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Everything posted by swanpride

  1. My Problem is more that Peggy is a different Character than Steve is. She just would have approached a lot very differently...and I feel that they kind of underplayed the fact that she was a women. Sure, there were the jerks, but it would have been genuinely interesting to explore what it would have meant for the feminist movement if the strongest person on earth was clearly a women. Instead they kind of diminished her, not because they made her too perfect, but above all because they basically just gave her Steve's story. But she isn't Steve. Honestly, the first season of Agent Carter was waaaaay better than this. On every level.
  2. I was kind of disappointed...sorry. But I was hoping for a little bit more than Peggy just doing a variation on Steve's story.
  3. First of all: Great that he called out the Russia BS. I mean, I get the idea to give Russian athletes a chance to compete, but how about an "Olympic team of free athletes" which features not just Russians, but also other athletes who can't or won't compete under the flag of some country for whatever reason? Add to this that this Olympics were overall very suspect due to the lack of drug testing in the past year (since the facilities were needed for Corona testing) ... though granted, since Russian athletes were the only ones which did get tested regularly, they were most likely the smallest problem this time around.... Otherwise...honestly, the moment I heard about them pleading guilty I knew that this would only happen in exchange for escaping Scott free. It's actually quite of depressing that nothing in the segment was surprising.
  4. I enjoy van Camp. He certainly made the most out of the scenes she got. But what she got so far is just terrible material. Her whole story makes zero sense, unless you go for "she got replaced by a rogue scrull".
  5. ...AoS established that the Darkhold is different for everyone, so that is not a clash. Nor is Loki starting out with only 1 timeline, because time works differently in the TVA anyway. For the TVA timeline, the crack could have happened before AoS started meddling with time. Not to mention that the explanation for the
  6. But Feige hasn't said that AoS is no longer part of canon. In fact, he is very careful to not say either way. But yeah, even if he had said something definitive about it, what is the big issue if fans still decide to consider the show canon?
  7. Everyone knows that the streaming shows are "different", and yes, between them, WandaVision ended up being the first out of the gate. That doesn't automatically mean that Agent Carter and Agents of Shield aren't a thing. And in general, I am kind of stunned how keen a part of the fandom seems to be to have Agents of Shield out of canon while insisting on Disney picking up again Daredevil in the same breath. Between those two, AoS is clearly way closer connected.
  8. I like the show the best when I learn something. Though, for the record, I didn't enjoy the Mickey joke. I mean, I get that Disney is kind of triggering people with their "family friendly" image, but I actually like Mickey as a character, especially the Mickey of the old, before he was pushed into the role of the straight man, and the Mickey from the European comics, where he is more a detective character. In fact, he is my favourite of the "main three", which I know is rare. And while I am not a prude, the joke was a little bit too crass for my personal sensibilities. There are some things I really don't want in my childhood memories. I appreciated him pointing out who actually did the work in the in-car birth. Back to the ambulance thing....it's actually a pretty complicated matter. I am a member of a non-profit organisation over here in Germany, which provides a lot of emergency services. With the right structures, ambulances can be a pretty stable business, which is by far not limited to bringing people to hospitals. Like, if someone wants to have a big event, it is basically part of the deal that an ambulance team has to be around in the case of emergency (and you have ALWAYS emergencies at big event, from alcohol poisoning, to heat strokes, to wounds, there are a lot of reasons why there should be people nearby who know what to do in an emergency, and who can bring people to the hospital with the proper equipment). The various organisations who offer this service DO compete with each other for the contracts. Another job they do fairly regularly is bringing people back who got ill on vacation. Since they usually can stay wherever they are in order to recover, the regular health insurance doesn't pay for the transport but there are additional insurances or organisations which offer the service. And finally they do also things like bringing someone who is deadly ill to a last event or similar, so transports for private matters. It's not cheap, but it is affordable (we used the service to have my grandma transported to a wedding, but we actually don't know exactly how expensive having her transported nearly one hour away, having the MTAs with her for the whole service and then for the beginning of the actual celebration in the restaurant and then having her transported back after she got tired, because the organisation "lost" the bill as a wedding present...but we could have paid for it, even if we had tipped in our savings). Anyway, long story short, one can actually combine a non-profit part (the emergency transports) with a pro-profit part in ambulance services. But the emergency transports, they have to non-profit. And naturally an ambulance should be paid for driving to an emergency, not for bringing someone to the hospital. (in case someone is wondering, the profit which is made within the ambulance service is naturally used for other non-profit projects).
  9. You know, if you really want to shock Americans spending time in Germany, just call an ambulance on them. First they get terrified and then they are stunned when they see the bill. Because even if you are uninsured, medical services are simply not as expensive at it is in the US (and if they are with a German insurer, well, then the bill is zero). Hence I was completely aware how expensive ambulances are for those who need them. But I was unaware of all the structural nonsense which has to be in the background to make them the way they are.
