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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I’ll agree with you about the stories people are posting. With some of them, all I could think were yikes. And not sure how well he got along with TK but MB always seemed to be annoyed by Lorenzo if the rumors were to be believed so the way he acted about the CarLo storyline doesn’t surprise me, especially since he doesn’t like Sonny being seen as the bad guy.
  2. Shawn is seriously still in jail for a crime he didn’t commit? I can’t with this show. I don’t mind the Molly/Brando hook-up since we barely know adult Molly and her relationship with TJ hasn’t had any drama for 7 years but what happened to actual romance/ love stories on this show? I feel like all we’ve seen lately is random hookups or couples starting off their relationships with sex. (i.e. Michael/Sasha and Jax/Nina). I think the only exception to that in the last couple years is Chase and Willow. It makes it difficult to root for any of reason these pairings and part of the reason that a lot of these relationships seem so boring.
  3. I think the theme for yesterday was bad parenting. Carly didn’t want Joss to leave because she would miss her even though nothing was really stopping her from joining them (and was there any mention of Donna and whether she was a target?). Jax “trusted” Carly’s judgement when it’s more than likely that he doesn’t want to leave town because of Nina. Everything with Sam has already been brought up but also, Jason was supposed to be seen as noble when his profession is continually putting his family in danger. Heck, I’ll even throw in Jordan having goodbye sex with Curtis when her son was kidnapped and she doesn’t know if he’s dead or alive.
  4. Not that Sam will admit it but her and Alexis weren’t in the same position. Alexis was in Jason’s position, having to sacrifice to make sure Neil didn’t suffer the consequences, and Jason ultimately made the same choice that Alexis did.
  5. Geez Sam is pathetic. They should have sent those kids off to boarding school because even for a soap mother, they are writing Sam as a particularly terrible one. Although, Jason staying away from them wouldn’t make them less of a target for Cyrus. He should have stuck with it not being worth risking Sam going back to prison. This is such a weird forced separation storyline. If it was anyone else, we would have gotten longing or sneaking away for romantic interludes but all we’ve seen with Jason and Sam is them having conversations that they could easily be having over the phone. It’s so strange when you compare it to Jason and Liz in 2007 or even Alexis and Neil now who were never even an official couple.
  6. The weird thing is that they picked an episode that heavily featured recurring cast members so it probably wasn’t one of the cheaper options. I didn’t mind that part since it was one of the better episodes from last year but is reairing the anniversary episode really that much cheaper than going back a decade or 2 and finding an episode that heavily features some variation of Laura, Sonny, Jason, Alexis, Jax, etc and just paying the ones who are no longer with the show? While those might not be “classic” episodes, at least it wouldn’t be ones fresh on people’s minds. In the last couple years, they reaired holidays eps from 2000 and 2005 so it’s not just they haven’t done it before.
  7. Robert’s law degree is a retcon. Apparently he’s had one all this time and we just never knew about it. I think they mostly did it so they could have that one scene where Robert was the DA and Mac the police commissioner (before Jordan came back). It’s a weird move considering he doesn’t have enough experience as a lawyer to be a DA but I guess it stops them from having to cast another person to fill the role. The only other option would have been to throw Scott or Alexis back in there
  8. How old is Brando supposed to be? I’m confused why they are making him a thing but he just had a pretty obvious chem test with Carly yesterday and Molly today. Jason and Sam being together but not together is exhausting. Who exactly do this storyline appeal to because it’s been ongoing since SB returned and their characters reunited. I’m sure their actual fans want to actually see them together as a couple and everyone else is just annoyed by this so I don’t get it.
  9. I think the show acknowledging the 2 year waiting period was a late addition to the storyline so I think they are pretending that a lot of the stuff that happened with Neil and Alexis didn’t occur. Kevin was encouraging Neil to pursue Alexis last year as well. I think Diane just wanted Alexis to be happy. Alexis only having Julian to reach out to seems like more of a plot point than anything else. Sure, I wouldn’t have called Sam or Kristina either but she has friends that she could have reached out to other than Julian. Aside from Finn, she has Diane and Jax which is more friends than other characters have.
  10. This Julian/Alexis stuff is 2 years too late. His reaction was OTT considering that he had a relationship with Kim and just slept with someone else. Maybe we’re supposed to think he cares but he just came off like a jackass today. I could buy him a little jealous of Neil but all we’ve seen in the past year were a few snarky comments about him, not anything like this.
