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Everything posted by swanpride

  1. This is just a suspicion of me, but maybe Savage Lands was a Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch case, meaning a property which weren't really X-men but so closely associated to it, that both companies avoided poking in this particular hornets nest of potential rights disputes. The question is mood now, though, hence I am kind of waiting for them eventually picking the concept up.
  2. I am just waiting for Marvel doing something with the Savage lands. I mean, Superheroes AND Dinosaurs?
  3. Full agreement. Also, it is very noticeable that again the onus is completely on the women. I mean, if you REALLY want to make sure that there is one child for every pair, the best way to do that is just forcefully sterilizing every husband after child 1. Not that I would advocate this in earnest, but it is pretty typical that a bunch of males wouldn't think twice of doing to women what they would never want to suffer themselves.
  4. There is also Jane Fosters Thor run....she actually sold better than OG Thor.... But it is hard to come up with new characters after so many years.
  5. Well, it is not like he is doing everything personally. All a matter of smart delegation.
  6. I know fans don't want to hear it but...well, there is a couple of things which can be done. For starters, getting the comic books out of the comic book store and selling selected issues at places where people might buy something for some light reading. You know, at airports, train stations aso. And they need to take inspiration from Mangas and have more stories which are easily accessible, meaning, something the common MCU fan might see and think "oh, this looks like something interesting and fast to read" without having the feeling to start in the middle of the story (just putting "Number 1" on the cover doesn't help) and never getting to an end anyway.
  7. Ideally we would reach more or less replacement level..meaning something around a birth rate of 2.0. Again, in a LOT of developed country the birth rate is currently LOWER than that, without the need to have some draconian policy. Which doesn't even make sense, btw. If you have a policy like this, it should be "one surviving child per woman", not "oh, this woman is married to a guy who already has a child, let's abort her child which is nearly ready for birth". As I said above, the problem is less population and more the consumption per person, because more people consume more and more resources. The birth rate adjusts to wealth pretty much automatically.
  8. I think he still has merch and some of the finances under him...
  9. So what? A live action movie could be interesting, though I would go for a TV show instead...
  10. ???....strange list. I mean, Akira was ground-breaking, but it is hardly perfect. I also have apparently a very different taste from most anime fans. I have seen only some on the list, but what I have seen never managed to enthral me THAT much. My poison is Detective Conan/Case Closed. Which is a hellish addiction to have considering that the series has now be going on for over 20 years an counting….
  11. Well, looks like at least the Marvel Civil War had a winner….
  12. Thanks to Rachel Maddows I already know that there was an issue, but pointing out the relationship between the Weather service and commerce was very interesting.
  13. That wasn't the point of the episode. The point was that treating women like baby machines has terrible consequences. And that a society in which men are valued over women is NOT healthy, because you naturally need both. As I pointed out above, population is actually something which largely sorts out itself. If you look at the EU countries, most of them have automatically a birth rate below 2.0 (often they hover something around 1.4), without the need to introduce such cruel policies. How many children people get is largely a mixture of cultural and security question. Those policies, they were originally conducted based on a theory which has already been proven wrong. Because if it had been right, our breaking point would have been decades ago. It wasn't, though, because birth rates in a lot of countries fell automatically. We have a lot of problems, but population is actually pretty far down on the list...the level of resources some people claim for themselves on the other hand is.
  14. Well, they also did "The Story of Menstruation". Those shorts were made by the Educational and Industrial Film Division of Disney. I don't think that it still exist...I mean, are schools still ordering educational films? Someone has to pay for this stuff after all.
  15. Most likely like all stateless people in the world: Working on the black market, in this case maybe support from their families.
  16. The short. The implications of it were just creepy.
  17. What about the males? There have to be some second born males, too, right?
  18. I hope they are right….the current purge of Marvel TV is kind of worrying me, even though Runaways and Cloak and Dagger are pretty much existing in their own reality at this point.
  19. Also..."sextortion"..."it was a Honda"...unintentional humour is still the best.
  20. One of the knock-on effect they didn't mention is that women who have been legally born are now pretty much having free pick, which lead to resentment from the men who, well, don't earn that much money or aren't that good looking. Overall though it shows that equality in countries which claim to be communists are a big sham. The obsession of men to control the reproductive rights of women always stuns me, though it shouldn't at this point. In China's case it is especially idiotic, though, because birth rates actually regulate themselves. Remember, wealthier countries automatically have lower birth rates. They all struggle to even get to the 2.0 rate, even with some people getting more than two children.
  21. By a strange twist of fate I just had to get one of those "mixed in the pharmacy" products for myself...interesting experience, basically the only pharmacy where I could get it was at the one closest to the doctor because for one, one of the stuff in it is apparently difficult to get by, and the specific mix is apparently difficult to weight unless you make directly a big batch (hence it makes only sense to sell it if you regularly get customers who need it). So, I am at home and suddenly realise that there is no leaflet where I can check the possible side effects (something which didn't even occur to me when I fetched it). Thankfully it is nothing I would have to swallow, so I guess the risk isn't that high from the get go, but I spend some time figuring out what the stuff in it actually is, just in case. It's basically a broad spectrum antibiotic combined with an immune suppressant. Now I hope that I won't react badly to it. At least I know that I got a fresh batch. And that it wasn't mixed in a toilet.
  22. I think because if they work together, their movements are predictable. If they think on their own, they most likely can because they have smushed their thinking together.
  23. I like both, but I think that I lean more towards the ones in which they test themselves out.
  24. The claim that AoS is popular is based on said study (plus, the fact that Agents of Shield is the longest running Marvel show by a mile). The claim that this version of the Ghost Rider is popular thanks the AoS is admittingly mostly based on the reaction I have seen and all the people who are now wearing the jacket with the white stripes. It's logical, though. The reaction to the character was overall fairly positive. And for the MCU, it isn't just the home market which is important. For them, it is not just about advertising money, it is also about cross promotion. It's about merch sales. It's about protecting their brand.
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