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Everything posted by swanpride

  1. It put the point across. And, as I pointed out above, the US is one of the LEAST densely populated country in the world. To put this is numbers, there are 87 people living in the US per mi². In Canada it is even only 10. Most of the countries which have less population are either very icy (Greenland is with 0.08 at the very bottom of the list), or have a lot of desert (western Sahara with 0.6) or are simply islands which just aren't hot-spots. Now, if we go on the top of the list, we find Monaco with 14,106. But that would naturally not sustainable for the whole world, you are right, we need farmland somewhere. So let's go down on the list to the more populated European countries which still have a proper agricultural sector. There are the Netherlands with 1,082, Belgium with 974, the UK with 710 and Germany with 601. Germany has btw just agreed to take a certain number of Refugees off the hands of the Italian government. To put it differently: Theoretically the US could take in ten times of its population, and still have enough room for farming and nature. Practically this is naturally not something you would be able to do from one day to another. But realistically speaking, the US is far, faaaar away from being "full".
  2. Yeah, when I use "the whore" I don't mean it unkindly either. It is just that for the longest time in literature and film, women were either categorized as "the Madonna or the whore". That is an actual categorisation which has been used for a while, especially in the discussion of horror movies, which clearly influenced Whedon. Just watch Cabin in the wood, where this categorisation is used (and mocked) too. Plus, I myself don't have any unkind thoughts towards prostitutes anyway. It is a job like any other in my country, I don't feel the same moral outrage a lot of Americans feel over it. For all I care woman can sleep and enjoy being with as many men as they want, with or without payment.
  3. Nah, Megumi is simply insecure. Her talent is to make meals which feel homely and make people happy. Plus, it was really unfair to not acknowledge her making the best of the situation in the first place. Honestly, the argument that you have to be "fast" is a bunch of nonsense anyway, because there is a lot of luck involved in this. Those who went to the right table first were automatically in advantage, no matter how fast or slow they were.
  4. The funniest moment of their relationship is in the episode when Peter gets kidnapped and they are both completely upset beforehand because he didn't say "hon" to her. Especially the reaction of Neal and Mozzie to what counts for them as a serious tiff in their marriage.
  5. Most of the time it is simply because the premise is eventually played out. Leverage was certainly an example for this, there are only so many variations of a con you can come up with, it becomes repetitive at a point, and they ended the show just in time before it would have jumped the shark and even managed to do it on a high note (I still want a Leverage International show/movie/whatever). But with Psych that wasn't quite the problem. Maybe the writers were no longer excited about the subject? That can become a problem. If you write daily more or less the same thing, you eventually end up in a rut.
  6. Honestly, one can't expect any deep insights from The View. Maybe with another line-up, but as it is, it is more an insight into people who don't really engage with politics on a deeper level.
  7. Maybe the writers run out of ideas than? Especially in season 2 the cases were actually pretty complex. they were good old criminal cases which were a lot of fun to figure out. Later on they were so easy, you had to be stupid to not figure them out with some basic research....
  8. Whoopi has no clue about economy, does she? She also seems to keep missing the fact that the tax Warren proposes is only for people who already own a lot of money, and that it would only tax what is over this extremely high amount.
  9. He was also more thoughtful in earlier seasons. I mean, yes, he kept pushing people out of their comfort zone, but mostly he meant well when doing it. Later on he is just an egoistic a-hat.
  10. Nah, it wasn't just you....I still pretend that the show ended with the last episode which showed the original child-shawn (which was mid-season four or five, I think...directly after the episode at the Nigara Falls when Shawn and Juliet finally got together), but realistically speaking, they had already dumbed him down too much in season 4. But there were still enough good episodes around the time. Season 2 is easily the best.
  11. Look, if you don't like the show, that is fine, everyone has their own taste. But claiming that it is an procedural when it is clearly not is just wrong complain. If you can't explain your dislike that is okay too, because sometimes it is difficult to put a finger on what doesn't work about a TV show or movie for someone, I wasn't talking specifically about Buffy and Angle, I was talking about Whedon's work in general. His basic ideas of female characters are all there in Firefly...you have the badass female, which is very prominent in all of his work, you have the nerd, and you have in this case quite literally the whore, but reframed as companion. The point of this character is largely to undermine old tropes that women who don't behave "acceptable" for society are somehow bad people or deserving of a bad fate, and that sex in general is something dirty and/or questionable. There is no character who is quite equalling this role in Buffy and Angle, but there is one which fulfils a similar function in Cordelia. While she isn't literally a whore, she is presenting the kind of arrogant, status oriented girl which would normally be on the top of the killing list in a slasher movie. (Buffy herself would be there too, since she used to be a cheerleader). The type is more obvious in The Avengers though, where Black Widow is wielding her sexuality like a weapon. One of the things I like about Agents of Shield is that normalises sexuality, while also NOT using it as some sort of weapon. The female characters use charm, but not seduction. I mean, the one time an agent was supposed to seduce someone, said Agent was Ward, and his attempts at "bromancing" someone were hilarious.