  11. I agree that Julian came off as protective and jealous but I don’t think it’ll lead to a triangle. The show likes keeping Julian in Alexis’ orbit but has no intention of ever putting them back together. His reaction today seemed extreme though. He called Neil “Alexis’ boyfriend” a few months ago when he found out Dr. Byrne was seeing Brad and Lucas so Alexis and Neil sleeping together shouldn’t have been that surprising.
  12. Are they planning on actually doing anything with Britt? I assumed she would be helping Brad but it’s been a few weeks and nothing other than their initial reunion. The fwb thing with Julian is fine I guess since it doesn’t seem like anyone else on the show is having sex but no one except Brad would really care that they are hooking up and I think it was originally supposed to be Julian and BL which probably would have been a bigger story. I assume that it will end as soon as she finds out Julian tried to kill Brad anyway. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering how the show wasted Hayden and Tracy’s returns but I was expecting more.
  13. I can’t remember it verbatim but he wrote something similar in his book about when he first worked with Laura Wright so I think he lacks a lot of self-awareness. If his ego was already that big when he first started working with VM, I can only imagine how huge it got a few years later when he became a lead. I don’t really get it. MB seems to be pretty well-liked by his costars so maybe I’m missing something with him but he’s always come off as arrogant to me.
  14. True, they’ve had a couple references about Josslyn being really effected by this but it doesn’t seem authentic to me. It should really be Michael or Kristina getting those scenes
  15. Is Chase still supposed to be the good cop because he didn’t come off like one today.
  16. I love Kevin too but Ryan and his marriage to Laura create a lot of potential conflict of interests with his patients. Cam calls Laura grandma so I don’t think her husband should be treating him. In this case, Neil works better since he’s more of an outsider.
  17. Now I’m thinking Britt is the one who saw Alexis and Neil in NYC given her comment about how Neil looked familiar. Her license recently got re-instated so she might have been at the same hotel that Neil and Alexis were when they met with the board. Although I don’t know what she would do with that info.
  18. Since it’s about her past, I’m guessing it’ll tie into Nelle being Nina’s daughter somehow since I’m more convinced than ever that Willow isn’t her daughter. Although no clue how that’ll work since I’m pretty sure Nelle is supposed to be Michael’s age or younger. I don’t know why this show really thinks we need more Carly.
  19. I loved Alexis finally telling the Sam the truth but it’s unfortunately she can never do it without Sam lashing out at her. I felt for Alexis when she took that drink and it seemed in character. Alexis has been largely offscreen but there have been more references to her going to meetings lately and that she was stressed about Sam and not happy about the situation with her and Neil even if it was for the best. I wasn’t surprised that she reached her breaking point. At least this was more realistic than her breaking sobriety over having a dream about Julian. What’s really sad about this it all seems so one-sided in Sam’s end. Jason seems perfectly content going on with his life and isn’t spending his days scheming like she is. It’s almost like they are in 2 different storylines.
  20. I still don’t get how we’re supposed to be on Sam’s side. I thought they were going to make her parole officer corrupt or an ex-DoD member targeting Sam but her big secret is an affair? So basically, Sam is going to end up blackmailing Dolores for doing her job and we are supposed to believe she’s the good guy in this?
  21. They have to be making Nelle Nina’s daughter. Why else involve her in this storyline at all other than giving Nelle a reason to hate her? I don’t really know how I feel about it but at least it’s better than Willow. There’s no story in making her Nina’s daughter at this point in time and back when they weren’t getting along, I didn’t see any reason why Willow would want a relationship with Nina and vice versa. Their dynamic was a lot different than Carly/Bobbie and Sam/Alexis since the hate was mostly one-sided and misplaced.
  22. The actress is 34 and i think BL supposed to be around the same age since Bobbie referenced her being a friend of Lucas’. Early to mid 30s is where she should be if she’s still supposed to be a contemporary of Lucas, Maxie, and Lulu. But they are writing her as she’s a decade younger so I don’t know.
  23. I think I’ll have to take a break for now. The HW change was promising at first but once they started focusing back on the leads, the show became unwatchable to me. Everyone going to Sonny and Carly for help and letting them be hypocrites, Sam and Jason saving the day. It’s not even fun to snark on right now. I’m sure there’s an audience for this but it definitely isn’t me.
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