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Everything posted by swanpride

  1. Yeah, I mean, it is a latte, it's not like they have decked out their shops in Halloween decorations.
  2. There is a difference between dying for a cause or sacrificing yourself for a cause in a moment of desperation and handing someone over to an enemy when there are still other options. This is not about counting lives, it is about principles. And I know "principles" sounds like an hollow concept, but they are needed so that we don't see lives as disposable.
  3. Rebecca's story was what turned the show around for me again. The last season ruined it. I mostly disliked the Sara episodes. And I didn't want Neal to move anywhere. I want him to be free damnit. I tend to pretend that the show ended with Neal getting kidnapped.
  4. It seems like Sony wanted to continue the original deal, but Disney wanted a bigger cut of the money. So for once, it might not be Sony we need to blame there. Let's wait and see. I don't think the last word is spoken there.
  5. It's still one of my favourite shows...and so rewatchable!
  6. I kind of assumed that they were simply there to collect information about the fight between Tony and co and the aliens….
  7. I don't even want the X-men in the MCU...unless they move them into a parallel universe.
  8. Because we are hysterical. Didn't you know?
  9. What bothered me about the whole thing is that The Incredible Hulk established that Bruce can't have sex without hulking out. So, one thing to not wanting a child or not being able to have a child, but is Natasha asexual? Otherwise being with a man who can't have sex might be a problem down the line. There is also the little fact that Bruce is nearly old enough to be her father. A set up which somehow bothers me more in movies than in real life. Because if it were the other way around, they wouldn't have even considered this particular pairing.
  10. Frankly, the Ibuprofen might not be the BEST example. Fun fact: If you, say, break a bone in Germany, the go to "painkiller" you get actually IS Ibuprofen. For two reason: One, you really only get anything addictive at all if your pain is so bad that there is no other option, and two, our doctors prefer to only take away the edge of the pain instead of supressing it completely, because pain is an importing warning sign. Taking it away can hinder the healing process. I didn't quite understand what illness she was talking about, though. Maybe it was something which would require opiates to deal with. Otherwise though I would say that she was lucky (in this particular case). American doctors are subscribing opiates way too fast (because the pharma industry has an interest in it). I mean, the opiate crisis is largely related to people getting addicted by their doctor or by taking the stuff as replacement for actual treatment.
  11. What kind of spices are used in pumpkin pie?
  12. Not really, since the one who had the best rapport with the HULK was Thor. It should have been him all along. And regarding the romance: If you need to write a scene in which one character has to explain awkwardly why she is interested in the other character, than one might consider NOT to do it. I mean, I know why Peggy liked Steve, but there was no need for her doing a long monologue about why she is specifically in love with him, I just had to understand his character and her character and I knew that they are a good fit. Most of their relationship works over looks otherwise.
  13. Sure, but it would have been the best idea back in the day, too. For one, Thor and Hulk had already started a rapport in The Avengers, two, Thor was already largely side-lined in The Avengers, so it would have been great to see more interaction between him and the others, three since Thor is able to survive a hit by Hulk he is the logical candidate for "calming down" duty, while Natasha is pretty much the worst candidate. Hulk nearly killed her in the Avengers!!! It really feels that the one reason why they gave Natasha that role is her gender.
  14. Oh, nothing against the pill. But it seems the standard answer for "don't know what is going on with you, must be hormones".
  15. The subjects where most likely just glad about the money. It's the doctors who deserve the blame there. I mean, really? The idea that a woman is some medical mystery is frustrating. And yes, I got the "maybe you should try birth control" line, too. One could think that the pill is some sort of "heal everything" wonder, which takes care of everything from pain over mood swings to the condition of your skin.
  16. It's a small thing, but I was always bitter that they basically declared the whole "calm down the hulk by petting his hand" thing as woman's work and played it was a joke the one time Thor did it. Who should have had the job from the get go, btw. I felt that Age of Ultron would have been better served if it had explored a war buddy relationship between Thor and the Hulk, and a simple friendship between Natasha and Bruce. Also because then Natasha's betrayal in the end would have been the betrayal of a team member and not the betrayal of a love interest.
  17. Not living in the US but I can confirm this. I am currently looking for a new doctor whose solution for my problem (which is an unexplained constant lack of Iron while also being unable to stomach Iron tablets) is NOT "have you been to your woman's doctor?"
  18. Honestly, I never got this obsession of pairing Natasha up with Clint. Or with Steve for that matter. It is possible for men and woman to have lasting friendships which aren't romantic. Also, I always shipped Natasha with Falcon anyway.
  19. I would like to see Ward, just for completion sake. He is not on the top of my list, though. There is the cast of Agent Carter (preferable at different points in time), a young Coulson, a young Nick Fury (since I doubt that they'll get SL Jackson...it would be awesome if they did though….)
  20. They all are pretty amazing. I suspect that Marvel Studios has the best casting director in town. She does such a great job picking out talents instead of stars.
  21. Plus, every movie needs some sort of comic relief.
  22. Huh, he didn't even occur to me...and I am expecting fully that they will spend the last season jumping through the whole history of shield. Which would allow to have all kind of guest appearances. I hope they tried to get as many as possible!
  23. Sebastian Stan is one of the reasons why I am so excited for Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Hopefully he can stretch his acting chops even more in this one.
  24. Nebula was amazing. I was btw rewatching Ragnarök and realized that there is a scene in which Thor rants at Valkyrie for hiding away and drowning in alcohol, telling her that he would go out there and rescue Asgard because "That's what heroes do." I am still trying to decide if this is hilarious or heart-breaking in hindsight...
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