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Everything posted by P2C2E

  1. Man, they got me again. Linda's talk with Louise, the end of Louise's report, the song, it all had me tearing up. Not as much as the Christmas episode, but oh the feels! The writers have really hit it out of the park on some of these episodes. I love when we get to see both Bob and Linda be amazing parents. And helps to make up for how shitty and awful Linda was last week.
  2. See I don't think Bliss really means it anymore. Initially, yes I think she had some reservations. But now it feels like she's just repeating it because that's the storyline producers have given them. She's all in, but the producers are directing her to bring up being second choice so that there's more unsurety going into the weddings. The producers don't want a show where all the couples are happy and excited and ready to get married. They need drama and they'll manufacture it when it isn't there.
  3. Same here. I laughed so hard. It made my day.
  4. P2C2E

    Blue Beetle (2023)

    Batman is a fascist! 😂
  5. A green card is not just for getting a job. It's approval to reside in the US. If her parents intention was to move permanently to the US I'm confused why they haven't previously applied for green cards for the whole family. Is the whole family residing in the US on the dad's visa? And for a decade?
  6. Wait, she's working on getting her green card? Or citizenship? Has she been on her dad's visa for ten years?
  7. Micah and Paul, not gonna happen. Her friends are so shallow, and he's not gonna give her the life she really wants. I feel so bad for Chelsea. She seems like such an awesome woman, and Kwame is just being so noncommittal. I don't think he's wrong for not wanting to make compromises, or to not settle down with kids. But it makes them wrong for each other. And he's not being honest about that. Also, Josh was really fucking drunk. (I think a lot of them are, a lot of times. It's the reality show way.) And he's totally Jackie's type, in all the wrong ways. Marshall saying she was a project. Awful choice of words, in understandably a heated moment. But I think I understand what he was trying to say. It just came out very wrong.
  8. I'm cracking up at Brett trying to say he doesn't really spend money on things when he has a whole ass wall of sneakers.
  9. Micah is such a hypocrite. Telling Irina off for being flirty with Paul behind her back when she was 100x more flirty with Kwame and thought Chelsea was ridiculous for having a problem with that. Bitch, please.
  10. I must have fast forwarded through that part. Was it one of Ken's guesses? I pretty much fast forward through everything except for packages and singing at this point. It's the only way the show is bearable.
  11. Damn Micah with the revisionist history. Her being all, I was all in with you the whole time. Bitch, you broke up with him! She just doesn't want another girl to have what she broke up. She's very calculated in what she's doing. And reading between the lines of that pool conversation, her whole no matter what happens, she knows she's not marrying Paul and she's trying to keep Keane on the hook for after.
  12. I think I'm in love with Jesper. That's all.
  13. I do not understand the obsession with cursive. I learned it in school and have never used it since. It carries no additional writing advantage over printing. I care that the Dillard kids learn to read and write. Why on earth should it matter if it's cursive?
  14. I wonder if he's dealing with significant pain? And just trying to power through? He mostly just looked tired to me. My conspiracy theory on Debbie Gibson is that she could only do one episode because it was already scripted that the person she was replacing would be a one and done. So she couldn't move on even though she ended up being the superior singer because it would throw off the schedule. This is my favorite Michael Bolton song. 🤣
  15. Oh hello Pentatonix, I'd know that style and harmonies anywhere. Scott's voice sounded a bit different, but his style is so recognizable.
  16. There's a possibility that the finals aren't rigged. But who gets to the finals is absolutely rigged. Especially with the new format it's very obvious that people contact for one or two shows, or to get to the finals. I think they contract X number of people to make it X far and then the finale is up for grabs. It seems unlikely that people would commit to all of the show but agree to lose. But I can see agreeing to be put through to the finals and then may the "best" performance "win".
  17. I know she's got heels on, but Medusa seems way too tall for all their guesses.
  18. I wish she knew the world was so much bigger than Tim. But to her it isn't. She wasn't raised to have a choice. It is just so fundamentally sad.
  19. The pacing is still awful. I wonder if it's because they're trying to adapt the books. It feels like they're moving some things too quickly and then not giving enough explanation for other things. Also, I just can't with Lockwood constantly declaring them to be the best when I have yet to see any semblance of competence from them. This episode just reinforced that. They're bumbling idiots that keep lucking into a right answer or solution. After the first episode, I thought the show was fun and had good potential. But now I'm not even sure I can continue watching.
  20. Obviously not every show is for everyone, so I can't say that you will like it if you continue. What I will say is that I watched the first episode and thought it was odd and boring and not funny at all. But so many of my friends were posting about how they loved it that I decided to keep watching. And I fell in love. I think it's hilarious, heartwarming, and full of unabashedly queer love that makes my heart sing. And on rewatch, I loved the first episode. So, it may not be worth it to you to continue. But it was to me.
  21. I had tickets to that in April 2020 and I'm still mad about it. 🙃
  22. The pacing was really off in this episode. I liked the first episode, but this one not so much. Were we given any indication how long they've worked together. Because it doesn't seem like that long but they're acting like it's been ages. It was all just off.
  23. No idea how accurate the science is, but apparently redheads also have genetics that cause them to process anaesthesia faster and can require more frequent anesthesia than others.
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