  12. Easy, the writing staff of TV shows tend to change every four seasons or so. And obviously the newer writers didn't understand that Shawn just pretends to be a careless idiot instead of actually being one.
  13. Eventually it will boil to I guess around three services. The Internet is a thing, if people really want to watch something they can and they do.
  14. ??? Agents of Shield isn't a "Whedon" show in the sense you are talking about. He helped to start it, but show runners are his brother and his sister in law. But to address your points. 1. Have you stopped watching after episode 14? The show hasn't been a procedural for a long, long time. Not only is it telling a continuing story, it also expects the audience to remember details which happened four seasons ago. 2. Again, have you stopped watching early on? We are talking about a ragtag team of spies who constantly fight for what is right against all odss. 3. I am not sure why you consider "sexiness" an important quality for a show, but I guess we also have a very different definition of sex appeal. Personally I think that the show is superior to the Whedon shows. Because it allows characters to develop, the female characters don't fall into the same three variants Whedon likes so much (the badass, the nerd and, excuse my wording, the whore) and it is way more unpredictable.
  15. Or at least they would do it legally if not for the fact that they are prevented to get close to the border. Btw, do you know that there are regularly weddings happening on the bridge to the border? Apparently if you marry your spouse in Mexico you are not allowed bring him or her in and naturally said spouse won't be allowed to enter the US to marry there. So they marry ON the border and then have to wait until they are allowed in. Well, I suspect in those cases the application is dealt with a little bit faster.
  16. Also, there is now officially a day which sucks even more as birthday than Christmas.
  17. Oh, and regarding the "my country is full" line...the US is actually one of he LEAST populated country in the world in terms of how much people live in how much space. There is PLENTY of room left.
  18. Yeah, the "worst people" nonsense is pretty much the opposite of reality. In reality the US is draining the best and brightest from developing countries. And then complain about the fact that said countries don't develop. Geez, I wonder why.
  19. Well, they could make him a survivor of one of the other genocides which happened since 1945. Or they make him Egyptian, then they can even keep his Jewish background.
  20. Again, why so complicated? Put them in their own universe and then you can always do reality hopping events. This way they can be what they want to be, there won't be a need for any complicated explanations regarding the time-line, and you can still have the crossover if you want to. Kind of like it is in the comics, just that the writers have to skip one extra barrier for the crossover.
  21. Mystique. But this time actually Mystique! I want to see Rogues love story with Gambit...
  22. Well, at this point the students have already been schooled in cooking all through middle school, so I don't mind that that "camp" is more a test of their abilities by throwing them into situations in which they either adapt (and hence learn from the experience) or fail. But I agree, it would be interesting if the show had a little bit more in terms of simple lesson. I guess that would be too boring, though….
  23. They could do a REVERSE approach for the X-men. Here is what I would do: Step 1: I would put them in their own separate Universe. This way you don't have to worry about tone, continuity, anything of this kind. Step 2: I would create a TV show featuring the Xavier School of gifted people, with every episode focussing on the story of another X-men, so that the audience has the chance to really get to know the characters. Step 3: Do a movie which focusses on specific characters of the "you don't HAVE to see the TV show before, but it is great if you do" kind. Though in order for that to work, Disney Plus REALLY needs to take off, so that there is a proper fanbase for the TV show from the get go. Step 4: Once there have been enough movies, do a dimension hopping crossover event in which the X-men meet the Avengers. Step 5: Have at least one X-men (preferably Storm, but maybe it would be fun to do it with one of Magneto's followers) ending up stranded in the MCU, so that said X-men can explore a world in which powered people are mostly able to life in peace (when they aren't busy rescuing the world). And while I am NOT a wolverine fan, they could also do a Wolverine show for Hulu which shows him stabbing his way through various historical events in this world….
  24. I still think that the X-men are best used in their own separate universe...maybe one in which the Kree never played around with human DNA, which lead to mutants developing naturally, which in turn changed the whole history. and I mean the WHOLE history. But there are a few (so far unused) X-men which can fit in the MCU simply as people who have power. I mean, I don't think that it took anything away from Quake that they turned her into an Inhuman. For example, I want Dazzler. For three reasons: 1. I think that the notion of a powered person openly using her abilities fits better in the MCU than in the X-men verse. 2. I kind of like the idea of a character who develops powers and decides "yeah, let's start a firework with it" instead of immediately jumping into being a hero. 3. It would be a great excuse for some sort of musical or the typical "rise of a star" movie...this is a genre the MCU hasn't covered so far. Another thing is...if they go for the X-men, I have the feeling that it is a better idea to put them into a show instead of a movie. Gives everyone more room to breath.
  25. Honestly, I think it is better if they take their time anyway. Let the current run of the X-men wrap up properly, give it some time to die down, and then, in four, five years, it might be time to think about a reboot. I mean, it is not like there aren't enough OTHER properties worth exploring.
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