that’s an eternity for a pairing that’s between 2 contract actors that aren’t a supercouple. I liked Sonny and Alexis as friends and it was nice to see him actually listen to someone else for a change. Sonny was a lot more tolerable in those years but they really amped up with misogyny once Guza took over. However, I never saw romantic chemistry between them so I wasn’t excited about their potential romance. I’m surprised that Ned and Alexis got back together after the Tony Jones trial since they seemed to be teasing Alexis and Luke for a bit. It would have been a lot more soapy and there would have been more fallout than whatever Luke and Felecia had around that time.
  19. I got over Julian holding a knife to Alexis’ throat but that scene where he fantasied about drowning her in their bathtub was too much for me. It was one of the most shocking scenes I’ve seen in daytime in a long time and I think that scene made the Olivia retcon a lot harder to swallow.
  20. That storyline was intended to lead to Julian’s exit so he probably had some idea. WdV’s contract wasn’t initially renewed in 2017 but he got rehired later that year, supposedly due to fan outcry.
  21. What other things could she really bring up? The only other one I can recall is his affair with Sam, which the show mostly ignores after they made her Alexis’ daughter and it would make Carly a hypocrite since she was involved with Lorenzo at the same time. He was extremely emotionally abusive but the last time it was brought up, it was obvious that he didn’t consider it abusive. It would be interesting if the show really acknowledged that once Sonny and Carly got back together but they would also have to explore why she kept going back.
  22. I can’t think of a way that they could have kept Kim on long term. There’s too much competition among actresses in her age range and she was too tied to Oscar. I was more surprised that they didn’t let her go 6 months ago when he died. They didn’t bother to develop her as a character beyond him and she wasn’t tied to anyone that the show is/was invested in, just Drew and Julian. I do agree that they should have written her as a villain because making her a victim who can’t control her actions due to grief just made everyone hate her.
  23. I haven’t paid too much attention to Sonny/Ava scenes lately because they are usually Sonny bullying Ava. How engaged is MB in scenes with MW? I don’t think that’s the issue. I hate Carly as a character but LW is the only one of the main quad who is always engaged in her scenes no matter the material and MB still mumbles through most of their scenes together. I think there’s only a handful of scene partners that he’s consistently on with, none of whom I would want Sonny paired with. It’s clearly a choice on MB’s part but I can’t figure out his reasoning behind it since that normally happens with lazy actors who are unhappy in their storyline or with their screen partners.
  24. Same here. With their personalities and history, it isn’t believable that they have a supportive and healthy relationship. This is a pairing that started because Sonny wanted to prove to Jason that Carly was trash. Friday’s argument and the one they had right before the baby was born seem a lot more authentic than most of the relationship since they got back together. I get that it’s manufactured drama because there’s nothing else for them to do but if we’re stuck with the tired couple, I’d rather they be petty and throw each other’s past transgressions in their faces since they have no problem doing that with the rest of the town.
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