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Everything posted by swanpride

  1. If everyone got a similar task, I am ready to bet that Yuki went for the ducks (or any other wild-life) too. I can just see everyone grabbing a fishing line and she being all "okay, where is the next best thing I can butcher?"
  2. I think the Miss America story was the result of a rumor that Marvel was working on a female lead TV series. Since back then everyone assumed that Miss Marvel would be folded into the Captain Marvel Franchise or getting her own movie eventually, a lot of minds sprung to Miss America. But since we now now that there will be a Miss Marvel and a She Hulk series, I think the Miss America idea can be dismissed. For now.
  3. The problem is I have no idea what the show is going for...considering how afraid Brian is of male adults, how difficult it is for him to interact with other children and that started to wet his bed again, I have a hard time to see him as manipulator. But then, why did the older boys do what he wanted? Maybe only in the hope that he wouldn't tell on them in exchange? In addition, I keep seeing a child in dire need of help, but I am not sure if the show runners want me to see that and not want me to be freaked out by him. We don't even know what happened. I mean, the reason why everyone in the community was so freaked out by the murder was the binding to the cross, NOT because the murder itself was particularly brutal. For all we know, this wasn't even a planned murder, but a bunch of macho boys "playing" rough with a toddler. and going to far with their sadistic game. We know what Brian did - showing them how to get to the key and telling them to bind the victim to the cross - but not even the police seems to think that he did more. On the other hand, they might not even consider or believe the notion that a primary schooler would be able to influence older boys into being killers….
  4. Yeah, at the very least they should have shown the children who actually did the killing at one point. I mean, they were apparently not socially awkward, right?
  5. Though I wouldn't mind it if in the MCU she is Hawkeye's daughter….
  6. They even could make HER the deaf one. I know that is usually Hawkeye's role, but, well, why limit yourself? Why not exploring the possibilities with another character? I mean, they basically explored his relationship with Mockingbird with Bobby and Hunter....
  7. Maybe they switch Role and turn Clint into the straight man for Kate's chaotic personality? Maybe it would be fun to give Kate some of the quirks Clint usually has in the comics.
  8. Honestly, the scene in the bath makes me laugh every time...especially the memories of Isshiki "helping" with the gymnastic. He is the best, isn't he?
  9. Well, there are a few murders in the line up which are still unsolved and haven't been attributed to him...mainly the first victim (because he was shot), the two girls (because they were girls and one of them was kidnapped out of her home instead of plucked from the street), and the boy who was never found. In addition, there are a few which have been attributed to him but don't really seem to fit the pattern. The victims they could proof were his died of Asphyxiation. I get the logic that the ones which were strangulated might also be his victims, but two of the victims attributed to him were bludgeoned to death and one died of multiple stab wounds. I don't really see why they were considered victims of the same attacker. And remember, there WERE other murders happen around the same time which were not attributed to the case at all. All this makes the conclusion of the case very dissatisfying. Yeah, they got A murderer, but they don't really know how many victims were his and who killed the other victims.
  10. Not to mention that he opened up her blouse and then immediately introduced her to a guy who was obviously known for making sexual advances at co-workers. There is a difference between saying "hey, tell some interesting story and be a good pal to those people" and outright pimping you out. Honestly, I liked their former boss better. He might not have been completely supportive, but he was fair.
  11. ...why would anyone cool their tea or coffee faster anyway? I rather wait a little bit longer until it has exactly the right temperature and then trink it in leisure. Both tea and coffee has the tendency to get cold too fast for my speed as it is….
  12. Huh...what a coincidence...I posted my own article regarding the future of the MCU a few days ago, in which I was actually playing with the notion of young Avengers, and Hulking was one I mentioned as possibility….I didn't elaborate (because that wasn't the point of the article), but it would actually pretty easy to introduce him with some tweaks to his backstory. After all, Captain Marvel kind of "forgot" one of the Skrulls which went to earth, and I am still not sure if that was an accident or a sneaky set-up. And with WandaVision being planned, Wiccan and Speed are a distinctive possibility, too. Just some idle thoughts. It is possible, but I would also be careful considering the source. There is no reason to put the hope too high just yet.
  13. Yeah, if they keep it, it should come to some personal cost...meaning no BS, they have to keep talking about the topic at hand, no toilet breaks, no eating. Granted, some would most likely still do it, just for the attention. But I would enjoy see them suffering when they do it. At this point though it seems like the US needs a complete overhaul of its democratic system. Which won't happen. The UK has currently a better chance to get there.
  14. Back than there wasn't a Me Too movement. It was something women had to put up with if they wanted to keep their career.
  15. There is a rumor regarding an Agents of SWORD series, but considering the source, I believe it when I see it. Most likely just fan wishes running wild. But it WOULD be pretty cool to have a show in which Daisy and Co go on a planet hopping mission.
  16. I am sometimes wondering if Brexit is a gift or a curse for shows like this. I mean, what is the role of a comedian when reality is already one giant joke?
  17. I am pretty sure that someone did the math there….have you looked at Wikipedia what the source for the claim is?
  18. And due to the snap, they can practically do a restart. But I am not sure if they want to. The interest in the Netflix shows had been waned towards the end, and the new Disney Plus shows might hold way more of the audience interest.
  19. September 10 2001 Peggy: How about we visit the WTC tomorrow? Steve:---------- Honestly, you can do that with more or less everything. I prefer to think that Steve took Hydra apart, ensured that the tessaract was hidden away in a way that nobody would ever find it (or looked for the time stone in order to destroy it for good), invested some money in apple and then lived happily ever after....
  20. But Coulson is so much fun…. Anyway I never minded the kiss all that much. I think that its "creepiness" is slightly overstated because for one, Steve didn't even know who Sharon was when he first showed an interest and two, Sharon doesn't look like Peggy at all. It's not different than falling for a woman and then realising that it is the cousin of your former girlfriend. It happens, and it is not the end of the world. It also didn't happen "five minutes after the funeral", but in a situation in which both characters didn't knew if they would see each other again anytime soon. And, frankly, the scene was funny, which is why it is one of my favourite in Civil War. Here, I said it! I think that the reaction of Sam and Bucky makes the kiss worth it. I am only peeved that due to the overreaction of the fandom, there was never a follow up.
  21. Bathing area. I have to say, their first task is still one of my favourite in the show, even though I think that having to catch a fish while under pressure is extremely risky. The area has to be extremely well stocked.
  22. Plus, who the hell even CARES what the actors say or do? I get it with the writers and the directors, but the actors? Yeah, nope.
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