  10. True...either that or just change the flashbacks to a teenage or young man Shawn. But honestly, the show had run its course at this point anyway. The moment they changed the actor for young Shawn is basically my mental cutting off point. I can deal with the few bad episodes they had beforehand, I can't deal with the nonsense which followed. Oh, and season 2 is by far the best!
  11. I think the issue is more that back then, it simply wasn't the proper thing to do. Bucky is quite a flirt, but even with him I kind of doubt that he had that much experience.
  12. Honestly, those early instances seemed to me more Shawn playing dumb than actually not knowing what it means. Especially in "Cloudy" he seems to play up his stupidity so give Gus opportunities to explain the jargon to him.
  13. ...more the girl ignored him. He tried to be nice to her, but she was clearly showing him the cold shoulder.
  14. I mean, Steve is no monk, he certainly did some kissing and grouping, despite Natasha's suggestions. But I also don't see him having sex without any emotional connections. And there are only a handful of people with whom he has this kind of connection. I can imagine that he had a fling or two other than Sharon Carter, But honestly, even if he had been a virgin, who cares?
  15. Yeah, but I agree, the anti-vaxxer thing is more pressing and deserved a better coverage than some guy who proudly says that he won't get vaccinated after surviving covid. A lot of people might consider him a hero for this nonsense. Honestly, it might be more important to cover how many beg to get vaccinated shortly before being put on the ventilator, only to learn that it is too late, how many young people are victims of covid by now and especially the whole system behind the whole topic, I know other people have covered it fairly recently, especially since Fox is starting to take a u-turn on this issue, but LWT has a bigger reach. Or, to be precise, it has a better chance to reach people who are in the bubble than the other outlets have. Though speaking about getting conned: Hard time to feel sorry for the people for fell for block busting and sold under price. But it also reminded me of an episode of Highway to heaven which is about a neighbourhood reacting to a group home for mental health patients are being started in their neighbourhood. As usual there is a lot of stuff happening to ensure that the neighbours eventually start to accept the group home, but one of the points which always stuck out to me about it was the fact that the house prices are down in the area...basically because everyone wants to sell their home due to the group home. But until the very end, when one neighbour calls the fact out, the blame the group home for this instead of themselves for not being ready to accept to live close to "those people". For some reason that episode resonated more with me than the one which actually was about black people wanting to buy in a "white" neighbourhood...I guess mostly because it explained more how you hurt yourself with those kind of attitudes. Speaking of attitudes...I really wonder what was to see if you buy milk in the middle of the night in this one neighbourhood. (And who would want to buy milk in the middle of the night anyway).
  16. Regarding the main story: It feels like the topic was already covered, but I guess you can't explain this often enough. And the lady who didn't want to sell her house was fun. But I guess my main take-away from this is...why exactly is it so hard to admit for Americans that their ancestors might have been racist? If I can admit that my grandfather was most likely a Nazi (not a top tier one), and that my beloved sweet Grandmother was a racist (and against catholics), it can't be that difficult to admit that your grandfathers might have been happy living in a "white" neighbourhood.
  17. Maybe they should have shown the doctor who said how often he has people dying of covid before him who beg him for the vaccine only for him having to explain to them that it is now too late. It's heart-breaking. And maybe a better point than this guy insisting that he doesn't want a vaccine even after recovering. Also, I am kind of confused why the thoughts of the American media immediately goes to sex regarding those beds. I mean...hello, it's japan, most people there sleep in a futon, basically they are used to a basic covering over a hard ground. Which, btw, is a pretty good way to sleep anyway.
  18. Yeah, the later seasons are practically unwatchable because the writers have somehow forgotten that Shawn is a freaking genius who most of the times just pretends to have no clue, not an actual idiot who just lucks out while solving cases.
  19. Still, one of the big plus of the MCU is the fact that it actually offers a continuing story and not just a mess of different ideas and reboots.
  20. What is so surprising about the placement? Logically Loki should be set at the same time as Endgame...which
  21. I am confused...did Loki go back to his Mobius or did he end up in an alternate version of the TVA?
  22. Frankly, I don't even believe the "you are here because I wanted you to be" BS. I am pretty sure that was a last play of this guy. Because otherwise the whole Miss Minute attempt to keep them away made zero sense.
  23. Not bad, but honestly, I don't think too highly of the Emmys anyway. They are mostly an advertising tool anyway.
  24. Not really. If what he was saying was true, there would always be another reality in which said person is still alive. But by limiting everything to one timeline, you basically ensure to erase the possibility of it. Which was the point, wasn't it? No to rescue people, but to be the one ultimate version of yourself.
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