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Everything posted by swanpride

  1. It would have been the perfect opportunity to And I am kind of sad that they didn't. On the other hand after the
  2. What confuses me: Even if they take Loki out, the timeline is still split at that point. Because there is so much other stuff which changed aside from Loki. Just the fact that they kept the tesseract would be problem.
  3. Okay, this was perfect. I mean, a lot of exposition, but well done exposition, and I had a lot of really good laughs. And THAT is how you do a good twist, I never considered the possibility of Loki having to go up against himself. One thing though: Not sure if I believe in Loki being all remorseful. I mean, he just recognized that this is the most powerful place of them all, this could all be part of a bigger ploy to rule something even better than the universe. This is Loki after all, and watching the fate of his redeemed version doesn't make him feel the same thing. Plus, he might not like what fate has in store for him if he tries to be a hero. Only disappointment: Despite everything I was hoping that they would acknowledge AoS when they showed Coulson. That would have been the perfect opportunity, but no, Feige still has no understanding how important AoS was to keep some people invested in the MCU.
  4. Not quite, since Cummings never had some strange show but "prided" himself to work (supposedly) in the background. I guess the equivalent to Steve Bannon would be Farage (the guy shown the last time they addressed something british in the show), except that Farage was never officially part of Johnson's inner circle.
  5. The movie shows The Other threatening Loki and apparently hurting him.
  6. Beforehand? As far as we know Loki's actions were (in the frame of Asgardians) simple jokes and occasional tricks, basically him using his brains instead of his brans. There is a deleted scene in Thor in which he and Thor are joking around, and the Thor puts him down, a servant shows amusement about this and Loki retaliates with one of his tricks. As far as we know, none of his "jokes" went to far until he led the Jotunns in because he wanted to prevent Thor getting the throne (and let's be honest here, Thor is very unsuited for it at this point). It is pretty clear that Loki didn't intend to have anyone die during this, he assumed that the destroyer would do the work and nobody but the Jotunns - who in his mind are just savage beast, remember - would get hurt. All he does at the beginning of Thor is trying to proof that Thor is unsuited for the throne (which is is, let's be honest), it was most likely not even his intention to have Thor actually go to Jotunheim, he just wanted him to get caught during the attempt. Don't get me wrong here, I am not one of the "poor innocent Loki" camp, he carries responsibility for his actions, but he was never completely evil either. The Asguardian guards who died were an accident, not part of his plan (he is responsible for them dying, no doubt, but it wasn't intentional), his whole plan to take out the Jotuns was basically him lashing out and the result of him not considering Jotuns anything but savage beasts (as I said, internalised racism), his actions on earth are happening after Thanos was torturing and manipulating him for months (apparently Loki even misremembers what happened on the rainbow bridge), him sending the cursed right to his own mother was for sure not intentional but yet another case of Loki acting without considering the possible consequences, and him taking the throne and casting Odin out was the equivalent of him taking the toy Thor didn't want. Loki is just Loki, he is pure chaos and his actions can have good and bad consequences.
  7. Well, imagine you grew up being told that Asians (just an example) are the worst scum of the earth, monsters who should be killed on sight to protect the superior white race. And you believe this, that you are part of the superior white race and pretty much everyone in the universe is beneath you. And then one day you look in the mirror and realise that you are Asian yourself. But it has been ingrained in you that being Asien makes you automatically inferior. Add to this that your father favoured your brother your whole life. How would that make you feel? Loki suppers from internalised racism paired with the worst father complex of them all, even beating Tony's. Everything he does in the first Thor movie is about proving to Odin that he is the better son...convincing Thor to go against Odin's orders, his whole plan to kill Laufey right in Odin's bedroom, him trying to destroy the Jotunn's altogether, all to win Odin's approval, just to have him say "no" to him in the end. And a lot of this can be traced back to how Loki was raised.
  8. Isn't it a "hot vax summer"? I thought this was some silly wordplay nobody is really using but some people are immediately getting offended about? I was kind of missing the context... But regarding context I know: Yeah, Cummings is pretty much like all the Trump guys who eventually turned against Trump, though in his case the assumption is that Johnson was more his puppet than the other way around until the puppet decided that he didn't need his "expertise" anymore. The difference is that what was shown in the show was actually an official hearing which was conducted. Not that it will change a lot.
  9. For context: This guy in the segment about the UK, that is a former advisor to Boris Johnson, whose position in the government was extremely controversial, because he was an unelected advisor with supposedly a lot of power. Last year he was involved in a scandal when he was tested positive for Covid and decided the right reaction to this was driving to the country with his family and visiting a castle on the birthday of his wife. When this became known, his excuse for the trip was, that he needed to "check his eyesight" before driving back to London (yeah, really). In short, everything he said needs to be taken with a grain of salt and the main reason why his testimony was believed now that he turned against Johnson (who threw him out towards the end of last year), is because what he said is right in line with what most people suspected anyway. He is also one of the supposed masterminds of Brexit. Yeah, Brazil has been f... up the Covid response from the get go. And it is pretty likely that the last dangerous strain will come from Brazil too, because it can be running free there, in a mix of vaccinated and not vaccinated people. Btw, African American is a term which has the same problem, because it makes a huge difference if your history is one of Slavery, or if your parents (or you yourself) simply immigrated from one of the various African states which just like the Asian ones are very diverse in history and culture.
  10. Frigga is a women. The movies have been very clear about healing, magic aso being mostly the job of the women, while men draw their worth out of being warriors. Plus, it is pretty telling that the warrior three are Thor's friends, but not really Loki's. Which means that Loki has basically no friends of his own, he is just allowed to hang around the "cool gang" because his brother allows him to. (And yes, considering that there were Valkeries in the past the attitude towards women in Asgard makes zero sense, but we can thank a string of male writers who apparently never got the idea that in Asgard there might be a thing like gender equality for this one.). I also don't think that it was Loki's intention to kill the guards. He said himself that they were killed because they didn't do their job properly. It's a typical "didn't think through the possible consequences" move from Loki. (That doesn't make it right, but he only became a mass murder after he learned of his heritage, and the readiness to kill the whole Jotun race was mostly born out of a desire to erase his true heritage and proof to be "better" than them. And that kind of thinking is completely due to his upbringing).
  11. Sure, and Thor thought that this behaviour was funny. Loki is a complex character, which is exactly what makes him so interesting.
  12. Eh...Odin did a little bit more than that. He never told Loki that he was adopted, he encouraged an environment in which Thor's abilities were celebrated and Loki's were put down and, worst of all, he taught his sons that Jotuns were savage beasts (or he allowed others to taught them that without ever countering the notion in any way). Loki is pretty much crazy, but he is crazy because he has been taught that his ancestry makes him automatically a monster. That doesn't make him innocent, but he is so messed up because of the way he was raised, and putting him in prison and throwing away the key would have never changed that. He needed therapy.
  13. Loki is easily the thing which rescues the movie. Thor's story is actually generic as hell, but seeing Loki struggling with his identity always makes it worth watching.
  14. ...he is the director. If I had the choice between a picture of the director and the main actor and one with both of them and the director is somehow dressed up for something, I would pick the latter.
  15. I wish they had released it this week. Today is a holiday in my country, I would have had so much time to watch, rewatch, analyse and rewatch again the episode. Next week - not so much luck.
  16. ...I first want to see Peter grow up properly before killing him off....
  17. Above all cereals are basically a con.
  18. Frankly, I am not in a hurry. I won't be able to go to the cinema before August. Black Widow and Eternals are more than enough to tide me over for this year.
  19. See? I didn't even know this, but it doesn't surprise me. There is a lot of room for Sony to play around...it is just that in the past they kept insisting on such nonsense as an Aunt May movie, instead of really thinking about which characters work in isolation if handled correctly and which don't.
  20. Small reminder that while Sony failed with their Spider-man live action projects lately, they have a nearly perfect track record when it comes to animated shows and movies (well, movie) featuring him. And they certainly could do a Spidergwen movie and people would be interested. There is room for Sony to expand while also grabbing the MCU money.
  21. The spider-man situation is annoying, but honestly, I am very relaxed about it. I really would love to see this spider-man grow up and go through all the stages of adulthood (down to having a daughter eventually), and I really hope that this will happen, but there is actually very little reason why it shouldn't. The whole deal is a win/win situation for the two studios. Sure there will be negotiations and sure, sony will try to do their own thing by the side, but I am pretty sure they got more money out of Spider-man Far from home than out of Venom, even though they had to share.
  22. Honestly, the more people keep talking about Agents of Shield and the more MCU fans discover the series, the better is it chance that it will eventually get a nod. And I am sure that they will. Agents of Shield has a very dedicated fanbase, and now that it is easily accessible on Disney Plus, more and more people will give it a chance.
  23. Between that and the past segment about right win companies buying up local news channels to slip in their toxic messages, I guess one should really avoid local news in the US. Which is a shame, because local news should be a force for good, not selling fake Nazi-blanket (honestly, not sure if I should be flattered that claiming that something was engineered in Germany is apparently a selling point or angry about someone misusing the Made in Germany label that way). Is it bad that the segment with all those idiots misusing their opportunity speak up in behalf of the community really angered me? It is stuff like this which makes it so much harder for serious issues to be heard. Regarding the first segment...still infuriating. I really don't get this obsession to control women reproduction rights.
  24. Technically you don't even have to provoke someone. You can just shoot someone and then claim that you were afraid - see Trevon Martin. As long as your victim has the right skin colour and/or social status, nobody will question you.
  25. Yeah, the part where she "stepped between the headlights" is the most unbelievable thing about it. For one: It would be a very stupid thing to do in the first place. And two: Even if a bunch of apparently already keyed up criminals were inclined to stop for her, they most likely wouldn't manage to do so before hitting her, if they were really as fast and rowdy as she claimed. But even if the story were true: The fact is that she wasn't charged, and that some random police officers claimed that she would be just on the account of what she described, is really not comforting. But honestly: She should have been charged if the story were true. Because if you tell it differently, than what happened is that she felt threatened by a bunch of guys who happened to drive through a parking garage while being rowdy and decided to pull a gun on them in response. That she thinks that the "planned something" has little bearing when those guys didn't even bother to leave their car. What exactly where they planning to do which apparently didn't involve leaving their car or running her over (which they could have done easily)? She is lucky that no one in their right mind believes this BS story or is inclined to follow up on it.
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